Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Please Welcome Joe Reyes as He Tells Us About His Post-Apocalyptic Novel, AFTERMATH

AFTERMATH A Post-Apocalyptic Novel
by Joe Reyes

What was once the United States has become a savage post-apocalyptic environment where the worst of the worst prosper and the remaining good hide. Seven characters in different parts of the United States must adapt to this new environment. The “fight or flight” mentality plays into the story, as the nation is divided into factions fighting for control of the country. The government is outnumbered, outgunned, and forced into hiding as well to recoup their forces. The novel pits these characters the elements and eachother, with lives intertwining on opposite sides of the war effort. One characters quest for revenge could jeopardize not only the war outcome, but the reshaping of the entire nation. What these characters don't realize, is the terrifying evil making its way across the ocean. For excerpts and buy links CLICK HERE.

About Joe Reyes:

I was never one for clichés, so I don’t want to start this off with “as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a writer”. I was never a big reader because I found a lot of novels boring. Unless a book was mandatory for school, or became a TV show or movie, then I had very little reason to pick them up. Even the big authors, like Stephen King and John Grisham, I’ve never found interesting.
I lose interest quickly in a book. No, I don’t need constant action to keep me flipping pages, but I must be entertained. Long drawn out descriptions and dialogue kill my engrossment. I don’t need a room described to me down to the dust clumps under the couch.
I get plot ideas easily. Almost to a fault because I can’t work on all my ideas at once. The challenge is sitting down and committing to seeing one story through, rather than having a ton of half-finished ideas.
My style of writing is the kind that catches my attention. I feel my stories are very fast paced. It reads like you’re watching a TV show, especially if it’s a story with multiple characters. I describe the setting and characters, but I don’t like to take a long time doing it.
When I create a character, I put myself in their shoes. I picture as that character in the same situation with all the backstory, and write what I would do if I were them. Even when I have the characters do terrible things. I think what I would do in the same situation with that mindset.
Honestly, I don’t really enjoy writing stories about violence and killing, but I do it because I feel I come up with creative plotlines. I think I’m better at darker storylines than happy ones. I once had to write a rape scene and it took me two days to begin writing because I tried to find a way around it, but it was the only scene that made sense.
The characters aren’t just words on a page, they are extensions of me. They are real to me, and I am in control of their failures and successes. Sometimes it’s nice to see some have happy endings. However the problem is I like to take a real life approach to my stories, and not everyone gets that storybook ending.
I want to be able to do more with my writing than just sit at a desk all day and type. Yes, it would be ideal to have more money than I know what to do with, but I would like to do more than just that. I would like to start charities and give back to people; give a large portion of a books profits to disease research. I would also like to start writing communities and give unknown writers the chance to showcase their work.
But I can’t look that far in the future now. I know right now I must focus on my own dreams before I can help others fulfill theirs or give back to the community. I do hope you enjoy what I write and hope I can produce more pieces that catch your interest.
Joe Reyes
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Monday, November 27, 2017

Please Welcome Kayelle Allen as She Tells Us About Her SciFi Romance, BRINGER OF CHAOS: Forged in FIre, The Sempervian Saga, Book 2

Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire 
The Sempervian Saga (Book 2)
by Kayelle Allen
Humans created the Ultras, a genetically enhanced race, to defend mankind. Instead, Ultras became their greatest threat. With the help of traitors, humans captured half a million of the immortal warriors.

Exiled to an alien world with no tech, no tools, and no resources, their leader, Pietas, must protect his people, find food and shelter and unite them. But before he can, he must regain command from a ruthless adversary he's fought for centuries--his brutal, merciless father.

Ultras are immortal, and no matter how they die, they come back. Reviving after death isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some wounds heal instantly and a few take time, but battered and broken trust? Immortals may heal, but a wound of the heart lasts forever.

Genre: Science Fiction with romantic elements

Rating: PG13 for violence, no profanity or explicit content

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Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire is military science fiction with romantic elements. This excerpt is the foreword, which was "written" by Pietas, the hero.

