This was sent to me. I didn't find it, and I won't take credit for it. But it was just too dadgum funny not to share. So enjoy! :D
Is This the Funniest Book Title Ever?
"If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs," a book that is subtitled "A Guide to Understanding Men" and is written by someone named Big Boom, has won the honor of the oddest book title of the year, an award bestowed annually for 30 years by The Bookseller magazine. It's billed as a self-help book written by a man for the benefit of women.
Joel Rickett, deputy editor of The Bookseller, said of the winner: "So effective is the title that you don't even need to read the book itself." He added, "It makes redundant an entire genre of self-help tomes."
The BBC News reports that running a close second to "Legs" for the oddest title was "I Was Tortured by the Pygmy Love Queen." Coming in third place was "Cheese Problems Solved."
Previous winners include:
"The Joy of Sex: Pocket Edition"
"American Bottom Archaeology"
"Versailles: The View From Sweden"
"Re-using Old Graves"
"The Joy of Chickens"
"Highlights in the History of Concrete"
"Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers"
"The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories"
"People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselvesto Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It"
"The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification"
"High Performance Stiffened Structures"
"Living with Crazy Buttocks"
"How to Avoid Huge Ships"
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
My Grandma's Dictionary

(adj.) - tilted, askew, off-center, off-balance, crooked
Ex: Straighten your tie, honey. After you fixed it, it still looks a bit cattywampus.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm not THAT Linda Mooney!
A few months back a friend and fellow author told me to google my name because sometimes review sites put up reviews without letting the author or publisher know. She was right; I did find some. But more astoundingly, I found OTHER Linda Mooneys.
So, for the record, if you google me, here's who I AM NOT:
- Linda A.or M.or L. Mooney (My middle initial is G, for Gail - hence my use of Gail Smith for my horror stories - Smith being my maiden name.)
- an Associate Professor Ph.D. at the University of Akron
- an actress or makeup artist from Hollywood
- been busted for dope with her husband James Mooney (although that is so totally FREAKY, because my husband IS James Mooney! Arrrrggghhhhh!)
- an internationally published photographer.
- involved in the Special Olympics
- from Wisconsin, Kansas, Utah, or any other state except Texas - Yeehaw!
- a principle investigator, or involved in science grants (I teach Kindergarten.)
- attended school or college in East Carolina (I attended Texas A & I University, now Texas A & M University Kingsville)
If there's more you saw that I need to add, please feel free to do so! LOL! Thanks!
So, for the record, if you google me, here's who I AM NOT:
- Linda A.or M.or L. Mooney (My middle initial is G, for Gail - hence my use of Gail Smith for my horror stories - Smith being my maiden name.)
- an Associate Professor Ph.D. at the University of Akron
- an actress or makeup artist from Hollywood
- been busted for dope with her husband James Mooney (although that is so totally FREAKY, because my husband IS James Mooney! Arrrrggghhhhh!)
- an internationally published photographer.
- involved in the Special Olympics
- from Wisconsin, Kansas, Utah, or any other state except Texas - Yeehaw!
- a principle investigator, or involved in science grants (I teach Kindergarten.)
- attended school or college in East Carolina (I attended Texas A & I University, now Texas A & M University Kingsville)
If there's more you saw that I need to add, please feel free to do so! LOL! Thanks!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
In Praise (?) of Purple Prose
10 Euphemisms Writers of Erotic Romance Should Avoid When Referring to a Certain Part of the Male Anatomy
10. his Telescoping Extension
9. the Weed Wacker
8. Moby Dick
7. Paradise on a Stick
6. King Kong and his coconuts
5. Sword of the Gods
4. Hose of Ultimate Delight
3. Booty Buddy
2. Weiner Wonderland
1. The Love Muscle
10. his Telescoping Extension
9. the Weed Wacker
8. Moby Dick
7. Paradise on a Stick
6. King Kong and his coconuts
5. Sword of the Gods
4. Hose of Ultimate Delight
3. Booty Buddy
2. Weiner Wonderland
1. The Love Muscle
Friday, April 25, 2008
Does Your Hubby Read Your Books?

People give my husband funny looks when he tells them I write romance fiction (and EROTIC at that!). Almost always, their SECOND question is, "Do you read her books?" In this case, the answer is "yes", but not all of them. (At least, he's TOLD me he hasn't read them all...yet.)
And, you know...he's never commented even ONCE about the sex scenes.
Wonder why?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I'm the Featured Author! :D
Hey, Everyone! Check out Real Women Deserve Romance Novel Heroes blogspot where, today, I'm the featured author! :D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Free Reads - Worth Your While? Or Giving Away Money?
A lot of authors I know personally or professionally post Free Reads on either their blogs or websites. Some even include them as little chap books at book signings. So far I haven't done this, although I've been debating with myself on the issue.
My question is this: Are they worth it? What is the point of a Free Read, anyway? If it's to give readers a "taste" of the author's writing style, wouldn't a nice excerpt (like an entire chapter) from your latest be almost the same thing?
Also, a couple of Free Reads that I've seen are nice-sized short stories. These stories could easily become nice-sized e-books. But by posting them on the web, the author is losing potential royalties.
Maybe I've completely missed the purpose of Free Reads. If I have, please set me straight. :D
My question is this: Are they worth it? What is the point of a Free Read, anyway? If it's to give readers a "taste" of the author's writing style, wouldn't a nice excerpt (like an entire chapter) from your latest be almost the same thing?
Also, a couple of Free Reads that I've seen are nice-sized short stories. These stories could easily become nice-sized e-books. But by posting them on the web, the author is losing potential royalties.
Maybe I've completely missed the purpose of Free Reads. If I have, please set me straight. :D
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Feed the Hungry AND Increase Your Vocabulary! (Celebrating Earth Day)

A friend sent me this link to FreeRice. She found out about it on NBC World News.
It's such a neat little game/tool that challenges your knowledge of less-than-common words. Plus, while you're playing, your score will help feed the poor!
Come on! Give it a try! I even came up with a word I hadn't used in ages, and was able to insert it into my WIP! :D
Monday, April 21, 2008
When Is a Cover Too Racy?
The other day on one of my kajillion email loops, I read one author’s comment that her book was finally getting to go to print, but before it did, the cover would have to be re-done, and she wasn’t happy about it. Another author said that she had been told the same thing and had fought it, but when she found out some bookstores refused to stock the book with that cover, she decided it would have been prudent of her to go ahead with the suggested change in the first place.
