Saturday, September 6, 2008

Luuuuve My Sleep - Do NOT Disturb!

Just watched a bit of news that says people who sleep 5-6 hours per night live longer than people who get 7 or more hours of rest per night. Gee, and then on another channel they say that we Americans are sleep deprived.

Let 'em battle it out. Meanwhile, my favorite pasttime? Sleeeeeeeping! *yawn!*

Oh, and catch out the cute little video below I found for the oldie The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

See you in the morning!


Diana Castilleja said...

Love the video!

Anonymous said...

That picture reminds me of my cat. She's always asleep.

Anonymous said...

I agree I think I'm sleep deprived
Love the picture of the kitty also

Fedora said...

Ahh... sleep!!! It seems I can't get enough, yet somehow I can't convince my kids that napping is GOOD! ;)