Monday, March 26, 2018

Please Welcome Anna Abner as She Tells Us About Her Paranormal Romance, SHOPGIRL'S PROPHECY, Beasts of Vegas, Book 1

The Shopgirl’s Prophecy
Beasts of Vegas
Book One
by Anna Abner

Genre: paranormal romance

Publisher: Mild Red Books
Date of Publication: 2016
ISBN: 978-0-9914031-5-8
Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 80K
Cover Artist: Anna Abner

Tagline: Powerful witches, tortured vampires, and sexy shifters fight the evil horde on the Vegas Strip.

Book Description:

Ali Rusenko has dangerous secrets she can never reveal. When her father dies suddenly, the shy British shopgirl discovers he has even more secrets than she does. In search of the truth in Las Vegas, Nevada, Ali is attacked by the horde and stranded in the desert. If it weren’t for sexy vampire hunter Connor Beckett and his sidekick Roz Carrera, she’d be vampire food.

Connor and Roz rescue Ali, but a string of vampires chase her across the Nevada desert as if she's vampire catnip. Unfortunately, Connor knows exactly how they feel. The beautiful stray sets his blood to boiling. But if Connor's going to have a real chance to defeat the horde leader, Oleksander the Destroyer, he can’t allow Ali leave the country without discovering the one secret she refuses to reveal.

Excerpt Chapter One

“Get down,” Roz hissed, yanking on Connor’s black jacket. A spotlight swept over their heads, and he tasted dry earth as he flattened onto the sand.
“That was too close,” Roz complained.
They skittered like cockroaches across the ground, avoiding a parked Humvee, and staying out of the guards’ eye line. The things they couldn’t avoid at the secret army facility in The-Middle-of-Nowhere, Nevada were surveillance cameras on every wall and post. Hence, the need for speed and an electro-magnetic pulse device the size of a suitcase strapped to Connor’s back. If they were caught breaking into Oleksander the Destroyer’s cell, they’d never see daylight again. Sort of the way Oleksander had been in the dark of an army prison for the past twenty years.
Connor Beckett hadn’t known six months ago—a lackluster engineering student at the University of Chicago—that the Seer Ilvane would write down his name and forever link him with the end of the human race.
Connor from Cleveland will release the Destroyer and bring about the apocalypse.
There wasn’t any way to fix the prophecy and save the world except to kill the vampire lord.
“Push the button,” Connor said, nodding at the EMP. Thank the fates for Anton and Natasha, their very generous benefactors from New Zealand and their high-tech toys.
“Pushing the button.” Roz activated the device, and every electric light on the base, hopefully the cameras and security doors too, blinked off. “Now,” she ordered. “Move.”
Nimble on the balls of his feet, Connor ran for building 2A, which he knew from poring over satellite photos of the installation, was where the army kept the vampires. He hunched over the card reader controlling the prison’s heavy-duty outer door, sweat rolling down the back of his neck. “Please,” he breathed. A single second delay while they stood like a couple of sore thumbs at the gateway to a vampire’s cell on a secret military base could ruin everything.
He hoped for the best and yanked. The immense door swung open on soundless hinges.
“I was only fifty percent sure the EMP was going to work,” Roz admitted as she followed him inside and sealed the door.

What is it about this book that makes it special? Guest blog post—Anna Abner.
Shopgirl’s Prophecy, and the entire Beasts of Vegas series, is the story I HAD to write. I’ve been obsessed with the story of a ragtag group of supernatural misfits—a tortured vampire, a witch on the fritz, a sexy shifter, and a seer as mad as a hatter—for about the past ten years. Every writer has one story, above all the rest, they yearn to share. This is mine.
The original idea came to me in a dream. From there, it shifted iterations frequently. For a long time, Shopgirl’s Prophecy was set entirely in the Ukrainian countryside. For a brief period, Oleksander the Destroyer had a mother even crueler than he is. For the past decade, I tinkered here, tinkered there, until I completed a book and series I am not only in love with, but very proud of.
My inspirations for Shopgirl’s Prophecy came from TV shows like Vampire Diaries and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. From films like Underworld and Blade. From books like Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series and J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. They all, in their own ways, added energy to my writing.