I had a similar problem with SIMOLIF. In the original, the young woman was pretty much “free to the wind” graphically speaking. Knowing it might (or might not) be a bone of contention with the bookstore here in town that has supported me 200% in the past, I took a print-out of the cover to the book manager. I was right; the cover, as it was, would not “fit” their decency standards. But I detested having to re-do a cover I dearly loved.
Fortunately I have a fabulous graphics designer at WCPT, who blurred most of the woman’s crucial components. The results – my bookstore accepted the revised cover.
But I realize, after looking over some of the covers initially in question, that “blurring” wouldn’t quite be enough. And some authors questioned whether some books haven’t gone to print earlier because of the cost of having to do a second cover. As with many epublishers, knowing if a book will sell enough to warrant going to print is a crap shoot. Yet, if the e-book cover doesn’t “tantalize”, sales could be lost.
Where does the author draw the line? Print covers are just as important as they are on e-books. At what point does a cover become too racy?
I would love to hear from authors who have had to face the same kind of situation. How was the problem resolved? Or was a compromise offered?
I had a similar problem with SIMOLIF. In the original, the young woman was pretty much “free to the wind” graphically speaking. Knowing it might (or might not) be a bone of contention with the bookstore here in town that has supported me 200% in the past, I took a print-out of the cover to the book manager. I was right; the cover, as it was, would not “fit” their decency standards. But I detested having to re-do a cover I dearly loved.
Fortunately I have a fabulous graphics designer at WCPT, who blurred most of the woman’s crucial components. The results – my bookstore accepted the revised cover.
But I realize, after looking over some of the covers initially in question, that “blurring” wouldn’t quite be enough. And some authors questioned whether some books haven’t gone to print earlier because of the cost of having to do a second cover. As with many epublishers, knowing if a book will sell enough to warrant going to print is a crap shoot. Yet, if the e-book cover doesn’t “tantalize”, sales could be lost.
Where does the author draw the line? Print covers are just as important as they are on e-books. At what point does a cover become too racy?
I would love to hear from authors who have had to face the same kind of situation. How was the problem resolved? Or was a compromise offered?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Book Trailer Videos - A Terrific Marketing Tool!
Book trailers, or book videos, are coming into their own. And as a promotional tool, there’s no arguing their effectiveness. Placing them on YouTube or your MySpace site, and linking them to your own website, are great advertisements for your books.
There are many wonderful companies springing up who’ll make a book trailer for a nominal fee. There are also some authors who’ll help make one for friends and interested parties. But most of the time the program to make them is already available on any computer running Windows software.
Yet with all the hoopla surrounding book videos, there are good ones and there are bad ones. I am not an expert, but after watching many such trailers, as an avid reader, I have come up with a list of Dos and Don’ts to consider the next time you want to have a video done of your upcoming release.
1. Tell what the book is about. Who are the main characters? What is the conflict?
2. Give us the title, author, and publisher. And a due date if possible.
3. Make sure the pictures and music match the “tone” of the book. These give readers a sense of what to expect.
4. If you already have reviews, add a short excerpt/blurb/sentence. Even better, just a rating and the name of the review site would suffice, like “5 Cups! Coffee Time Romance”.
5. Have someone critique it for effectiveness just as you would from an editor. They may see something you’ve missed or didn’t make clear enough.
6. Upload it wherever you can. Find ways to promote it with your book. It’s a tool, so use it as often as possible.
1. throw sexy pictures on the screen without any explanation. And keep your shots and descriptive phrases “up” long enough to be read by those with vision problems.
2. repeat your video to run twice. Once is enough.
3. have your video run over 2 min. unless it’s part of an anthology and everyone is getting their 30 seconds’ worth, or it’s a collection of short stories.
4. add your name at the end as creator of the video, writer of the video, etc., if you made it yourself. Just list yourself as the author.
5. finish the video and think it’s done. Once the book comes out, go back and tweak it to make it better. Add another review. Or add the fact that it’s a bestseller. Any awards or recognitions won? Be sure to add those, too!
There are many wonderful companies springing up who’ll make a book trailer for a nominal fee. There are also some authors who’ll help make one for friends and interested parties. But most of the time the program to make them is already available on any computer running Windows software.
Yet with all the hoopla surrounding book videos, there are good ones and there are bad ones. I am not an expert, but after watching many such trailers, as an avid reader, I have come up with a list of Dos and Don’ts to consider the next time you want to have a video done of your upcoming release.
1. Tell what the book is about. Who are the main characters? What is the conflict?
2. Give us the title, author, and publisher. And a due date if possible.
3. Make sure the pictures and music match the “tone” of the book. These give readers a sense of what to expect.
4. If you already have reviews, add a short excerpt/blurb/sentence. Even better, just a rating and the name of the review site would suffice, like “5 Cups! Coffee Time Romance”.
5. Have someone critique it for effectiveness just as you would from an editor. They may see something you’ve missed or didn’t make clear enough.
6. Upload it wherever you can. Find ways to promote it with your book. It’s a tool, so use it as often as possible.
1. throw sexy pictures on the screen without any explanation. And keep your shots and descriptive phrases “up” long enough to be read by those with vision problems.
2. repeat your video to run twice. Once is enough.
3. have your video run over 2 min. unless it’s part of an anthology and everyone is getting their 30 seconds’ worth, or it’s a collection of short stories.
4. add your name at the end as creator of the video, writer of the video, etc., if you made it yourself. Just list yourself as the author.
5. finish the video and think it’s done. Once the book comes out, go back and tweak it to make it better. Add another review. Or add the fact that it’s a bestseller. Any awards or recognitions won? Be sure to add those, too!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I blogged over at the Dark Tarot today.
If you would like to read a little excerpt from my horror novella Journal, coming in May from Tease Dark Tarot, check out their blog.
My horror stories are penned under the name of Gail Smith. So that way you know we two are the same person, but different genres. :)
My horror stories are penned under the name of Gail Smith. So that way you know we two are the same person, but different genres. :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Today is International Disturbed People's Day

I don't care if you lick windows,
take the special bus,
or occasionally pee on yourself..
You hang in there sunshine - you're friggin' special.
Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad,
is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Today's Message of the Day is:
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I'm Celebrating, and You Could Win a Free Book!
All this month of April, I'm celebrating my two new releases, RUNNER'S MOON: SIMOLIF and "Castle's Keep" in the DCL DEADLY SINS anthology.
