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Thursday, July 31, 2014
Now You See Him...
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Dancers as Flowers
art as live performance,
dancers as flowers,
Monday, July 28, 2014
Deborah Bailey Returns as my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio
I'm delighted to announce that Deborah Bailey is returning as my guest author tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. She'll be reading an excerpt from her new sci-fi romance novel, BURN, Book 2 of the Hathor Legacy series.
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct
You don't want to miss it!
* * *
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct
You don't want to miss it!
* * *
On the planet, Hathor, an old threat re-emerges that may
destroy the fragile alliance between the Guardians and Novacorp. When Nadira is called to investigate a rash
of fires throughout the city, she discovers the Deshtu, another group with PSI
powers who have been purposely kept in the shadows.
Working to uncover the source of the fires, Nadira learns
the brutal truth about the origin of the Guardians. The Guardian Elders have
plans to make Nadira more powerful, and she may be forced to sever her psychic
connection to Jonathan Keel.
When an unexpected ally gives Jonathan information about the
Deshtu that connects them to the fires, he becomes a convenient scapegoat for
the opposing factions. Nadira puts her life on the line to solve the crime,
while the Elders make their move to remove Jonathan from her life forever.
As time runs out, the Guardians prepare for a clash with
Novacorp that could plunge the planet into chaos, and a final betrayal forces
Nadira to risk everything to save herself and Hathor.
blog talk radio,
Deborah Bailey,
guest author,
Hathor Legacy series,
Other Worlds of Romance,
sci-fi romance
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Want Anthropomorphisms! I Got 'Em!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
The Top 5 Things I Learned at the RWA 2014 Convention
5. Everyone is so friendly. I wore a newbie badge, and whenever I got confused or lost, or just plain felt like an outsider, someone always came up to me to talk, offer help, or to welcome me to the con. I've made new friends!
4. Many (if not all) traditional authors are moving to self-pubbing. At least, the ones I heard speak at panel discussions all said they were. Some are still sticking with legacy publishers, but by and large they're taking their backlists and uploading them themselves.
3. Get to the panel discussions very early. Or else you'll have to sit on the floor or stand for the session. I got to one ten minutes before it was to begin, and the room was already SRO. So I sat. Bad, bad mistake. Thank goodness there were several ladies who helped me back up and into a vacated chair. Otherwise I may still be sitting there!
2. There is no such thing as "do this and you'll be successful". What works for one author may not for another. But I did get a few good ideas and tips.
RWA 2014,
tips and tricks,
top 5 things I learned
Friday, July 25, 2014
Went On a Ghost Tour of SA

We heard the most gruesome tales of murder, entombment, decapitation, and mass burials. Best part was when our host J.R. hauled out the divining rods, EMF meters, Ovilus, and infrared detectors.
Well worth the time (2 hrs.) and effort (briskly walking 2+ miles in the dark in the middle of San Antonio!)
Well worth the time (2 hrs.) and effort (briskly walking 2+ miles in the dark in the middle of San Antonio!)
Thursday, July 24, 2014
How About a Picture With a Hunky Cowboy...or Two?

People were lining up during the Amazon/Kindle social to get their photos snapped with some very obliging cowboys!
The Gate at the Witte Museum

After a day of listening to panel discussions, I decided to check out the Witte and see what all they had. Maybe come away with an idea or two for a book.
Saw this gate at a side entrance and had to snap it. Note the fine detail like the horned toad at the bottom right, the rattlesnake, and the caterpillar.
beautiful artwork,
RWA 2014,
San Antonio,
Witte Museum
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I Love the Sight of the Carriage Rides at Night
The Marriott Hotel, where the RWA 2014 convention is taking place, is back-to-front with the Rivercenter Mall and Alamo. If you go down to Alamo Plaza, you can see these carriages going up and down the street.
Off to the 2014 RWA Convention!
For the next three days I'll be attending the Romance Writers of America conference in San Antonio. Pictures to come!
Romance Writers of America,
San Antonio
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Re-released! MY STRENGTH, MY POWER, MY LOVE, an Erotic Sci-Fi Romance Novel
An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance Novel
ISBN 978-1-941321-15-7
Word Count: 73.9K
2009 Title Of The Year - Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
Once in every one million births, a child is born
on Bellac with the Synergistic gene. These children are taken from their parents
and raised, trained, and prepared for the day when they will find their
Synergistic other half. For when that happens, an entity is created from the
combination of both male and female who holds unbelievable powers. An entity who
is trained to protect and defend its home world.
Grey Dansis is a Synergian. She has reached the
time when she must meet the others like herself and hopefully find the male who
will become her life-long partner from a crowd of strong, prime adult males who
are ready to join the war as soon as they are united with their female
Unfortunately Grey has secretly harbored a longing
for Rowe Maine. But the man is five years her senior and considered long past
acceptance. He is an Unmatched Synergian who has lost his chance to become one
of the rare new entities. By law he is no longer able to seek his mate. Now
the man is a trainer and teacher at their special school.
