Monday, June 29, 2015

There Be Lion Shifters Tonight When Deb Bailey Returns as My Guest Author on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

There be lion shifters tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio when Deb Bailey returns as my guest author. Come listen as she reads an excerpt from her newest release, Family Pride: Love and Challenges. If you love paranormal romance, you don't want to miss this show!

Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct

See you there!
* * *

Business owner Mac MacKinnon is a perfect catch: attractive, ambitious and successful. He's a member of an old, established pride of lion shapeshifters, but determined to live life as a loner. Except that when Zora Mason walks into Mac's coffee bar one day and applies for the position of assistant manager, he knows without a doubt he's met the woman of his dreams.

Can she accept life with a shifter-boyfriend?

Zora knows a lot more about Mac (and the other shifters in town) than she's been letting on. Falling in love with a sexy shifter is more than she bargained for when it comes to dealing with sibling drama, learning the business, and managing an alpha male who's used to doing things his way. When a challenge to Mac's Pride threatens to destroy Mac's family, Zora has to decide whether to be claimed as his mate in a ritual in front of the pride.

Who knew that love with a lion shifter would be so challenging? 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Time to Get a Handle on Some More Anthropomorphims

One of these rolls is way too happy to report for duty.


Yeah. These potheads are cool with that.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Re-released! LIGHT MY FIRECRACKER by Carolyn Gregg


Light My Firecracker
Tales of the Blakeney Sisters 

Book 5
By Linda Mooney 
Writing as Carolyn Gregg
Humorous, Erotic, Fantasy Paranormal  Romance
Word Count 17.6K
$1.99 e

Once upon a time, there lived a man with five rambunctious daughters. They were an average American farming family except for one minor detail. The man was a warlock, and all of his daughters were witchlets—half witch and half human.

It was the Fourth of July, and Amberly Blakeney knew her time had come to find her heart's call.  The last thing she expected was to discover that her new love harbored a secret that could jeopardize their future happiness.

To make matters worse, when her father learns Matt's secret, he refuses to let Matt and Amberly have their Happily Ever After.  And he will do whatever it takes, humanly or magically, to keep the young couple apart. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Of Ships and Sea Creatures, and Alien Water Worlds

Imagine you've landed on an alien world, where the only food available is the flora and fauna from that planet. Two problems would become immediately apparent: What can we eat that won't kill us or make us sick? And is the source replenishing itself, so we can continue to eat it?

In my latest book Neverwylde, where the survivors (both human and alien) have crashed landed on a deserted half-planet, it's not so much trying to find food as it is trying not to be eaten themselves. What they find, they first have to scan to make sure it's not poisonous. Whether or not it tastes good is a moot point because they know if they don't eat it, they'll starve.

But in my newest book, UnderSilver, (now available for pre-order)

the survivors fleeing a toxic Old Earth in vessels which convert into city-size ships, have deliberately chosen a water world destination to inhabit. A planet that teems with fish-like creatures, most of which vaguely resemble sea life from their dead home world. Gone are steaks, chops, and chicken. But, fortunately, there are no shellfish allergies.

I know I would not like to live on either world. Especially on a landless planet, no matter how much I love seafood. I'd miss my Chinese food, my chicken fried cutlets, and my pork. But if I grew up where none of these were ever available, I wouldn't know what I was forced to live without.

How about you?

In the meantime, here's a quick and easy smothered hamburger steak recipe that my family loves. It's also high in protein:

1 lb. ground meat
1 egg
1/2 cup chopped onion (or onion flakes)
1 pkg. brown gravy mix
salt and pepper to taste

Mix the meat, egg, and onion in a bowl, along with salt and pepper. Shape into patties. Brown patties over medium heat in a pan with a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Mix brown gravy mix in a glass - be sure to add an extra cup of water above what it calls for on the package. When the patties are brown, cover with the gravy mix and simmer, allowing the gravy to thicken. If you wish, you can add mushrooms or onion strings.

Serve with noodles or rice, or another vegetable and salad on the side. Serves 4.

Welcome to the SFR Brigade's Summer Cafe - a smorgasbord of sizzling science fiction romance! Week Four is Androids and Aliens, running from the 22nd-26th June. Please visit the participants below to find out about their serving of scifi romance.
 Spacefreighters Lounge   Melisse Aires- Romance with Infinite Possibilities   Linda Mooney's Other Worlds of Romance  
 Kyndra Hatch's Blog   Chris' Ramblings   Rachel Leigh Smith  
 Wendy Lynn Clark   Eva Lefoy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Welcome to the Favorite Heroines Giveaway Hop!