You're human. Lies are your nature.
Truth is mine. Honoring my word means more to me than life.
Humans are craven, contemptible and reprehensible supplanters of power. What you need is the truth.
Traitors among my kind lied to you. They concealed themselves among you and claimed we were myth. They fed you false hope you were safe. They lulled you into complacent ignorance. The deceivers manipulated, confused, and desensitized you.
You chose to believe the lies.
You've heard tales of visitors from outer space. Stories of aliens who walk among you. You called them urban legends, myths, tall tales for the campfire, untrue.
You refused to believe the truth.
This book relates my tale but is not from my point of view. Call it Science Fiction, but it happened. I exist. My dimension is not yours, so you have not been aware of me--until now--but I know everything about you.
To honor a worthy human friend, I considered sparing humanity. I have since seen the folly of blanket exemption. Not all of you deserve to die, but there are requirements for being protected. Will I choose you?
Perhaps. I offer no guarantee. Your fate is a bequest no one can usurp.
Believe me.
Read this, if you dare to know the truth.
~ Pietas

Why did you write this book?

The hero, Pietas, had been the villain in several other books and I was having difficulty understanding his motivation in one particular novel. His followers were loyal beyond measure to their immortal king, but he was icy cold to everyone. Why did they love him?

I decided to try writing his story to find out why.bocto was supposed to tell his whole story. However, writing it opened my eyes to a larger universe than I'd imagined. Pietas wasn't a villain at all. He was an anti-hero with a wounded soul.

He was more noble, truthful, loyal, and had more determination than any character I had previously written. Once I saw the truth about him, I couldn't write fast enough. There will be more books about this hero. Pietas has completely captured my heart. I think once you pick up his book and read it, he'll capture yours. He's mentioned in almost all my other books.

Plus in the book, he gets adopted by a ginormous sentient panther named Tiklaus. The cat's name means "Loyal Warrior". When no one's looking, Pietas calls the animal his "kitty." Their scenes are beyond adorable.

Bringer of Chaos: The Origin of Pietas 
The Sempervian Saga (Book 1)

Why should Pietas end the war with humans?

His people are winning, yet they insist on peace talks. The Ultra people want to grant humans a seat on the Council. Pietas ap Lorectic, Chancellor of the High Council, War Leader and First Conqueror, disagrees. What's best for mortals is oppression, control, and if necessary, elimination.
Pietas seethes with rage at the idea of human equality. Humans might have created Ultras, but the creation has far surpassed the creator. Humans die. Ultras are reborn, no matter how grievous the injury. They have no equals.
His people permit him no choice. He must attend these insipid peace talks on Enderium Six and what's worse, be polite. To humans.
When a human special ops warrior is killed in battle, he's resurrected in a secret process and inducted into the Ghost Corps. He's given enough strength to perma-kill immortal Ultras. Ghosts are the most hated and feared of warriors.
When the ghost entraps and captures Pietas at the peace talks, the two begin a long journey toward Sempervia, an isolated and forgotten world. Once there, Pietas is marooned and the ghost abandoned alongside him. The two must either fight to perma-death, or join forces to survive.

As Pietas comes to trust the human, an unlikely and awkward friendship begins. Until he discovers how ghosts are resurrected...

Giveaway - Free Download
Free -- download Endure, Illustrated Quotes by Pietas (as told to Kayelle Allen). Enjoy an exclusive collection of quotes on the concept of endurance by the man known to other immortals as the Bringer of Chaos.
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Mythic Heroes and Misbehaving Robots:

Kayelle Allen writes Sci Fi with mythic heroes, misbehaving robots, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She's a US Navy veteran and has been married so long she's tenured. Twitter Facebook Join the Romance Lives Forever Reader Group 
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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Six on Sunday - STONE

 Six paragraphs from STONE, a contemporary fantasy/paranormal romance.

1. The man she sought was chained to a large slab of rock, as she’d expected. Still, to see the kind of torture that had been inflicted upon him was sickening. Unable to take any more, she leaned against the wall and vomited. When she was done, she spit and wiped her mouth with the hem of her robe. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed the man had not moved. Afraid she may be too late, she hurried over to the still body. His bloodied chest barely moved, but it was enough to reassure her he was still alive.