It won’t be long, however, before their world is
again attacked by marauders. The creatures bent on domination are a species the
Synergians have never encountered before. And this time the creatures’ goal
isn’t just to conquer Bellac, but to totally wipe the planet's population and
its army of Synergians out of existence.
Grey has no idea that Rowe, the man she has long
been in love with, is her fated other half. Or that the power coming from their
union would be the only force strong enough to save Bellac from complete
Because the law won't even let them
Warning! Contains human weaponry, alien attacks, near gang rape, unapproved use of pudding, overly-aggressive males, excessive sex as a health benefit, badly fitting uniforms, trial by antagonistic rulers, and a love that defies the laws of man and nature.
Click here for excerpt and buy links.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Christine Amsden Returns as My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio
You don't want to miss tonight's episode on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio! Christine Amsden returns as my guest author, and she'll be reading an excerpt from Stolen Dreams, Book 4 of her Cassie Scott, ParaNormal Detective series.
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct
* * *
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct
* * *
Edward Scot and Victor
Blackwood have despised one another for nearly a quarter of a century, but now
their simmering hatred is about to erupt.
When Cassie Scot returns
home from her sojourn in Pennsylvania, she finds that her family has taken a
hostage. Desperate to end the fighting before someone dies, Cassie seeks help
from local seer Abigail Hastings, Evan Blackwood’s grandmother. But Abigail
has seen her own death, and when it comes at the hand of Cassie’s
father, Victor Blackwood kills Edward Scot.
But things may not be
precisely as they appear.
Evan persuades Cassie to
help him learn the truth, teaming them up once again in their darkest hour. New
revelations about Evan and his family make it difficult for Cassie to cling to
a shield of anger, but can Evan and Cassie stop a feud that has taken on a life
of its own? Conclusion to the Cassie
Scot series.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Six paragraphs from The Hairy-Legged Girls Club, an erotic paranormal romance by Carolyn Gregg (Linda Mooney w/a)
1. Even
though he couldn't hear what they were saying, from the look of disgust on her
face, it was evident it wasn't nice. Brint started to get to his feet to
intervene when the woman slapped away a hand that was reaching up to grope her.
The men laughed louder at her refusal, and when she tried to continue on her
way, someone managed drag his hand either across her ass or between her legs.
He couldn't tell from the angle where he was sitting, but it was enough to
infuriate her to the point where she whirled around and shoved her face into
the guy's. Brint had no idea what she said to the man, but the dude's eyes
widened and his face turned white. Turning around, the woman flipped her hair
over her shoulder and continued forward without any further hassle. Casually,
she sauntered up to the bar next to Brint and leaned over the counter.
2. Wrapping
her arms around his waist was like encircling a tree trunk of warm, hard
muscle. The idea of sneaking her hand down the crotch of his jeans was
tempting, but she held back. Why, she had no idea. Maybe it was because she
wanted the both of them to reach the motel in once piece, instead of
distracting him to the point where they might run off the road and have an
3. Glancing
around, Heleema finally spotted the rifle lying in the dirt. A look up, and the
man who had been holding down her right arm and leg still crouched where she'd
left him. His face was white, his eyes bugging as he stared at her in absolute
fear. His eyes also dropped to the rifle, then back up to her, and she knew
without a doubt what he was thinking. Shifting just enough to give herself
human voice, she lowered her head, ears flat against her skull. "Go for it, asshole," she
4. Unable
to help himself, Brint reached over and drew her toward him, taking her lips
with a gentleness that surprised even him. Her arms encircled his head, and the
kiss went deeper. Within seconds, the fires they'd kept banked returned with
increased heat, sending searing bolts of lightning under his skin and directly
into his lower abdomen. Reluctantly broke apart, the both of them breathing
5. The
man was aiming toward the house, totally unaware of the enormous hound
barreling straight for him. Brint hit the guy's arm, knocking the rifle upward.
The shot went wide and the man landed in a sprawl on his back. In full attack
mode, Brint lunged for the man's throat. Too late, the hunter tried to block
him with a raised arm. Instead, Brint head-butted the elbow out of the way and
went directly for the jugular. It was over in seconds.
6. Brint
ran a hand over his face. He was exhausted and bloodied. Drained. And thirsty.
His throat felt parched and constricted. "I don't suppose there's a garden
hose around here somewhere, is there?" he asked Heleema. "I could use
a cool drink of water right now." Glancing at the crusted blood under his
nails, he added, "And wash some of this shit off my skin."
Carolyn Gregg,
erotic romance,
Paranormal Romance,
Six on Sunday,
The Hairy-Legged Girls Club
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Re-release! CODE 30, a Trio of Paranormal Horror Stories by Gail Smith
A Trio of Paranormal Horror Stories
by Linda Mooney, writing as Gail Smith
Word Count: 33.6K
Hi. My name is Alexis Hembree, and I’m a
cop. My partner and I are good at our jobs, except we don’t tend to work what
others would call a “normal” beat. For some reason we draw evil to us like
flies to sugar.