When people ask me, out of all the books I've written, who my favorite heroine is of all time, I don't have to think twice. The answer is as easy as the graphic at the top of this page.

Atrilan "Atty" D'Jacques, my Mutah warrior Battle Lady of Alta Novis.

Wife of Battle Lord Yulen D'Jacques, she has withstood untold dangers. Yet her fierceness and love for her husband has helped her to survive the worst that the world can throw at her in a post-apocalyptic future 300 years from now.

In my Battle Lord saga, she is unequaled with a bow. She's also skilled with a knife, and with almost any other weapon she comes across. But I believe it's her sass, her compassion, and her determination to be seen as an equal among the Normals that endears me to her.

If you haven't had the chance to meet and get to know Atty, you can find out more about her here.

And as such....
I'm giving away THREE $5 Amazon gift cards!
All you have to do is answer the following question by commenting below. 
International readers, I would love to have you comment, too! Winners will be posted here and notified via email, so be sure to add your email addy when you post!

Question: If you've read any of my Battle Lord books, which one was your favorite, and a brief explanation why. If you haven't read any of those books, which one would you like to read, and a brief explanation why. Because I'm also picking three readers to get an ecopy of that book!

Thanks for coming by, and good luck!

1. Vox Libris  30. Books Books and More Books  
2. herding cats & burning soup  31. Taking Time for Mommy (INT)  
3. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust (US)  32. Margo Bond Collins  
4. Angel's Guilty Pleasures  33. Reading Reality (INT)  
5. RhiReading  34. Erin Hayes  
6. Dani Harper, PNR Author  35. Natasha Blackthorne  
7. Addicted Readers (INT)-Not Up Yet  36. LilyElement (INT)  
8. I Smell Sheep  37. Sharon Kleve  
9. Deal sharing aunt  38. Joanne Jaytanie  
10. 3 Partners in Shopping  39. Samna Ghani  
11. My Book Snack (US)  40. Tory Richards  
12. Linda Mooney's Other Worlds of Romance  41. A.R. Von (INT)  
13. Brittney's Book Nook  42. Romance Book Junkies  
14. MYTHICAL BOOKS (INT)--Not Up Yet  43. Sheri Fredricks  
15. Dianne Duvall, Author  44. Lindsay Avalon--Not Up Yet  
16. Nana Prah  45. Robyn Neeley  
17. Thoughts At One In The Morning  46. Carrie L Wells  
18. Simply Angela  47. Ella Malone  
19. Rookie Romance (INT)  48. Sexy Romance Novels (INT)  
20. Savings in Seconds (US)  49. Zoe Forward  
21. Reading Romances (INT)  50. Melissa Blue  
22. Leigh Ellwood, Romance Author  51. Holley Trent (INT)  
23. Phaze Books  52. Textual Love (INT)  
24. Frances Pauli  53. Tabitha Conall  
25. AReCafe  54. BookCrushin  
26. Kathryn Lively, Writer  55. Books, Bones & Buffy (INT)  
27. David Lee Summers  56. Read for your future!!--Not Up Yet  
28. Book Liaison  57. Amber Ella Monroe  
29. ExciteSteam  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Now Available for Pre-Order!

The planet had secrets it never revealed, until it was too late.

Centuries ago, mankind's only hope for survival were the seven vessels specially fitted to send the last survivors of Earth to a planet named New Earth. Seven space ships that became floating cities once they landed on the water-only world teeming with edible seafood, as well as dangerous creatures.

Lt. Jace Novick, of the ship UnderPlatinum, is sent to sister ship UnderSilver to see if he can help find a possible solution to their growing problem. Food is beginning to run low, catches are growing scarcer, and the tension between ships is increasing as starvation becomes imminent.

Lt. Commander Rhone Derth has created a security device called wrap shields to protect Silver from repeated attacks by the planet's hostile monsters. But it seems the shields are also keeping the fish away as well. Jace believes he has an answer, but it means he and Rhone must work together despite Rhone's antagonism toward him, and the short time he's been allotted before he must return to his own ship.