2. Elso sat up in his chair and clicked on a few more pictures. Finestra knew what the man was thinking. Would it be more advantageous to go after the idol right after the staff had obtained it, when everything was still fresh and they were unguarded? Or should he wait until the museum staff had decided where to place it, and risk having it relocated to an area that was more secured? There were pros and cons to both scenarios. With the former, the kalorshai was still new and interesting, and therefore being scrutinized and studied intently. But the thought of it being confiscated would be the last thing on the museum’s mind, giving Elso the best chance of getting to it. With the latter, as the newness wore off and fewer people were inclined to examine it, there’s the possibility it could be hours, if not days or weeks, before a staffer discovered it missing. However, by that time it could have been placed in a vault or other location that would make obtaining it more difficult, if not impossible.

3. And black despair sunk its claws into her stomach. The idol lay in two parts. Somehow she’d broken the head off of the body. Frantic, she searched for the missing piece, finally discovering it lying in her lap, between her thighs. She breathed a sigh of relief, until the gravity of what she’d done hit her like a blow to the gut. She’d destroyed a rare and irreplaceable piece of ancient Egyptian art, and she was about to become violently ill from the guilt.

4. She was wiped out by the time the cops were finished interrogating her. She’d managed to have Garenth drop her off on the museum roof, then made her way back down to the lower floors where she could notify the guards. Her story to the officers was pretty much the truth, starting when she had been working on a piece inside Dr. Kelling’s office, and ending with the intruder following her into the warehouse. She told them she’d managed to escape her kidnapper and was in hiding in the storage area when someone entered the warehouse via the stairwell. She gave them her account of the kidnapper firing at who she assumed was one of the museum guards, then running for the back exit where he first shot out the lock before escaping.

5. He unwrapped the towel around his chest to reveal the bullet holes left from his first encounter. Using the tip of his clawed finger again, he picked at the indentations. Bits of rock began falling into his lap, gradually increasing in size as the pieces became chunks.

6. More tears came, damn it. She shouldn’t have brought him up, but in the short time they’d known each other, he had become a part of her. His strength, his bravery, his caring—everything about him had touched her heart, and she’d never really understood how much her life had changed until he was gone.

Excerpt and buy links.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

New! STONE, a Paranormal/Contemporary Fantasy Romance

Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Word Count: 50K
$3.99 e

Garenth had been awakened to retrieve an ancient artifact that was crucial to his well-being. He had few memories of what his life had been like when he had been a man. What memories that were left were filled with blood and excruciating pain.

That part of him was over now. The talisman had been taken from its sacred burial place, and it had to be returned as quickly as possible. It was up to him to follow through with his mission so he could return to another thousand years of sleep.

Brielle Van de Camp knew an extraordinary find when she saw it. The small clay figure was the key to a potentially earth‑shattering revelation about a previously unknown time in man's ancestry. She would bet her life on it.

Unfortunately, others had gotten wind of the talisman, and they were equally determined to claim its promise for themselves. If Brielle wasn't willing to part with the figurine, they had no compunction about prying it from her dead fingers.

They never counted on having to face the guardian of the statuette, who turned out to be more than a creature of mythology.

Warning! Contains a magic talking rock, a mother idol, boo-lets, a cell phone app, deadly intruders, a ruthless businessman, a key card, and a warrior trying to cope with an ages-old curse with the help of a woman who must be a blessing from the gods.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Please Welcome C.E. Clayton as She Tells Us About Her YA Fantasy, THE MONSTER OF SELKIRK

The Monster Of Selkirk
The Duality of Nature  
Book 1
C.E. Clayton

Genre: YA Fantasy

Print Length: 329 pages

Publisher: DevilDog Press

Publication Date: April 18, 2017


Book Description:

Monsters come in many forms, and not everyone knows a monster when they see one. After three hundred years of monstrous, feral elves plaguing the island nation of Selkirk, everyone believes they know what a monster is. Humans have learned to live with their savage neighbors, enacting a Clearing every four years to push the elves back from their borders. The system has worked for centuries, until after one such purge, a babe was found in the forest.

As Tallis grows, she discovers she isn't like everyone else. There is something a little different that makes people leery in her presence, and she only ever makes a handful of friends.

But when the elves gather their forces and emerge from the forests literally hissing Tallis's name like a battle mantra, making friends is the least of her troubles. Tallis and her companions find themselves on an unwilling journey to not only clear her name, but to stop the elves from ravaging her homeland.

