At my writer's group on Saturday, we had a new member. A young gentleman who was not yet published, but looking into it. He had decided, after extensive study, to go the self-publishing route because he had developed a very low opinion of ALL publishers, e-pubs included. To him, why pay a publisher to put out your book when you could do it yourself and keep all the money?
I know I personally am keeping a watchful eye on what happens with the "traditional" pubs, especially the Big Six, in this day and time. With all the hoopla going on regarding industry standards and changes. And I will also admit that my first two books were with Publish America - a decision I don't honestly regret except for the length of contract. (Hey, my mindset was that I was a crappy writer after being told this countless times. And PA didn't charge me to pub, so...)
Anyway, back to the argument at hand:
He was touting iUniverse, and explaining that for $600 he could get (insert list of options I really didn't pay attention to.) His take on traditional was so condescending, I stepped in and told him how I was with two e-pubs, who also provided POD, and it didn't cost me a penny to become published. In fact, they pay me.
He proceeded to ask what my royalty percentages were. I honestly told him around 35%. To which he replied, "In that case, you ARE 'paying them' to be published."
My reply was that my publishers not only provide my book in many different formats, but they also place my books in other third party venues such as Amazon, B&N, etc. He said he could do the same thing with his books, but it would cost him $.
"It doesn't cost me to be placed in Amazon, etc.," I told him.
"Yes, it does," he said. "You pay your publisher 65% of your royalties to do it. Same thing."
"But a publisher already has a built-in readership," I explained. "It drives people to their website, which allows me the chance to hook a reader into buying my book. Not to mention I get a great cover and edits."
"I can also make a cover and have someone check for grammar," he continued.
In short, I felt like I was in the middle of a no-win situation. No matter how hard I tried to justify being a publisher, he had at least two more reasons why self-pubbing was better. I've mulled over it for two days now, and that's why I'm mentioning it here.
We meet again next month, and I'm wondering if this will come up again. If so, what can I say to him further? I know of at least three authors who have left their pubs and gone independent, creating their own 'publishing houses' and putting their books out on ARe/OmniLit and Fictionwise.
Pros? Cons? Ideas?