You’re on an email loop, and you read where a particular author you like is having a contest. Let’s pretend for the moment that the "prize" is something you want. But how far will you go to enter to try and win it?
What kind of contests are you willing to enter? What kind makes you shy away?
For example, here’s a list of varying kinds of contests I’ve seen run, or have run myself. What’s your opinion of them? WHICH WOULD YOU PREFER?
* Scavenger Hunts – where the readers search all over a website for a particular picture
* Fill In the Blanks – requiring some research
* Quizzes – where the readers are given a question to answer after reading a particular excerpt
* Come to a chat and possibly win at random
* Being the ?#? new member to join an author’s loop
* Sending in proof of purchase for another one of the author’s books
Here’s where you, reader AND author, get to drop off your two cents (hey, authors are readers, too!)
The only kind I shy away from are the scavanger hunts that have more the 8 things to hunt for I get tired real quick LOL
Oh, I can SO relate! Especially if you have to go all over the web to look, or if the author's website where the hunt's taking place is HUGE. :D
Easier the better...hehe!!!
I shy away from big scavenger hunts too. Don't mind looking over a website for answers to questions.
Will only join in on loop contests if I am actually participating in the conversation.
Mostly shy away from big prizes as I'm over the pond and wouldn't expect an author to have to pay big bucks for postage.
I don't have a ton of time for scavenger hunts, but I'll sometimes send an email or answer a question. Unless it's something I desperately want, I'll leave the chance to a possible new fan or reader for an author.
The only type I don't tend to enter are the ones that require proof of purchase. Mainly because my book fund isn't big enough to buy all the books I want!
I prefer the type that require a small hunt or reading an excerpt (especially as it gives me a taste of the book concerned)but the randomness of being the ?#? member is fun too.
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