Now's your chance to win a free e-book OF YOUR CHOICE!
And there are TWO WAYS you can enter and win!
You can enter both contests, but only once for each.
Multiple submissions from the same email will be eliminated.
Winner will be chosen at random and announced on May 1st!
Thanks, and Good Luck!

First Contest: Find This Logo on my website
There are 5 pages where it's hidden.
Find each page where it's located, then send me an email at and name the five places where you found it!
Second Contest: Find Their Mates
Again, all five answers are on my website.
Email me the answers at
1. Jolee and ?
2. Atrilan and ?
3. Sarah and ?
4. Drew and ?
5. John and ?
Now's your chance to win a free e-book OF YOUR CHOICE!
And there are TWO WAYS you can enter and win!
You can enter both contests, but only once for each.
Multiple submissions from the same email will be eliminated.
Winner will be chosen at random and announced on May 1st!
Thanks, and Good Luck!

First Contest: Find This Logo on my website
There are 5 pages where it's hidden.
Find each page where it's located, then send me an email at and name the five places where you found it!
Second Contest: Find Their Mates
Again, all five answers are on my website.
Email me the answers at
1. Jolee and ?
2. Atrilan and ?
3. Sarah and ?
4. Drew and ?
5. John and ?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
NOW AVAILABLE! "Castle's Keep"
“Castle’s Keep”
A contemporary fantasy featuring the sin of Wrath
by Linda Mooney
In the DEADLY SINS anthology
by DCL Publications
“Castle’s Keep”
A contemporary fantasy featuring the sin of Wrath
by Linda Mooney
In the DEADLY SINS anthology
by DCL Publications
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It’s an RT Week to Remember at Tease!
Thats right! Starting Tuesday Tease Publishing will be holding a week-long celebration at the Tease Readers Loop, and the Tease Tarot Loop for you awesome people not going to RT! What do we have in store for you?
* Blogs and prizes
* Excerpt Day
* Party day - WIN PRIZES!
* A Find the Tease Button Scavenger hunt
And you can win E-books, print books and promo goodies and prizes all week long from both the Tease Publishing and Tease Tarot authors! So don’t worry if you’re not going to the Romantic Times Convention. We will have goodies galore for you!
* Blogs and prizes
* Excerpt Day
* Party day - WIN PRIZES!
* A Find the Tease Button Scavenger hunt
And you can win E-books, print books and promo goodies and prizes all week long from both the Tease Publishing and Tease Tarot authors! So don’t worry if you’re not going to the Romantic Times Convention. We will have goodies galore for you!
Monday, April 14, 2008
It’s Royalties Time - What Do You Do With Your $ ?
It’s that time when we start to get our royalty checks. Mine go in a separate checking account I have set up. Out of it, I pay for RT ads, for paperbacks to resell at book signings, for postage and envelopes to mail people autographed copies of my books, and for promotional items (just to name a few things). I do it this way, rather than put the money in the Mooney home account, for two strong reasons:
* to keep myself from “splurging” if the money isn’t there in the first place, and
* for income tax purposes, even though everything gets counted together in the end :)
Would I like to spend it on frivolous things? Sure! I have a teacher friend who gives piano lessons on the side. Her extra income paid for a new car (okay, it was a Kia, but a new car is a new car! LOL!)
But right now my royalties won’t pay for a new car. Not even a tire. Maybe one day, though, I’ll have enough to take a trip. Or be able to spend it in some other wild, nonsensical-but-fun way. Hopefully. :D do your spend your hard-earned bucks?
* to keep myself from “splurging” if the money isn’t there in the first place, and
* for income tax purposes, even though everything gets counted together in the end :)
Would I like to spend it on frivolous things? Sure! I have a teacher friend who gives piano lessons on the side. Her extra income paid for a new car (okay, it was a Kia, but a new car is a new car! LOL!)
But right now my royalties won’t pay for a new car. Not even a tire. Maybe one day, though, I’ll have enough to take a trip. Or be able to spend it in some other wild, nonsensical-but-fun way. Hopefully. :D do your spend your hard-earned bucks?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Help Stop E-book Piracy! Trading an E-book is NOT like trading a Paperback!
When you trade a paperback, you no longer have possession. You gave the book to someone else to read, and SHE has possession now. So if someone else comes to you to ask for the book, you send them to the person who has it. In short, you have ONE book, and ONLY ONE book to hand off.
Trading an E-book is NOT like trading a Paperback!
People who buy an e-book STILL HAVE THAT E-BOOK that they can send to others. In effect, they can give away countless copies, which means it's $ authors will never see in royalties.
Please take one minute out of your day to sign this petition against online clubs which "swap" e-books. If something isn't done about this, pretty soon there will be countless places like this all over the internet, and your royalties will be drastically reduced!
(The following is reprinted with permission.)
Hi everyone
I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed.
It's about enforcing the same sort of laws for authors as are enforced for musicians and movie makers. While other types of media have had their copyrights protected, we authors are being left to suffer losses of income because our copyrights aren't being protected.
As some of you may know I once had to go to court to protect my ownership of the first Through Neon Eyes book, Zoner which was illegally used by a foreign publisher a few years ago. That was settled by lawyers via the international copyright laws.
This time my books are being uploaded to 'sharing sites' where hundreds of books and ebooks by myself and other authors are being traded and shared without any of us making a dime for our hard work.
I've found many of my books on pirate sites, including Apocalpyse Dance, Zoner, Control, Mercykill and Ragnarok Tango. Royalties are all ebook authors make on their books. If books are being traded on pirate sites that means we make nothing, and that hurts, not just us the authors, but you the readers too. If each of us were paid for every book that was shared by people who never bought it many of us might be able to quit our day jobs and write full time which would mean more books for you to read.
I really think this is an important petition, and I'd like to encourage all of you to add your signatures.
Please take a minute to fill out the form which can be found here:
Michael Barnette
(Many thanks to Dani for bringing this to my attention!)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Stort Stories vs Novels - The Pros and the Cons, Part Two
Hmm. Some excellent discussion and comments regarding short stories. Thanks, everyone! :D
Today let’s look at novels.
- they take longer to write
- they have more convoluted and detailed plots (but they need to be in order to hold the reader’s interest)
- in some genres, they require research
- they cost more
- more in demand by publishers
- more profit per book
- more likely to go to print
- better chance to elaborate on plot and have better character development
Thoughts? Opinions?