Together, they try to discover a way to survive as the other vessels turn on each other in a desperate battle for the last of the dwindling food supply, not knowing that another, more malevolent being is watching them from the depths.

Warning! Contains loss of oxygen, vicious sea creatures, massive destruction, scientific theories, near-drowning, subsonic bursts, questionable seafood, alien artifacts, and two people trying to survive what could be the complete annihilation of their species.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

This Goldfish Couldn’t Stay Upright So Someone Built Him a Wheelchair

This goldfish had a problem staying upright so his owner built him what can best be described as a goldfish wheelchair. Now he's back to normal and doing plenty of goldfish things all day. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ruth Casie Brings Us a Story of Historical Fantasy and Magic!

Please welcome Ruth Casie! She's going to tell us about her new release, KNIGHT OF RAPTURE!

He crossed the centuries to find her…
For months Lord Arik has been trying to find the right combination of runes to create the precise spell to rescue his wife, Rebeka, but the druid knight will soon discover that reaching her four hundred years in the future is only the beginning of his quest. He arrives in the 21st century to find her memory of him erased, his legacy on the brink of destruction, and traces of dark magick at every turn.

A threat has followed…
Bran, the dark druid, is more determined than ever to get his revenge. His evil has spread across the centuries. Arik will lose all. Time is his weapon, and he’s made sure his plan leaves no one dear to Arik, in past or present, safe from the destruction.
But their enemy has overlooked the strongest magick of all…

Professor Rebeka Tyler is dealing with more than just a faulty memory. Ownership of Fayne Manor, her home, has been called into question. Convenient accidents begin happening putting those she cares for in the line of fire. And then there’s the unexpected arrival of a strange man dressed like he belonged in a medieval fair—a man who somehow is always around when needed, and always on her mind. She doesn’t know who to trust. But one thing is certain. Her family line and manor have survived for over eleven centuries. She won’t let them fall, not on her watch… in any century.

Character Interview Rebeka – Knight of Rapture

“I’d like to introduce you to Professor Rebeka Tyler, from Kensington University in Upstate New York and Oxford University in England. Dr. Tyler has an interesting background that I think you’ll find as fascinating as the lady herself. Thank you for being with us today.”

“Thank you for having me, but I’m really nothing special.”

“Nothing special! I have the quote from your husband, Lord Arik, right here,” the reporter said flipping through his papers. “Ah, here it is. Rebeka never thought herself a warrior, a renowned authority on Medieval and Renaissance studies, yes, a martial arts amateur, absolutely, but a warrior, definitely not. But I couldn’t have saved the family or our beloved Fayne Manor without her by my side.” You do know it’s not everyone who can travel four hundred years into the past to find true happiness?”

“Why don’t we get on with your questions.”


How did you first meet your writer, Ruth A. Casie?
“It was 2011. I was at Fayne Manor and decided to take the tour bus to see the standing stones at Avebury. Ruth was my seat-mate. We talked about the stones and their age then fantasized about what people from the past would think about things in this century.”
Did you ever think that your life would end up being in a book?
“Not, in a hundred years! I never thought anyone would think my life was that exciting. I’m a history professor. So, I went back in time four hundred years. Is that something to write about?” Rebeka winked at the reporter.
What are your favorite scenes in your book: the action, the dialog or the romance?
“The romance, for sure. What woman wouldn’t love a man who breaks all the rules and travels through time to rescue her? I’m humbled thinking about what he was willing to sacrifice to find me.”
Did you have a hard time convincing your author to write any particular scenes for you?
“Ruth had a difficult time writing the scene when Arik had to return to his century without me. He had promised me we would never be apart again. But to save me, he had to return without me. It took Ruth days to finally get to the place where she could write  Arik’s frustration and defeat. Each time she worked on that scene she cried and I cried with her.”
What do you like to do when you are not being actively read somewhere?
“Aside from spending time with Arik there are several things I like to do. I enjoy researching the old documents in Arik’s massive library. Some of the manuscripts date back centuries. They are excellent examples of well-kept codices.
“I also like to spend time with Arik’s nieces. The girls were orphaned before I came to Fayne Manor. They are dear to me. We have a good time together.”
Are you happy with the genre your writer has placed you in?
“I love historic fantasy. Mine is a time travel story. It was difficult at first. In Knight of Runes I was a modern woman and found myself in a man’s world. I thought as a history professor, specializing in this time period that I was prepared. Hardly. I had so much to learn about how to survive in the 17th century. Thankfully, Arik and the others wanted to learn about the 21st century. So in the end, I got to the live in the best of both worlds.

