Friday, July 28, 2023

Now Available as an Audiobook! HIP POCKET ROMANCES, Volume 2

Now Available as an Audiobook!

Volume 2
Written and Narrated by Linda Mooney
Length: 43 min
Hear a Sample


Hip Pocket Romance 4
Sensuous Paranormal
Word Count: 3K

Karlene's original intent was to introduce Joab to his first ever banana split, but things didn't go exactly as planned. In fact, they got better.

Hip Pocket Romance 5
Sweet, Humorous Sci-Fi
Word Count: 3.5K

Zak takes his alien mate, Silla, to the remains of a bowling alley for an impromptu date night. And when the scores remain close, he makes a bet with her as to the outcome.

Hip Pocket Romance 6
Sweet Paranormal Fantasy
Word Count: 2.4K

Their relationship was simple, yet complicated. Now Jonah just made it more complicated when the Immortal gifted Clea with a special symbol.

Excerpts and Buy Links

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Please Welcome S. Peters-Davis as She Tells Us About Her Paranormal Suspense Romance Thriller, SPECTRAL PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS, Ghost Guardians, Book 2

Spectral Paranormal Investigations
Ghost Guardians 
Book Two
by S. Peters-Davis

Genre: Paranormal Suspense Romance Thriller, Paranormal Romance, New Adult, Suspense-Mystery
Publisher: BWL Publishing, Inc.   
Date of Publication: July 2023
ISBN 9780228626442  
Word Count: 54,000
Cover Artist: Pandora Designs

SPI (Spectral Paranormal Investigations) The team’s mission: Rescue ALL spirits left behind, even the evil ones. Murder, Mystery, and Mayhen…in ghost form

Book Description: 
Bri Lancaster and Kyle Benton (SPI ghost detectives) investigate an 1880s rundown, haunted mansion in the middle of nowhere during one of the harshest winters remembered.

The SPI team uncovers that the evil entity bound to the mansion has trapped innocent spirits into an endless loop of abuse, sorrow, and the ultimate…death. In order to rescue the captives, the team discovers they must first defeat the crazed, abusive ghost.

But what happens when SPI team member, Kyle, goes comatose and the only way to rescue him is to extract the horrifying evil entity from Kyle’s body?

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Bri’s point of view

“We’re fine but a bit rattled.” Kyle glanced at me and then back at his father. “Sorry for the late visit, but I wanted you to hear what happened firsthand. Let’s sit at the kitchen table.” Kyle grabbed my hand and pulled me to a chair.

Miles shook his head as he pulled off his outside gear and settled into a chair across from Kyle and me. “I had no idea the weather would turn into a snowstorm, more like a blizzard. It took some time for you to get back here, didn’t it?” Without waiting for an answer, he continued,

“Sorry about that. Glad you made it without incident.”

“Well, about that…” Kyle nodded toward me. “Tell Dad everything.”

I did, not leaving out the woman in the window or the scary-looking man in the mansion doorway, or how the appearance of the building went back in time to brand new. Nor did I skip describing the sign I saw that disappeared or the distance we’d driven when we saw the last two women and how something must be keeping them stuck there.

“Wow, I had no idea that kind of history was attached to the old mansion. It makes me think of the bordello stories my grandparents shared. Turned out more of a horror story.” Miles stared at me. “Did you open doors to any of the rooms upstairs?”

“None. The vibe came across as pure evil.” A chill zipped up my spine like a sawblade, making me shiver, and my eyes slammed shut. Everything went dark.

Then suddenly, I popped back to the mansion, reliving each moment there. Only this time, my trip ended with me standing in front of the black-eyed man at the door. His arms reached toward me. My paralyzed body couldn’t move as he grabbed my shoulders with stabbing force. I said, “I have no fear,” repeating the mantra. His mouth stretched open, long and wide, and his pointed teeth lengthened. The familiar stench coated my face, the same as my earlier visit. Then I said, “I am filled with love and light; the Divine is my shield.” Before I could repeat the mantra, his mouth closed, and he vanished into a cloud of black smoke.

Voices called my name, echoing inside my brain until I forced my eyes open to Kyle’s handsome face. His warm hands released each side of my head.

“What happened to you? It’s like you passed out in the chair, then after a bit, you’re repeating a mantra. Dad and I hollered your name, but you couldn’t hear us.” Kyle studied my face. “You did pass out, didn’t you?”

“I’ve never experienced anything like what just happened. I’m not sure how it happened, but I returned to the mansion and got a good picture of that man’s appearance. I believe his clothing dates back to that of the 1885 plaque. That’s a starting point for research of when the place was built and who owned it.” My heart beat like a mountain of drums in my chest. “Some horrific trauma must have happened to that man to make him so vile. He wanted to hurt me, maybe even kill me.”

Hello, Linda😊 Thank you for hosting SPI, Ghost Guardian, Book 2, at your wonderful place today. I’m excited to be here and appreciate your followers for stopping in and checking out your place and my newest release. Thank you, everyone😉

Okay…so what is it about SPI that makes the book special?

The premise of the book and series is rescuing ghosts left behind (those spirits that haven’t crossed over after death). Of course, there are also romances, friendships, other relationships, and many rescues…some scary and others heart-warming. But what makes this special to me is how the idea of this book grew inside me for years.

As a child of four-through-six years old, I saw a ghost several times throughout those ages. It always happened whenever I woke up during the night. An older woman came toward me, reaching out her hands. She terrorized and traumatized me until, finally, I no longer saw her.

In my late twenties, my sisters and I were going through some of my dad’s old photos of his family. My breath left me when I found the picture of an older woman I recognized as my childhood ghost. Come to find out, she was my father’s mother and had passed away around the time I had my first childhood vision of her (I’d never met my grandmother before she’d died).

I suddenly wanted that ability back so I could see my grandmother’s spirit again and treat her better than me screaming to the top of my lungs in fear of her. If I could see her spirit as a child, shouldn’t I be able to see spirits again?

I’ve learned a lot about paranormal incidents and myself, as far as spirituality. I haven’t been able to “see” spirits, but I can sense, feel, and sometimes hear a presence. And that always makes me smile because I feel in touch with the people I love who have passed away.

I wanted to write a character who could see and communicate with those who had passed, but their spirits couldn’t move on…for whatever reason, they had remained earthbound.

The idea of “Ghost Guardians” formed, turned into a book, and then into a series – to the point of rescuing both the innocent and the evil spirits. Like a mystery, there’s research and investigation involved in figuring out what traumatized a person so severely in their lifetime that they couldn’t move on after death. I liked that idea…in fact, it’s a book I would want to read…so why not write it.

I know I’m not the only one who has had this type of experience, but my experience has made this book and series special to me. I hope you enjoy Bri and Kyle and the rest of the Ghost Guardian team’s stories. 

About the Author: 

S. Peters-Davis writes multi-genre stories but loves penning a good page-turning suspense-thriller, especially when it’s a ghost story and a romance. Paranormal suspense-thriller romances are her favorites. When she’s not writing, editing, or reading, she’s hiking, RV’ing, fishing, playing with grandchildren and her dog, Sparky, or enjoying time with her favorite muse (her husband) in Southwest Michigan.

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