Today let’s look at novels.
- they take longer to write
- they have more convoluted and detailed plots (but they need to be in order to hold the reader’s interest)
- in some genres, they require research
- they cost more
- more in demand by publishers
- more profit per book
- more likely to go to print
- better chance to elaborate on plot and have better character development
Thoughts? Opinions?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Come Chat With Me TONIGHT!
Come chat with me tonight, April 11th, over on the Coffee Time Romance Loop! I'll be on from 8-9 pm est! Win a free book while you're there!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Short Stories vs Novels - The Pros and Cons
I write mostly novels, but I've also done some short stories. Recently I had a reader comment on my shorts vs my fuller length works, and it got me to thinking.
I'm going to spend a couple of days reviewing the pros and cons of novels vs short stories published in the e-book industry. Please feel free to jump in! :)
Today -- Short Stories
- they take less time to write
- you can produce more in a year
- since they're cheaper, you usually sell more copies
- they're a good way to "introduce" your writing/style/genre to readers
- it's harder to develop a full story and characterizations
- since they sell for less, there's less profit per book
- not many e-pubs will accept stories shorter than novella length
- they don't go to print (unless you have a bunch that would collectively make a print version worthwhile)
- if your short is part of an anthology, that's even less of a profit than if it had been a single title
Opinions? Comments?
I'm going to spend a couple of days reviewing the pros and cons of novels vs short stories published in the e-book industry. Please feel free to jump in! :)
Today -- Short Stories
- they take less time to write
- you can produce more in a year
- since they're cheaper, you usually sell more copies
- they're a good way to "introduce" your writing/style/genre to readers
- it's harder to develop a full story and characterizations
- since they sell for less, there's less profit per book
- not many e-pubs will accept stories shorter than novella length
- they don't go to print (unless you have a bunch that would collectively make a print version worthwhile)
- if your short is part of an anthology, that's even less of a profit than if it had been a single title
Opinions? Comments?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
YEEHAW!! TWO More Contracts!! :D
I'm jumping up and down for joy! Whiskey Creek Press Torrid just contracted LORD OF THUNDER (the first book in my LoT trilogy) and MY STRENGTH, MY POWER, MY LOVE!
I'll have those webpages up on my website up this evening if you want to check them out! :D
I'll have those webpages up on my website up this evening if you want to check them out! :D
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A New Review For SIMOLIF!
Runner's Moon Book 3: Simolif
Linda Mooney
Fantasy erotic romance
Available from Whiskey Creek Press
ISBN: 978-1-60313-322-7
April 2008
The Runner’s Moon series tells the tale of fugitive aliens, who flee from a lifetime of slavery and cruelty to make a life for themselves here on Earth. This is Simolif’s story.
Simolif knew when his brother Jebaral found his life's mate. The blood lines in his arm had increased by one, and the sight of it had thrilled him giving him hope that he too could find someone who could accept him for what he was, and who would not scream in fright to see his true self. He never expected to find Professor Sarah Drumman. As an astronomer, she studies the skies. She has seen some thing suspicious that makes her believe there are creatures from another galaxy now walking the Earth. And she plans to prove her theory to the world. Though she may believe in aliens, can she love one?
Each book in this series weaves together, so for best enjoyment I would read them in order. However, they are so well written and so truly pleasurable that a reader would still love this book without having read the others. I found this story captivating and the characters enchanting. Simolif is the kind of ‘man’ we all enjoy aware of his appeal and enjoys it thoroughly yet still loving and open-minded, the empathetic character we pull for and still with the manly ‘I-know-what’s-best’ mentality that we all find so amusing. And Sarah is such a unique heroine. I love that she already believes in life beyond this planet. This is not the romance that enthralls and engrosses but it is definitely the type that entertains and I’m looking forward to book four.
Overall rating: 4.5 hearts
Sensuality rating: Explicit
Reviewer: AMG
April 8, 2008
Runner's Moon Book 3: Simolif
Linda Mooney
Fantasy erotic romance
Available from Whiskey Creek Press
ISBN: 978-1-60313-322-7
April 2008
The Runner’s Moon series tells the tale of fugitive aliens, who flee from a lifetime of slavery and cruelty to make a life for themselves here on Earth. This is Simolif’s story.
Simolif knew when his brother Jebaral found his life's mate. The blood lines in his arm had increased by one, and the sight of it had thrilled him giving him hope that he too could find someone who could accept him for what he was, and who would not scream in fright to see his true self. He never expected to find Professor Sarah Drumman. As an astronomer, she studies the skies. She has seen some thing suspicious that makes her believe there are creatures from another galaxy now walking the Earth. And she plans to prove her theory to the world. Though she may believe in aliens, can she love one?
Each book in this series weaves together, so for best enjoyment I would read them in order. However, they are so well written and so truly pleasurable that a reader would still love this book without having read the others. I found this story captivating and the characters enchanting. Simolif is the kind of ‘man’ we all enjoy aware of his appeal and enjoys it thoroughly yet still loving and open-minded, the empathetic character we pull for and still with the manly ‘I-know-what’s-best’ mentality that we all find so amusing. And Sarah is such a unique heroine. I love that she already believes in life beyond this planet. This is not the romance that enthralls and engrosses but it is definitely the type that entertains and I’m looking forward to book four.
Overall rating: 4.5 hearts
Sensuality rating: Explicit
Reviewer: AMG
April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
An Earthquake? In TEXAS?
Yep. Nothing massive, mind you. Around a 3.7. Just enough to rattle your grandmother's china, and slosh you from one end of your water bed to the other. It was centered around Karnes County, which is about midway between Victoria and San Antonio. About an hour away. (Only in Texas do we measure distance in time rather than in miles -- unless it's close enough to "spit on" or "throw a rock at".)
Earthquakes are RARE. Humongously rare. We see more hurricanes hit land here than we get earthquakes. So this little quiver in the ground is making big news around the state.
Makes me wonder what's gonna come next.
Earthquakes are RARE. Humongously rare. We see more hurricanes hit land here than we get earthquakes. So this little quiver in the ground is making big news around the state.
Makes me wonder what's gonna come next.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
R.I.P. Charlton Heston

I grew up watching this man and his movies. He was my Alpha male, my ultimate hero.
He will be missed!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
How Many WIPs Do YOU Have Going?