“In this book, Knight of Rapture, Bran, an evil druid tricked me into the future. Arik is the only one who can rescue me. He finds his way to me and gets a real taste of the future. He really looks hot on a motorcycle. Actually, he looks hot on anything!”
If you could rewrite anything in your book, what would it be?
“You mean change history. I wish Caylyn, Bran’s wife hadn’t died. That’s what drove Bran crazy and started the feud between him and Arik.”
Do you like the way the book ended?
“Yes, I love the way the book ended and I won’t say anymore. You’ll have to read Knight of Rapture to find out. When you do, let me know what you think.”
Would you be interested in a sequel, if your writer was so inclined?
“I’m glad you asked. Ruth has plans for a third story, Knight of Redemption. I have it on good authority that it will be out the end of this year.”
What do you wear when you go to sleep?
“Nothing. Neither does Arik. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.”
What other profession would you like to try?
“If I chose another profession I’d be an herbalist. I love plants. I planted an herb garden at Fayne Manor. They thrived there. The villagers came to the garden often, so much so that I started the herbarium.”
What is your most favorite memory?
“My favorite memory is the day I packed up to leave for college. My dad was a history professor. He specialized in Celtic folklore. He gave me his walking stick. I had no idea that he was a druid grand master and that his walking stick was special. I took it with me everywhere I went. I felt lost without it. It’s my most prized possession.”
What’s your most favorite day?
“My wedding day, both of them. I married Arik at Fayne Manor in the 17th century and again in 21st. Both days were glorious. I love him more every day. He is my heart and my beloved.”
“That’s all the time we have for today. Thank for joining us today Rebeka. I’m sure my audience is eager to read about you and Lord Arik in Knight of Rapture.”


Buy links:

Todd Van Linda, Voice Actor and Audio Book Narrator, is My Guest Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

You don't want to miss tonight's episode of "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio! Todd Van Linda, voice actor and audio book narrator, will be performing an excerpt from our newly released joint venture, Beast of the Bayou, and from the soon to be released, Qitirin.

Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct
Come and be enthralled!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

This is Too Cute!

This is an adorable gif!
I would get caught up in the spell of this marionette.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Now Available as an Audio Book! BEAST OF THE BAYOU

Now available as an audio book!

Subwoofers, Book 1

Sensuous Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Narrated by
Todd Van Linda

Length: 3 hrs, 58 min.

Go here to listen to an excerpt, and for buy links.

* * *
Alligator, Bear, Cougar, Deer, Eagle
They found each other by accident. They became a team for life.

Thierry McNulty's brother, Senator Frank McNulty, is missing. She believes he went to their old family campsite on Caddo Lake for a brief vacation, but after days of not hearing from him, she fears the worst.

Antonio "Yo" Bleeker is one of the owners of Bag It and Tag It Excursions. When Thierry hires the company to track down her brother, he has no idea what he's getting himself into - especially when he experiences an extreme physical reaction to the beautiful woman.

He know he can't have her, much less let her discover what he really is. But before he can back away, Yo finds himself in a life-or-death battle to save the woman he's realized he can't live without.

Warning! Contains campfire cooking, a gold earring, lovemaking under the stars, rental cars, and a phobia that reaches all the way back to childhood.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bitten By Books is Hosting Me Today!

Come join me over at BITTEN BY BOOKS!
Today, starting at 3 pm et/2 pm ct/noon pt, I'll be chatting and giving away oodles of gift cards and ebooks
(maybe even a print copy or two)!

The party will continue until late tonight!

For those of you international, you're welcome to comment!
Winners will be announced on the 11th!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

For Those of You Who Asked

Which of my books are available in print? I've since redesigned my website, so that when you look at a book's details on the right, it will list an e price, and if in print, a p price.

Hope this helps!

NEVERWYLDE is Featured Today at "Happy Ever After" at USA TODAY

Click here to read an exclusive excerpt!

Monday, June 1, 2015

The NEVERWYLDE Book Blog Tour is On!

Come and check out where I'll be.
There'll be surprises and prizes!