But at the heart of Shopgirl’s Prophecy is a passionate, sweet love story between two displaced people made into monsters by a cruel fate. Connor Beckett and Ali Rusenko are two of my all-time favorite couples to write. They are both lost and damaged in their own ways, but together they are whole. I hope you enjoy reading their love story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

About the Author:

Anna Abner lived in a haunted house for three years and grew up talking to imaginary friends. In her professional life, she has been a Realtor, a childcare provider, and a teacher. Now, she writes edge-of-your-seat paranormal romances and blogs from her home in sunny southern California about ghosts and magic.

You can connect with her online at

Twitter: @AnnaAbner


Saturday, March 24, 2018

I'm at the Galveston Island Book Festival Today! Come by and Say, "Hi!"

I'm at the Galveston Island Book Festival today! I'll have print and ebook copies of all my titles.
Ball High School

4501 Ave. O
Galveston, TX9 AM - 2 PM
Come by and say, "Hi!"

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Two Anonymous Students Sneak Into a Classroom Every Week and Literally Blow Everyone’s Mind

Two college students from Columbia College of Art and Design are creating quite a mess, but not in the literal way. They are being talked about in the entire school. They don't steal or cheat. Instead they create a creative riot. They call themself Dangerdust, and every week they sneak into a classroom and create a masterpiece out of nothing but chalk.

It's not surprising that the pair are seniors in advertising and graphic design, and they are most likely swamped with home work and studies. But they still find the time to do their weekly chalk art. The two create the most amazing art pieces you will ever see.

Every Sunday or Monday morning, the magic is happening

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

13-Year-Old Girl Creates Epic Star Wars Game For Her Friend’s Birthday

This cool little Star Wars game was designed by a girl who's only 13 years old. The object of the game is to match up the character's names with their pictures and it looks like a lot of fun. She might want to get in touch with Disney who owns Star Wars, because it looks like she's onto something.
Link here to see more pics.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Now Available as an Audio Book! SKY TITANS, Narrated by Matyas Job Gombos

Now Available as an Audio Book!
Deities, Book 1
Contemporary Fantasy/Apocalyptic Romance

Word Count: 34.8K
$2.99 e / $9.99 p / $14.95 a

Narrated by Matyas Job Gombos
Length: 4 hrs, 33 min

It's time for the earth to be cleansed.

Released after eons of being imprisoned and tortured, Aeron and his three brothers are ordered by the remaining old gods to bring the Apocalypse upon the world. Humanity has failed them too many times, and the Reckoning is overdue.

As the deity of the air and sky, it's Aeron's duty to bring about massive storms to wipe out civilization. Tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning - all are at his bidding, and Aeron is more than willing to do whatever he is requested to do. He will mete out the worst he can conjure, as long as it means he'll no longer be bound within the hot, dark confines deep within the bowels of the Earth.

Ceris Shahan is terrified of flying. But when the president of the company demands she be at the summit conference clear across the continent the next day, she has no choice but to take the next plane out. If her phobia wasn't debilitating enough, they run into turbulence that doesn't end. Tossed about, bruised and injured amid the ugly black clouds that continue to engulf them, she and the other passengers soon realize they will not survive.

When Ceris spots a figure outside the window, a man who appears to be standing amid the thunderheads and is surrounded by an aura of light, she starts to doubt her own sanity. Yet, when the man turns to find her staring at him, the look of stunned disbelief on his face is undeniable.

She shouldn't be able to see him, but she can. Realizing what this could mean, Aeron decides to risk everything, even his freedom, to rescue and protect the woman from the annihilation of all mankind.

Warning! Contains scenes of mass destruction, two apples, the plane ride from hell, stainless steel, extreme arrogance, an odd utility tool, and two people hoping for a future, any kind of future, as long as they can share it together.