Ack! Nothing like being in the middle of a WIP (work in progress) when you get the call to work on another story...or do edits...or start promoting a book coming out.
This time it's edits taking me away from my book, but I don't mind. Really, I don't. However, if it was for something like "Run down to Lowe's with me. They have plywood on sale.", I would definitely have second thoughts.
But the edits have a purpose, and I truly want to make my work better looking. And this time the break gave me enough of a mental breather to look through my hard drive to see what I had still stewing in the pot. I counted them.
Five. Five books either started or outlined. One is a mere four chapters away from completion (at 40K+ words!) Of the five, 3 are stand-alones, but the other 2 are sequels.
Am I alone in this? Am I the only author who, once she gets destracted from the plot, ends up working on something else and not finishing what she was originally writing? From listening to other authors, most of what I "hear" is that once they start, they finish. "I did this story for NoRoMo, and I'm polishing it up to submit." "I got this great idea, and I'll be subbing it pronto!"
Hopefully, it's not just me. :)
This time it's edits taking me away from my book, but I don't mind. Really, I don't. However, if it was for something like "Run down to Lowe's with me. They have plywood on sale.", I would definitely have second thoughts.
But the edits have a purpose, and I truly want to make my work better looking. And this time the break gave me enough of a mental breather to look through my hard drive to see what I had still stewing in the pot. I counted them.
Five. Five books either started or outlined. One is a mere four chapters away from completion (at 40K+ words!) Of the five, 3 are stand-alones, but the other 2 are sequels.
Am I alone in this? Am I the only author who, once she gets destracted from the plot, ends up working on something else and not finishing what she was originally writing? From listening to other authors, most of what I "hear" is that once they start, they finish. "I did this story for NoRoMo, and I'm polishing it up to submit." "I got this great idea, and I'll be subbing it pronto!"
Hopefully, it's not just me. :)
Friday, April 4, 2008
My Interview with Within His Castle
Hey, all!
Back in October I had an interview with J.L. over at Within His Castle. And several people remarked to me that they'd missed it. So I'm "re-publishing" it here. Some of the comments are "outdated", but overall I enjoyed the experience! :)
Within His Castle
J. L.’s Twenty
Interview Questions
1 – Within His Castle is very pleased to have with us in our Hot Seat this evening best-selling author Linda Mooney! Welcome, Linda! Sensuous Romance with a Sci-Fi or Fantasy Flair. You have our interest so tell us more! What does this slogan mean in terms of your writing?
Hi, JL! Thank you so much for this opportunity!
The phrase means I write erotic stories that are very descriptive, but heavily romantic, too. However, it doesn’t contain overt graphic content. You could say it’s on the low-end spectrum of being called erotic, but yet still remains titillating and hot. LOL! It’s a fine balancing act, believe me!
2 – What would you say is your favorite thing about being able to craft tales featured in worlds and times different than our own?
My worlds, my rules!
3 – Going through your list of current and upcoming titles, you seem a very busy woman! AEquana, a most intriguingly scripted storyline, seems a very fine ride of espionage, adventure, and romance. Tell us a little about this tale.
It has a mermaid in it, but not like anything you’d ever expect. People reading this story come back and tell me how they would love to see it as a movie.
It takes place in present day. Not to give anything away, it’s about a woman who was raised in a lab because she can breathe underwater. The government uses her to go on missions for them. For AEquana, this is the only life she’s known. She knows nothing about real life or the real world.
John “Talon” Eagletalon a full-blood Native American. He used to be part of Navy Special Ops, but his team was disbanded due to medical reasons. But since he still owes Uncle Sam time on his contract, he’s assigned to be AEquana’s partner and bodyguard. He soon finds out how she’s being used and abused (seriously). He also finds himself falling in love with her.
The story then becomes a battle between the government trying to keep AEquana for their own dastardly deeds, and Talon trying to keep her out of their clutches.
4 – I’m equally intrigued by “36 Exposures,” your short piece available through Amazon. What is this Amazon Short about?
It’s a fantasy that takes place today. Jolee Wiley is a regular white-collar worker who finds a roll of undeveloped film in the street. She has it developed, hoping to find out who the roll belongs to. What she finds are pictures of a man she falls instantly in love with. But along with this man are pictures of a woman who is the exact, spitting image of herself. The photos of her double and this man are intense and very romantic.
5 – One of the highlights of your literary career is your title Runner’s Moon: Jebaral. This title earned you your best seller title with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. How did it feel when Jebaral raised you to this plateau?
I still can’t believe it. I have read the works of other authors from there whom I think have much better stories. To have my book stand out is flabbergasting, to say the least!
I wrote Runner’s Moon as a single piece (on a personal dare), but halfway through it discovered I had another story in me. So Tiron, book 2, was born. Before I was done, I had outlined book 3, Simolif.
I submitted Jebaral with the comment that I had # 2 ready and # 3 not yet written. To my shock WCPT took all three once I had finished and subbed them. Jebaral is the most romantic of the three, I’ve been told. Tiron is more heart-wrenching. Simolif is the most dramatic.
6 – What was the inspiration behind this story of fugitive alien slaves and forbidden romance?
It came because of an argument I overheard between two authors at a convention I attended last summer. They were discussing shape-shifters. One said a shifter was like a were-beast (wolf, etc.) The other claimed they were also vamps. So that evening at supper I challenged myself to write a story where the shifter was neither. In fact, rather than being a human turning into a creature, I began with an alien shifting into any humanoid form they came across. In this case, a human on Earth.
From there I asked myself why they looked the way I imagined them. Roots took, and the rest is history. I wrote all three books in less than 6 months total.
7 – The next two titles in the Runner’s Moon series – Tiron and Simolif – will be released over the next four months – December and April – from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. Tell us a bit about what we should expect from these two titles?
Tiron is the female alien’s story. She was tortured and abused on the Arran spacecraft, and it turned her into a bitter, angry person. When she landed on earth, the only way she learned to survive was to prostitute herself. One day she’s busted by Thomas DeGrassi, who’s working vice. She realizes that this man is the key to her happiness. At the same time Thom is trying to sort out his feelings for a hooker. Through it all they have to face a serial killer who’s targeting streetwalkers. (Not to mention the ever-present Arra still looking for their lost cargo!)