Sometimes there are things in this world we can’t explain or
anticipate. But when they cross that line between their existence and ours,
when they show up, we have to deal with them as best we can.
Some cops fight criminals. We fight something that never should
have existed.
It was a crack house. Except, in this case, drug dealers went in but they didn’t come out. Not alive, anyway, but in body bags. What’s more, if everyone who went inside ended up being shredded to death, who was doing the killing?
Georgie Porgie
The killer targeted women. Young, old, prostitutes, business women, it didn’t matter. One moment they would be walking down the sidewalk in the middle of town, and the next what was left of their bodies would be found in a nearby alleyway. Devoured. That’s why I had to be the next one to walk the streets. To draw out whoever was doing this. To be his next victim.
The Goodbye
He murdered young girls by crucifying them with ice picks. He was slick, elusive, and heading for our city. My partner and I were damned and determined this murderer would get no further. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep my head on the job. Neither could I ignore the weird-ass dreams I was having about this deviate. This case was becoming more personal, more foreboding, and more dangerous with each passing day. And there was no damn way I could avoid what I dreamed would be the final outcome.
CODE 30,
gail smith,
paranormal horror,
serial killer,
short stories
Friday, July 18, 2014
Stuck For a Gift Idea? Try Pinterest!
Ever get stuck for a birthday or Christmas gift for a friend? Try doing what I did. I went to their Pinterest page to see what they were pinning, and got some great possibilities.
I'm on Pinterest. Follow me!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
100 Reasons to Stay Alive
100 reasons to stay alive,
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
10 Years at Saturn
Cassini recently celebrated a decade in orbit around Saturn. We have learned more about the complex ring structure and many moons of the ringed gas giant than ever expected.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
New! THE HAIRY-LEGGED GIRLS CLUB, an Erotic Paranormal Romance by Carolyn Gregg
An Erotic Paranormal, Urban Fantasy Romance
by Carolyn Gregg (Linda Mooney w/a)
ISBN 978-1-941321-14-0978-1-
Word Count: 33.9K
Fresh out of
the military, the last thing Brint Cirrus needs is trouble. Besides, he has a
secret to protect. But when he parks his motorcycle at a Texas road-side bar
and meets sexy Heleema, the lead singer of the country band, The
Hairy-Legged Girls Club, it’s clear trouble looks mighty good. The feeling
is definitely mutual.
Intent on consummating their
mutual attraction, Brint and Heleema leave the bar, and a group of drunken men
who had been harassing Heleema earlier follow them. The men ram their pick-up
into the motorcycle, sending the bike and both riders into a bar ditch along
the side of the road. When Brint comes to, he finds Heleema on the verge of
being raped. Secret or no secret, he has to rescue her. But as he shape shifts
into his dog persona, he sees Heleema shift into a coyote. Together they
dispatch the attackers, killing one of them, then escape. But their enemies
aren’t so easily deterred and they want revenge.
From the very beginning Brint and
Heleema are drawn together in lust. Now they are drawn together in danger as
shape shifters and as humans. In
Heleema, Brint has found a woman he can trust and love. In Brint, Heleema has
found a man to satisfy her passion and her heart.
Carolyn Gregg,
erotic romance,
new release,
Paranormal Romance,
shape shifters,
The Hairy-Legged Girls Club,
urban fantasy
Monday, July 14, 2014
New Release and Giveaway! THE HAIRY-LEGGED GIRLS CLUB by Carolyn Gregg
Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio, I'll be reading an excerpt from my erotic paranormal, urban fantasy romance, The Hairy-Legged Girls Club, written as Carolyn Gregg. And one lucky listener will win an e-copy!
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm central
Don't miss it!
* * *
Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm central
Don't miss it!
* * *
Fresh out of
the military, the last thing Brint Cirrus needs is trouble. Besides, he has a
secret to protect. But when he parks his motorcycle at a Texas road-side bar
and meets sexy Heleema, the lead singer of the country band, The
Hairy-Legged Girls Club it’s clear trouble looks mighty good. The feeling
is definitely mutual.
Intent on consummating their
mutual attraction Brint and Heleema leave the bar, and a group of drunken men who
had been harassing Heleema earlier follow them. The men ram their pick-up into
the motorcycle, sending the bike and both riders into a bar ditch along the
side of the road. When Brint comes to he finds Heleema on the verge of being
raped. Secret or no secret, he has to rescue her. But as he shape shifts into
his dog persona, he sees Heleema shift into a coyote. Together they dispatch
the attackers, killing one of them, then escape. But their enemies aren’t so
easily deterred and they want revenge.
From the very beginning Brint and
Heleema are drawn together in lust. Now they are drawn together in danger as
shape shifters and as humans. In
Heleema, Brint has found a woman he can trust and love. In Brint, Heleema has
found a man to satisfy her passion and her heart.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
White Northern Lights in Finland
beautiful photos,
northern lights
Saturday, July 12, 2014
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