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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
As All Good Things Must Come To An End...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Major Angry Rant! Grrr!

WHY? Will someone please explain to me WHY, after you leave a publisher, they feel that they don't have to pay you for the books you sold while you were with them?
And the sad thing is...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
"An intergalactic romance that will keep you up all night reading!"

And the PNR Reviewer "Top Pick" for September, 2008!

Assisting each other in saving other planets, battling the Ombirta ships and finding time to make love is the least of their worries. The plot to destroy the Guardians, along with the entire planet is coming closer and closer to Master Hunter and StarLight.
This book was wonderful! The characters were well developed and each of their personalities came through as a main part of the story. The plot was planned out perfectly to keep the reader's attention and the addition of characters along the way was a pleasant surprise. Well worth the time to read - which won't be too long, as you won't be able to put it down!
~ Nancy Eriksen, ParaNormalRomance
Still More Chalk Art - Enjoy!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Whoohoo! I'm being featured today!

Paul Newman 1925-2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Some More of That Great Chalk Art
Thursday, September 25, 2008
If one picture is worth a thousand words, here's a NOVEL.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
You Want It? I GOT IT!

I religiously follow Emily Veinglory at the EREC blog on a daily basis. Imagine my surprise when she posted this yesterday.
"One thing I know I would like to see is more romance books about a couple being together and staying together, not just 'getting' together. "
Hey, Emily! Try one of my novels!
What will you get in my books?
* A story that will suck you in.
* Characters you will become attached to.
* Passionate romance.
* Hot, sensual sex scenes all based on the love between the hero and heroine.
* Plot twists that will take you by surprise.
* Plenty of angst, heartbreak, but a DEFINITE Happily Ever After.
Hey...what have you got to lose? :D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
10 Terrific Tips for Testing Your Toes

1. Adjust the soft fur on your lover’s chest.
2. Lightly scratch his inner thighs with those pearly-pink toenails.
3. Give his own feet a little one-on-one attention.
4. Massage his scalp.
5. Use his wide back like a kitten uses her paws to search for milk.
6. See how far you can raise his hands above his head.
7. Butter his buttocks.
8. Can he kiss all ten little piggies?
9. Big toe, male nipple. ‘Nuff said.
And finally,
10. Prop It Up!!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Once in a while you find a sign that makes you *sigh*!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Sixties

the Sixties
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Technology For Country Folks

Friday, September 19, 2008
Business Card vs Pen - Getting the Most Bang For Your Buck

I belong to a neat little marketing email loop. Every so often the question comes up "Should I invest in business cards? Or would I get more bang for my buck distributing pens?"
Okay. I've been used both, and here's what I've found out (by accident, and by asking around.)
* Business cards get lost or thrown away.
* One reader said that if she saw a book she wanted to get, she'd write the title on the back of the author's card.
* One reader confessed she collected authors' business cards like her mother collects Hummel figurines.
* Pens work great if they don't clog or leak.
* Pens get USED. A used pen is another chance to advertise.
* All-in-one pens are best, as opposed to pens with removeable caps.
* Get black ink. Most businesses prefer important documents filled out in black ink.
* If a pen gets left behind, someone else will pick it up and use it.
* Pens that write on that slick cashier paper are worth their weight in gold.
* One can never have too many pens.
* If you get pens in different colors, people tend to fight over a particular color (i.e. "I want the blue one!")
* GREAT marketing tip: At book signings, have the reader pick out a pen you then sign the book with, and hand them the pen as a keepsake.
Please drop your opinion whether you use one or both to promote your books. :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How Come...

How come when a main character dies on a TV show or in a movie, they always croak with their eyes wide open (usually after they've delivered a goodbye soliloquy), which then requires the hero/ine to reach out and manually shut the eyelids?
Creeps me out.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

An erotic sci-fi romance
by Linda Mooney
Author’s website: www.LindaMooney.com
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
Buy Link: http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com/torrid/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=340
Size: 102.5K (super novel)
Heat rating: sensuous/explicit
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACNvsDw9nFc
Am I Weird?

"Don’t you already know how it’s going to end?"
Please tell me I’m not the only person who does this. Please assure me that there are other authors out there who read their own books, not to see how many places they can find where they wish they could re-edit (I know some people who do that), but just for the pure and simple pleasure of reading a story they love, and that they loved writing.
I’ve had people tease me about it. Sometimes their comments sting. Am I being egotistical when I pack one of my print editions to take with me on a trip?
Seriously, I don’t think so. When I go back to read something I wrote two, three, or more years ago, I remember how good it felt to be involved in the characters and their story. The book is almost like Linus’s favorite blanket—it’s comforting, and it’ll always be there for me when I need it, even if it goes out of print.
And, yes, I do know how it ends. Which might lead to a sequel, come to think of it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
And The Winners Are...!

Grand Prize Winner of a PDF copy of my newest book HEARTFAST, plus a Second E-book Of Their Choice: Lover of Books (who posted on "It's a Three-Way!)
Second Prize Winner of a PDF copy of HEARTFAST: Deb/Debby (who posted on "Ugh. Ike."
Third Prize Winner gets a PDF copy of any one of my books, their choice: Stephanie (who posted on "Update on Ike")
Please email me at Linda@LindaMooney.com and claim your prize!
And thanks to all who entered!
Stay Tuned! There's More to Come!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Damn Hacker!

But the books WILL GO UP SOON! So keep checking back!
HEARTFAST is Now Available, and at 10% Off!

It was a world that, eons ago, had suffered a devastating plague that had rendered more than half its population unable to reproduce. As a result, in order to assure the survival of their species, the HandFast law was enacted. Every month, twenty couples were drawn by lottery. Couples whose sole purpose would then be procreation, the continuation of the species. For the length of one year, two complete strangers would follow the edicts of the HandFast, until the woman conceived. Once that was accomplished, the couple was no longer bound to each other, and they could go their separate ways while the child was given to a couple unable to bear children.It was a cold and impersonal law, but it worked.
However, the Guardians were exempt from having their names drawn in the lottery. The very nature of their jobs, risking their lives day in and day out to protect their galaxy, precluded any thought of bearing children. Which was why, when StarLight and Master Hunter heard their names called out to be HandFasted, their neat, orderly lives were turned upside-down. Gone was the comfortable companionship they'd known. Gone was the brother-sister working relationship and the friendship. Now they would be forced into an intimacy neither had wanted, nor expected.
Neither would they be prepared for the overwhelming passion they would find in each other's bodies, as well as in their hearts. And things would only get more complicated and dangerous. Because their names had been deliberately placed on the lottery, and the drawing had not been a fluke. Instead, it was the first step in destroying their world and every Guardian living.
Read an excerpt here.
See the video here.
See the reviews here.
Purchase your copy here.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday Morning Without Ike

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!
150 Things To Do In Your Lifetime

16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
27. Had a food fight
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
Friday, September 12, 2008
5:00 p.m. update on Hurricane Ike

* Strong Category 2
* We're on its "clean" west side.
* Already clouded over here in Victoria. Strong gusts. Rains should start any time now.
* We're boarded up, and all loose items secured.
Bring it on, Ike.