Simolif is Jebaral’s brother. Like his brother, he works construction. When a new job takes him to a university, he meets Sarah, a professor of astronomy. They are immediately attracted to each other, but soon Simolif realizes Sarah has gathered sufficient evidence of his landing on earth. If she releases that information to the public, the lives of all surviving Ruinos (the name of his people) will be in jeopardy. Not only does he have to convince her not to reveal what she’s found, but he also has to explain why—and Sarah had no idea he’s an alien from another world.
8 – Also coming soon is your title The Gifted from New Concepts Publishing. Tell us a bit about The Gifted and what you hope to see come from this highly-awaited novel?
The Gifted is unlike any story you’ve ever read. The title refers to a woman from another world named Sah’Reena. (First off, let me assure you she looks human!) She’s one of a few unique people, even among her kind, who is blessed with an enormous power. But when her people declared her too dangerous to live, they shot her out into space to die. By luck or happenstance her capsule ends up on Earth and taken to the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Dr. Robin Dickenson is an astro-physicist working at JSC. When he helps release the dying woman from her capsule, they immediately bond. He works diligently to keep her alive while the government and military vie over who gets to “own” her.
Inevitably Robin and Sah’Reena end up challenging his world just for the chance to love.
9 – So, my Dark Castle Goddess, tell me about your DCL title Healer of the Heart. This sounds like a vibrantly adventurous tale of days long past.
Oh, it is! It was the first romance I wrote after writing freelance for years. I love the medieval period of our history, with swords and gallantry, but I wanted to “tweak” it, so I placed the story on a parallel world.
On this world different countries are at war. One country has Healers, people who can take pain and injury from one person and into themselves. The country of Bothe has a treaty with the Healers so that one is always with the royal family for protection against assassination attempts from their enemies.
But when the next attempt kills the current Healer, his replacement turns out to be a beautiful woman named Mareesa. She and Querl, the nephew of the current ruler, fall in love, but their romance is rocky.
Just when it seems thinks couldn’t get worse, another murder attempt leaves Mareesa fighting for her life. And Querl fighting to find out why she fled to his country in the first place.
10 – You and I have a common Dark Castle Lords title coming out November 16th in the Christmas Anthology When the Snow Lay Round About. Share with us a little on what you’ve crafted for this holiday collection?
My short story is called “Sandcastle”. It’s a sweet little contemporary about a woman who’s just survived cancer and is trying to find a new start in life (and hopefully love). Little does she realize her wish will come true, thanks to the imagination of five-year-old girl.
11 – I believe we’re both also featured in the DCL 7 Deadly Sins anthology. What was it like crafting around the sin of your assessment?
Oh, wow. My “sin” is wrath. I initially got an idea for a sci-fi type story, but when that one outlined WAY into a full-fledged novel, I had to come up with an alternative. Believe it or not, I found my inspiration from the background photo at a friend’s MySpace site! Overnight I got the basic idea for the story (which will be a fantasy), along with how to incorporate the picture. After that the story fell onto the paper.
12 – How did writing begin for you, Linda? Had you always known it was in your blood?
To be blunt, I came from an abusive childhood. Since elementary school I wrote stories as escapism. Wrote or read. Of course at the time I had no idea why I wrote notebooks filled with stories until I received counseling in college. But being able to have people live beautiful, happy lives in my stories made the day-to-day life I was living tolerable.
My real life now is very wonderful. I’ve been married to Jim for nearly 25 years, and we have 2 great sons. Still, I love creating worlds and people, and placing them in dire situations just so I can give them their HEAs. Writing’s become a passion with me, and my hubby supports me 110%.
13 – What are some of your favorite things to write about? What brings you the most joy when you pen it?
Bad guys who get their just rewards (because that’s not always the case in real life.) Abused women who find true love. Men who will risk everything for the women they love.
14 – Let’s say I somehow became a character in one of your fictional worlds. What scenario would you put me in? Where would I be and what would happen to me there?
I see you as a trusted confidant of the hero. You would be privy to the love between the hero and heroine, and do what you could to allow them to have their chance at happiness.
15 – Of course, everyone seems to have a favorite Dark Castle Lord. Are there any dark lords that stand out more to you than others or any that you would like to see gracing your covers in the future?
I’m very partial to Mark Johnson, but I also like Peter. :)
16 – As a romantic author, how would you best describe the terms “romance” and “sensual?” What do you think are the necessary elements to successful incorporate these traits into a great piece of fiction?
Romance tugs at the heart. It’s like having every dream of love come to life.
Sensual is having all the push and thrust of hard rocking, exploding orgasms, but with the sweet temptations of caresses and kisses—and without the rough words.
17 – Of all of your books, what would you say is perhaps the best one that new readers of Linda Mooney should start off with? And do you have a personal favorite out of all of your works?
Umm, I would suggest people start with AEquana. But each of my books is totally different from the other. Past, present, future. Other worlds, this world. Aliens, normal people, gifted people. Contemporary, paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy. I’ve even done some hardcore erotica (under a pseudo) and a gritty urban fantasy, as well as horror.
But I prefer my sensual side. I adore my Battle Lord hero and heroine. But I also love my super-powered couple from HeartFast. I cannot pinpoint a personal favorite because each book is its own special baby.
18 – For brand new writers just taking their first baby-steps into the world of publishing, what advice do you have for them? What direction would you steer them and what would you perhaps warn against?
A toughie, eh? I would say they have someone who’s NOT a friend read through their book and give edits/suggestions/comments, and that they listen carefully. Don’t be upset over criticism that would only make your story better. Your story isn’t perfect. It has warts and pimples, and needs to be ironed a little, too.
When you’re ready to submit your story, make sure you’ve followed the submission guidelines to the T. And don’t submit to ANY publisher who asks you to pay to submit. Or demands in a contract that you’re required to buy anything.
As a Mardi Gras Publishing survivor, there are a lot more warning signs I could tell you. But for the moment I suggest you use Piers Anthony’s site for good ideas of who not to submit to.
19 – So, Linda, what are you writing on now? Anything new and exciting in the works?
Well, I’m finishing up a horror story. I’m also about 4 chapters away from finishing a paranormal (ghost) love story. And I’m wanting to begin a faery love story I’d outlined some time ago. There are about 3 more in the pot stewing at the moment, as well.
20 – Linda, thanks so much for participating in this interview with JL’s Twenty and Within His Castle! Before we part, I’ve one last question for you. If you were able to live out the life of any one of your characters for a day, which character would it be and why?
