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Monday, October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 30, 2022
The Story of the Jack O' Lantern

Saturday, October 29, 2022
I'm at Inez Market Days Today! Come By and Say, "Hi!"
Friday, October 28, 2022
Yes, But by Gudim Anton
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Now Available in Print! GLADIATRIX, a Dark Sci-Fi Romance
Dark Sci-Fi Romance
Word Count: 53.2K
$3.99 e / $9.99 p
Captain Rylee Crockett, a member of the Galactic Force, is
well-respected among her peers, and damn good at her job.
Despite the hurdles of being a female captain, she has a loyal
crew who see her as strict but fair, and with the newest
additions, her crew makes her the best ship in the fleet.
She’s especially curious about the newest expert on board. Dr.
Beck Graham, a xenobiologist who specializes in alien species,
specifically the Purej, who the Galactic Forces have been
fighting for some time now. When Rylee’s ship is ordered to
provide backup for a warship in the middle of a battle with
their alien enemy, a mistranslated communique is intercepted,
and Beck helps her decipher its true meaning. She fears they’re
being set up for an ambush, along with everyone else ordered to
was thought to be proposed peace talks with the Purej is not at
all the situation they find themselves involved in. Rylee’s ship
is overtaken, and she awakens alone on an unrecognizable planet,
and is soon taken to an arena where it is kill or be killed.
Every confrontation becomes a fight to the death, gladiator
style—against alien creatures, or other Galactic Force
members—purely for their enemies’ entertainment.
Rylee lives through this, she vows to get her revenge for the
devastating number of crewmen she’s lost. And for the man who
had given her a glimmer of hope when it came to being loved.
Warning! Contains ancient weaponry, oxygen masks, hostage taking, bad translations, revenge, a top-of-the-line spaceship, a demotion, and two people refusing to give up hope, until they're forced to take each other's lives.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Monday, October 24, 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Six on Sunday - GLADIATRIX, a Dark Sci-Fi Romance
1. She shoved her hands underneath the wall fountain, then rubbed her face with the cold water. It helped to rejuvenate her. She took a deep breath and met her own gaze again. “Concentrate. Anchor yourself. You’re taking nearly two hundred crewmembers on what could be a one-way ticket to hell. The last thing you need is to be distracted.”
2. The claxon abruptly cut off in mid wail. The echoing quiet was unnerving. Once she was able to readjust herself to the overwhelming calm, she caught the faint sounds of explosions and muffled booms echoing in the distance. Someone was firing on her ship, and judging from the repercussions, her ship was firing back. Although she didn’t know for certain who was attacking them, she had an idea who it was, but she’d have to wait until she reached the bridge before she could confirm.
3. “What good would it do? How many years have you been in the GF, Lieutenant? How many commendations have you garnered? How many times have you been forced to think on your feet in a life-or-death situation? And I’m sure the rest of us will agree with me that this is a life-or-death situation. It’s also true Captain Crockett may not have the answers, but there’s a chance she just might. I’m betting she knows this ship better than all the rest of you combined, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.”
4. She shook her head, hoping to clear her vision. Swiping her eyes with the back of her arm, she saw his face was wet from his own tears, when Beck’s head lolled onto his chest. She knew without having to check that he was out of it. From what she could see around them, more figures floated in the weightlessness, put into a sort of stasis by the mist. Whatever the toxic cloud contained, it was dangerous, and she prayed it wasn’t lethal.
5. They continued to look out into the arena, but nothing moved and nothing appeared. Rylee took the momentary lull to check on the rest of her crew. She didn’t dare ask who had been with them who’d died. Right now she couldn’t deal with that knowledge. She needed to keep her head in the game and check on the survivors. She needed to give what words of comfort she could to those who were wounded, and words of encouragement all around. It would be small comfort to them, but she felt she needed to make the effort, if for no other reason than she was their captain, and they depended on her.
6. Rylee was swept up by her crewmen, all of them unabashedly shedding tears as they exchanged hugs and slapped each other on the back. She had difficulty accepting the sudden surge of people welcoming her, when a pair of steel-strong arms she instantly recognized literally swept her off her feet and crushed her against his chest. Rylee threw her arms around the man’s neck and buried her face in his shoulder as they held each other for several long, wonderful seconds. When he finally released her, he stepped back, and she realized he wasn’t going to kiss her. She debated whether to kiss him instead, but something restrained her.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
New! FOREVER, TIVA, a Horror Romance by Linda Mooney Writing as Gail Smith
Horror Romance
by Linda Mooney writing as Gail Smith
Word Count: 14.2K
$1.99 e / $6.99 p
a post-apocalyptic world, Tiva is running for her life when she stumbles across
three survivors who save her from a horde of those
whatever they are now. The creatures aren’t people anymore. They’re…infected.
Struggling to find food, she soon realizes luck was on her side when Russ and
his crew welcome her into the safety of their warehouse.
It seems not many survivors remain in what’s
left of the world, so they figure they’d do better to stick together. Besides,
Russ hasn’t known the love of a woman in a long time, and he and Tiva
immediately feel the connection.
As the days pass, the crew takes turns keeping
watch for the undead. Russ and Tiva vow to be there for each other should they
get bitten. If the inevitable should happen, it wouldn’t be much of an
afterlife, wandering aimlessly and killing innocent people.
Friday, October 21, 2022
Check Out Bloodlink, a YA Vampire and Paranormal Mystery by Raye T. Watson
Something is wrong. I’m finally waking up. I can almost feel my consciousness slip into focus, but I still feel like I am floating.
I pry my eyes open, and I can see I am lying in a bed, but I can’t remember how I got there or when I’d gone to bed. Had I been hallucinating? Is Ryan okay?
I put my hand to my head, or I think I did. I can’t feel it. I can hear movement, but I can’t feel anything. I frown, realizing the floating feeling hasn’t gone away. It isn’t really like floating; it isn’t as soothing. It’s just... nothing.That scares me.
My eyes pop open, and I sit up, feeling like my heart should have shot to my throat. This isn’t my bed. This isn’t my room.
It is dark in this room, but I can see it fine. Moonlight filters in through the window to my left and helps define the room. I am in a four-poster bed in a renaissance style room. It’s as big as my living room. It is beautiful, but how did I get here?
I hear the rustle of the bed covers and look down. I can see my hands on the covers, but as I grip them, twist them, and throw them away from me, I still have no sense of their weight or texture. I rub my fingers and hands together, but nothing.
I can’t feel... anything!
Alarmed and panicked, I take in air through shallow and quick breaths as I kick away from the things I can’t touch. In the process, I fall backward over the side of the bed and hit the floor with a thud. I wish I could say that it hurt. But without the bang that resonated in the room as I hit the ground, I may not have known I’d fallen at all.
What is wrong with me? Tears of fear fill my eyes. Fear as intoxicating as poison burns inside me, and I begin to cry, too scared to think. I crab crawl quickly away from the bed, as if it was the thing that made me this way. I crunch against the far bedroom wall, which stops me from going any further. I turn and run my hands along the wall, but it’s the same as the bed. Without my sight, I wouldn’t even know it was there. Terror grips me, and I curl up in the corner and hug myself, but it doesn’t help. It’s as if my whole body is filled with novocaine.
Before too long, I can hear footsteps outside the room I’m in. They sound like they’re coming toward me. They are going to find me. I don’t know if I want them to or not.