To whit:
33% Hair color doesn't matter
58% Very Alpha
50% More Beta, more caring
8% With a beard
25% With a Day's Growth
66% Clean shaven
25% With chest hair
They're actually called Belted Galloways. And thanks to http://i1.trekearth.com/ here's a bit more about these very strange-looking bovine.
Galloway cattle are an ancient breed that originated in the rugged hill country of southwestern Scotland. They are related to the Angus which was developed in northeastern Scotland. While the Angus was selected for rapid growth on better feed, the Galloway was selected for its ability to thrive on poor forage in a cold wet climate. They were first imported to the States in the 1850s. Galloways are poled and medium in size, cows weighing between 1000 to 1500 pounds.
Black is the most common color in the breed with red and dun also found. White Galloways occur more rarely. Along with their black points (eyes, ears, nose, feet, teats) they are sometimes roan or speckled. Belted Galloways originated within the Galloway breed but are generally registered with a separate association. The Galloway is rare in North America but is increasing in numbers globally with an estimated population of about 10,000. Galloway cattle stand out for their forage efficiency, hardiness, maternal qualities, and excellence of beef. Galloways impart outstanding vigor to crossbred offspring.
Hmm...looks like the one in the forefront has double stuff.