Ohhh! What a wish! Let me be Annie from my Lord of Thunder series. Rion and his people live in the ultimate world of my creation. And Rion is the ultimate hero of my dreams. :)
A special thanks once again to best-selling author Linda Mooney! Linda can be found all over the net, including the OFFICIAL Linda Mooney website and on MySpace at Be sure to check her out and send a shout out to me while you’re there! The best of luck to Linda on all of her current and future literary endeavors!
Back in October I had an interview with J.L. over at Within His Castle. And several people remarked to me that they'd missed it. So I'm "re-publishing" it here. Some of the comments are "outdated", but overall I enjoyed the experience! :)
Within His Castle
J. L.’s Twenty
Interview Questions
1 – Within His Castle is very pleased to have with us in our Hot Seat this evening best-selling author Linda Mooney! Welcome, Linda! Sensuous Romance with a Sci-Fi or Fantasy Flair. You have our interest so tell us more! What does this slogan mean in terms of your writing?
Hi, JL! Thank you so much for this opportunity!
The phrase means I write erotic stories that are very descriptive, but heavily romantic, too. However, it doesn’t contain overt graphic content. You could say it’s on the low-end spectrum of being called erotic, but yet still remains titillating and hot. LOL! It’s a fine balancing act, believe me!
2 – What would you say is your favorite thing about being able to craft tales featured in worlds and times different than our own?
My worlds, my rules!
3 – Going through your list of current and upcoming titles, you seem a very busy woman! AEquana, a most intriguingly scripted storyline, seems a very fine ride of espionage, adventure, and romance. Tell us a little about this tale.
It has a mermaid in it, but not like anything you’d ever expect. People reading this story come back and tell me how they would love to see it as a movie.
It takes place in present day. Not to give anything away, it’s about a woman who was raised in a lab because she can breathe underwater. The government uses her to go on missions for them. For AEquana, this is the only life she’s known. She knows nothing about real life or the real world.
John “Talon” Eagletalon a full-blood Native American. He used to be part of Navy Special Ops, but his team was disbanded due to medical reasons. But since he still owes Uncle Sam time on his contract, he’s assigned to be AEquana’s partner and bodyguard. He soon finds out how she’s being used and abused (seriously). He also finds himself falling in love with her.
The story then becomes a battle between the government trying to keep AEquana for their own dastardly deeds, and Talon trying to keep her out of their clutches.
4 – I’m equally intrigued by “36 Exposures,” your short piece available through Amazon. What is this Amazon Short about?
It’s a fantasy that takes place today. Jolee Wiley is a regular white-collar worker who finds a roll of undeveloped film in the street. She has it developed, hoping to find out who the roll belongs to. What she finds are pictures of a man she falls instantly in love with. But along with this man are pictures of a woman who is the exact, spitting image of herself. The photos of her double and this man are intense and very romantic.
5 – One of the highlights of your literary career is your title Runner’s Moon: Jebaral. This title earned you your best seller title with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. How did it feel when Jebaral raised you to this plateau?
I still can’t believe it. I have read the works of other authors from there whom I think have much better stories. To have my book stand out is flabbergasting, to say the least!
I wrote Runner’s Moon as a single piece (on a personal dare), but halfway through it discovered I had another story in me. So Tiron, book 2, was born. Before I was done, I had outlined book 3, Simolif.
I submitted Jebaral with the comment that I had # 2 ready and # 3 not yet written. To my shock WCPT took all three once I had finished and subbed them. Jebaral is the most romantic of the three, I’ve been told. Tiron is more heart-wrenching. Simolif is the most dramatic.
6 – What was the inspiration behind this story of fugitive alien slaves and forbidden romance?
It came because of an argument I overheard between two authors at a convention I attended last summer. They were discussing shape-shifters. One said a shifter was like a were-beast (wolf, etc.) The other claimed they were also vamps. So that evening at supper I challenged myself to write a story where the shifter was neither. In fact, rather than being a human turning into a creature, I began with an alien shifting into any humanoid form they came across. In this case, a human on Earth.
From there I asked myself why they looked the way I imagined them. Roots took, and the rest is history. I wrote all three books in less than 6 months total.
7 – The next two titles in the Runner’s Moon series – Tiron and Simolif – will be released over the next four months – December and April – from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. Tell us a bit about what we should expect from these two titles?
Tiron is the female alien’s story. She was tortured and abused on the Arran spacecraft, and it turned her into a bitter, angry person. When she landed on earth, the only way she learned to survive was to prostitute herself. One day she’s busted by Thomas DeGrassi, who’s working vice. She realizes that this man is the key to her happiness. At the same time Thom is trying to sort out his feelings for a hooker. Through it all they have to face a serial killer who’s targeting streetwalkers. (Not to mention the ever-present Arra still looking for their lost cargo!)
Simolif is Jebaral’s brother. Like his brother, he works construction. When a new job takes him to a university, he meets Sarah, a professor of astronomy. They are immediately attracted to each other, but soon Simolif realizes Sarah has gathered sufficient evidence of his landing on earth. If she releases that information to the public, the lives of all surviving Ruinos (the name of his people) will be in jeopardy. Not only does he have to convince her not to reveal what she’s found, but he also has to explain why—and Sarah had no idea he’s an alien from another world.
8 – Also coming soon is your title The Gifted from New Concepts Publishing. Tell us a bit about The Gifted and what you hope to see come from this highly-awaited novel?
The Gifted is unlike any story you’ve ever read. The title refers to a woman from another world named Sah’Reena. (First off, let me assure you she looks human!) She’s one of a few unique people, even among her kind, who is blessed with an enormous power. But when her people declared her too dangerous to live, they shot her out into space to die. By luck or happenstance her capsule ends up on Earth and taken to the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Dr. Robin Dickenson is an astro-physicist working at JSC. When he helps release the dying woman from her capsule, they immediately bond. He works diligently to keep her alive while the government and military vie over who gets to “own” her.
Inevitably Robin and Sah’Reena end up challenging his world just for the chance to love.
9 – So, my Dark Castle Goddess, tell me about your DCL title Healer of the Heart. This sounds like a vibrantly adventurous tale of days long past.
Oh, it is! It was the first romance I wrote after writing freelance for years. I love the medieval period of our history, with swords and gallantry, but I wanted to “tweak” it, so I placed the story on a parallel world.
On this world different countries are at war. One country has Healers, people who can take pain and injury from one person and into themselves. The country of Bothe has a treaty with the Healers so that one is always with the royal family for protection against assassination attempts from their enemies.