Amazon     BN     Kobo     iTunes     Smashwords     Goodreads

About the Author:

C. E. Clayton was born and raised in Southern California where she worked in the advertising industry for several years on accounts that ranged from fast food, to cars, and video games (her personal favorite). This was before she packed up her life, husband, two displeased cats, and one very confused dog and moved to New Orleans. Now, she is a full time writer (mainly in the fantasy genre), her cats are no longer as displeased, and her dog no longer confused.

More about C.E. Clayton, including her blog, book reviews, and poetry, can be found on her website:

Friday, November 17, 2017

Please Welcome Shyla Colt as She Tells Us About Her Urban Fantasy, WITCH FOR HIRE

Witch for Hire
Shyla Colt

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Vamptasy

Date of Publication:  11-27-1017

ASIN: B075GN5Q68

Number of pages: 300
Word Count: 85,000

Cover Artist: Dreams 2 Media

Tagline: Against the approaching darkness, I am the light.

Book Description:

Young, terrified, and bound to a vampire, Louella Eschete fled the bayou and swore off magic. Years later, she’s returned to the tiny town of Cypress, Louisiana to take her rightful place as head of her magical family, whether she likes it or not.

In order to keep the tentative peace formed between the various races of powerful beings who rule side by side, she must face her own demons. Mainly one, Cristobal Cortez.

Now a master vampire, and lord of the seven cities surrounding New Orleans, her former lover has moved up in the world. Their relationship gets way more complicated when his court is framed for a rash of murders they didn’t commit.

Forced to play her role as his bond mate, and launch an investigation into the darkness threatening to overturn truces, she may be in over her head.

I spot his form on the outskirts. Though, I’m loathe to admit it, my night vision is better than a human’s. Energy crackles on my fingertips. Bright green sparks break the inky blackness of night. My stomach sours. Being in the same space works as an amplifier for us. I’m manifesting new powers. He’s turned me into something foreign. Physical manifestation of magic is rare and left to the most powerful.
I curl my hands into fists. He foresaw this all those years ago in that graveyard. He recognized the potential of the two of us could create together. My chest aches. Some wounds cut too deep to ever fully heal. Angers pools in my belly. I wanted love. I got lies and manipulation instead. A pulsing ball of energy forms in front of me. I’m hypnotized by the technic-color glow. How could this come from me?
I shake under the strain of maintaining it. What was created in anger is burning off my reserves.
“Let. It. Go.”
The command given in a dulcet tone snaps my hold on the newly discovered power. The ball hurtles toward him. I resend the magic, knowing the back lash of the abrupt interruption of signal flow is going to be a bitch. Lifted off my feet by a form of magical feedback, I’m pitched back violently. My stomach drops, and then I’m caught in a strong pair of arms. The gravity of seeing him in person so close up presses down on me as I drown in his chocolate colored gaze. My tongue sticks to the rough of my mouth. All thought flees as my barriers buckle like the compromised hull of a ship. The high, well-sculpted cheek bones lead down to a strong, diamond shaped jaw rounded out by a dimpled chin. His button nose gives an eternal boyish quality to his rugged good lucks. He swallows and my gaze is drawn to his throat as my mind his worked over by years of memories.
We’re exchanging information like two computers updating. He cups my face. “Louella.” I twitch as I ride the wave of power being exchanged between us.

About the Author:

Shyla Colt is the sassy international bestseller of the popular series Kings of Chaos and Dueling Devils M.C. This genre-hoppers stories feature three of her favorite things: strong females, pop culture, and alternate routes to happy ever after. Listening to her Romani soul, she pens from the heart, allowing the dynamic characters, eccentric interests, and travels as a former flight attendant to take her down untraveled roads.

Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, this mid-west girl is proud of her roots. She used her hometown and the surrounding areas as a backdrop for a number of books. So, if you’re a Buckeye, keep an eye out for familiar places.

As a full-time writer, stay at home mother, and wife, there's never a dull moment in her household.

She weaves her tales in spare moments and the evenings with a cup of coffee or tea at her side and the characters in her head for company.

You can interact with Shyla Colt online via her website