But when the next attempt kills the current Healer, his replacement turns out to be a beautiful woman named Mareesa. She and Querl, the nephew of the current ruler, fall in love, but their romance is rocky.
Just when it seems thinks couldn’t get worse, another murder attempt leaves Mareesa fighting for her life. And Querl fighting to find out why she fled to his country in the first place.
10 – You and I have a common Dark Castle Lords title coming out November 16th in the Christmas Anthology When the Snow Lay Round About. Share with us a little on what you’ve crafted for this holiday collection?
My short story is called “Sandcastle”. It’s a sweet little contemporary about a woman who’s just survived cancer and is trying to find a new start in life (and hopefully love). Little does she realize her wish will come true, thanks to the imagination of five-year-old girl.
11 – I believe we’re both also featured in the DCL 7 Deadly Sins anthology. What was it like crafting around the sin of your assessment?
Oh, wow. My “sin” is wrath. I initially got an idea for a sci-fi type story, but when that one outlined WAY into a full-fledged novel, I had to come up with an alternative. Believe it or not, I found my inspiration from the background photo at a friend’s MySpace site! Overnight I got the basic idea for the story (which will be a fantasy), along with how to incorporate the picture. After that the story fell onto the paper.
12 – How did writing begin for you, Linda? Had you always known it was in your blood?
To be blunt, I came from an abusive childhood. Since elementary school I wrote stories as escapism. Wrote or read. Of course at the time I had no idea why I wrote notebooks filled with stories until I received counseling in college. But being able to have people live beautiful, happy lives in my stories made the day-to-day life I was living tolerable.
My real life now is very wonderful. I’ve been married to Jim for nearly 25 years, and we have 2 great sons. Still, I love creating worlds and people, and placing them in dire situations just so I can give them their HEAs. Writing’s become a passion with me, and my hubby supports me 110%.
13 – What are some of your favorite things to write about? What brings you the most joy when you pen it?
Bad guys who get their just rewards (because that’s not always the case in real life.) Abused women who find true love. Men who will risk everything for the women they love.
14 – Let’s say I somehow became a character in one of your fictional worlds. What scenario would you put me in? Where would I be and what would happen to me there?
I see you as a trusted confidant of the hero. You would be privy to the love between the hero and heroine, and do what you could to allow them to have their chance at happiness.
15 – Of course, everyone seems to have a favorite Dark Castle Lord. Are there any dark lords that stand out more to you than others or any that you would like to see gracing your covers in the future?
I’m very partial to Mark Johnson, but I also like Peter. :)
16 – As a romantic author, how would you best describe the terms “romance” and “sensual?” What do you think are the necessary elements to successful incorporate these traits into a great piece of fiction?
Romance tugs at the heart. It’s like having every dream of love come to life.
Sensual is having all the push and thrust of hard rocking, exploding orgasms, but with the sweet temptations of caresses and kisses—and without the rough words.
17 – Of all of your books, what would you say is perhaps the best one that new readers of Linda Mooney should start off with? And do you have a personal favorite out of all of your works?
Umm, I would suggest people start with AEquana. But each of my books is totally different from the other. Past, present, future. Other worlds, this world. Aliens, normal people, gifted people. Contemporary, paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy. I’ve even done some hardcore erotica (under a pseudo) and a gritty urban fantasy, as well as horror.
But I prefer my sensual side. I adore my Battle Lord hero and heroine. But I also love my super-powered couple from HeartFast. I cannot pinpoint a personal favorite because each book is its own special baby.
18 – For brand new writers just taking their first baby-steps into the world of publishing, what advice do you have for them? What direction would you steer them and what would you perhaps warn against?
A toughie, eh? I would say they have someone who’s NOT a friend read through their book and give edits/suggestions/comments, and that they listen carefully. Don’t be upset over criticism that would only make your story better. Your story isn’t perfect. It has warts and pimples, and needs to be ironed a little, too.
When you’re ready to submit your story, make sure you’ve followed the submission guidelines to the T. And don’t submit to ANY publisher who asks you to pay to submit. Or demands in a contract that you’re required to buy anything.
As a Mardi Gras Publishing survivor, there are a lot more warning signs I could tell you. But for the moment I suggest you use Piers Anthony’s site for good ideas of who not to submit to.
19 – So, Linda, what are you writing on now? Anything new and exciting in the works?
Well, I’m finishing up a horror story. I’m also about 4 chapters away from finishing a paranormal (ghost) love story. And I’m wanting to begin a faery love story I’d outlined some time ago. There are about 3 more in the pot stewing at the moment, as well.
20 – Linda, thanks so much for participating in this interview with JL’s Twenty and Within His Castle! Before we part, I’ve one last question for you. If you were able to live out the life of any one of your characters for a day, which character would it be and why?
Ohhh! What a wish! Let me be Annie from my Lord of Thunder series. Rion and his people live in the ultimate world of my creation. And Rion is the ultimate hero of my dreams. :)
A special thanks once again to best-selling author Linda Mooney! Linda can be found all over the net, including the OFFICIAL Linda Mooney website and on MySpace at Be sure to check her out and send a shout out to me while you’re there! The best of luck to Linda on all of her current and future literary endeavors!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The X-Files is Back, and Coming Soon!
What can I say? I Luuuuuuv the X-Files. Heck, I even used to work as a chat moderator for AOL in the X-Files Forum (when it existed). Anyone from there remember XFF Wombat?
So when I heard about the new X-Files movie coming out this summer, I found the trailer to post here. The first half of the trailer is a re-hash of the 10 seasons it played. That's to get you back into the "swing" of the show. The second half relates directly to the movie.
So when I heard about the new X-Files movie coming out this summer, I found the trailer to post here. The first half of the trailer is a re-hash of the 10 seasons it played. That's to get you back into the "swing" of the show. The second half relates directly to the movie.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
SIMOLIF is Out, and I'm Celebrating!
WHOOHOO! Runner's Moon: Simolif, Book 3 of the Best Selling "Runner's Moon" Series, is NOW AVAILABLE in e-book and paperback!
AND at 15% off!
And to celebrate, I'm giving away two e-books Of Your Choice!
Just go to my website at to see how to enter!
Contest Ends May 1st.
Thanks, and Good Luck!
AND at 15% off!
And to celebrate, I'm giving away two e-books Of Your Choice!
Just go to my website at to see how to enter!
Contest Ends May 1st.
Thanks, and Good Luck!
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