
Friday, December 31, 2010

Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy A DIFFERENT YESTERDAY

Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy A DIFFERENT YESTERDAY

1. It’s a tale of surviving an apocalypse, but with a happy ending.

2. One muscular, blond giant of a hero…who’s mute.

3. A tomboyish heroine who isn’t stacked.

4. Learning about sex via hand gestures and sign language.

5. It’s freezing winter now, and eternal winter in the book. ‘Nuff said.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kindle's New Lending Program - My 2 Cents

A friend sent me this link.

In short, Amazon now allows people who buy books from them to lend their ebooks to other people.  Here are some details:

The lendee does not have to own a Kindle.  The book can be lent in another format compatible for them.

The lending period is for 14 days.  During that time, the lender cannot read this book until that period is up.  If the lendee doesn't read the book in that time, tough cookies.

The Good
The book is lendable ONCE.
People whose books are selling for $1.99 or less (at the 35% royalty rate) can Opt Out.  But you have to go in and change each book manually one at a time.

The Bad
No royalties are paid on the lend.
People whose books are receiving the 70% royalty rate cannot Opt Out of this program.
Publishers can Opt Out those books that fit the lower rate, but they have to do it manually one book at a time.  This is both time consuming and a major PITA.

I've gone back and changed the 3 books I personally have up on Amazon, but as for my books I have with other pubs...?

I'm wondering what will happen with people who have their books at the $2.99/70% royalty rate (and up).  Will they go back to change their prices to get the opt out?

It's bad enough people on eBay are selling disks full of ebooks they'd bought.  Not to mention the pirate sites.

(Thanks, Diana!)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gift Themes

Several years ago, just to do something different, I began Gift Themes.  Basically, I picked an idea out of the air, and every month I would send my mother and best friend a "little something" that related to that theme.  On their birthdays and Christmas, the theme would be included on/with every gift.  Also, I would include one item that would hint at their theme for the following year.

This practice caught on with my friend, who does the same now to me. We've since traded themes with sunflowers, roses, fruit, dragonflies, coffee, monkeys, teapots, bracelets, bath soaps, etc., for several years.

For my theme this next year, my friend has presented me a yearly subscription to FOODZIE.  Every month I receive a small box (the size of a child's shoe box) filled with lots of tidbits of strange and unusual, but very tasty food items.  So far I've had baked Parmesian chips, bacon-flavored peanut brittle, beef jerky marinated in soy sauce, organic caramel popcorn with sea salt, cranberry beans, and some wonderful dark and slightly bitter chocolates.  And that's just a few of the items (5-7 per box, depending on what's on the menu).  Since I love to snack while I write, these items are sinfully delicious.

I've never heard of this company before now, but if you're not afraid to try something different, you might want to check them out.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Clearance Sales!

A good friend was down for a couple of days, and after exchanging Christmas gifts, we did our annual "let's check out the sales" pilgrimages.  I love shopping for and stocking up on wrapping paper and gift tags, and little odd stocking stuffers.  I heard one shopper comment that she'd found the cutest oddity for a friend, but could she remember where she'd put it come next season?  I told her I store my stuff where I store all my wrapping paper, etc.  That way when I pull out my stuff for next year, I find the goodies I'd packed away.  Or, if the things I bought are too big to stick in with the tissue paper, etc, I leave a very obvious note for myself.

Oh, by the way, considering it rarely gets cold (as in below 32 degrees) down here in south Texas, I was fairly amused by this knitted cat hat (for cats only, please note.)  But, hey, it was 50% off!  How could I pass up a bargain like that?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ross Osborn is My Guest Author Tonight on Blog Talk Radio

Ross Osborn is my guest author tonight on Other Worlds of Romance on Blog Talk Radio.  He will be reading from his newest release, FOREVER FOUND FOREVER LOST.

Show time is at 11 pm et/10 ct

Don't miss it!
‘How many hymns can one sing in heaven
until one wonders what’s going on in hell.’

A street-wise James Jesse Dowell (African American) wouldn’t buy the legend of some Eskimo beast/god, until James witnessed the soul-crazed bush doctor come to horrifying life at forty-thousand feet in the arctic sky. Now James must stalk said demon/sawbones, kill the best that rules, Charles Patrick MacHenery’s soul, or James, his terrified self, will never be free of the maddening curse that’s pounding ever louder in his spinning head like some demonic, sealskin drum. But how does one destroy a suspect werewolf that can only die by a loving hand, an escaped moon demon that hasn’t made fulfilling love in over 530, chain shackled years, and desperately desires to, now that said man-like-beast has been trapped by his new eternal love—Miss Amanda De’la’ray—who’s witchy as the swampy Louisiana wilds she fairly rules, face scared and moonshine giggly as she’s already been left by a fanged-toothed, local devil.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Year in Retrospect, and 3 Goals for 2011

2010 was a very good year for me, but looking back I can see where I spent way too much time in front of my computer trying to force ideas out of my head, and some of the results were less than stellar stories.

So this coming year I'm setting some new goals for myself.  These aren't quite resolutions, but more like recognizing problems I had in the past, and trying to avoid them in the future.

1.  Don't Push It.  I've had that 1000 words per day goal of writing for several years now, and reaching it hasn't been too much of a hassle, but there have been times I would get the 1 pg/500 words, then no further.  I will try to be satisfied with reaching what I can, and then giving it a rest.  Otherwise, there's a chance I could burn out.

2.  Read More.  I was tired of the same old same old coming out.  I'm going to see if I can't invest in some new authors and genres, just to give myself some new perspectives.

3.  Take a Few More Chances.  Getting out of my comfort zone landed me a contract at Carina Press, and I'm thrilled.  I'm going to see if I can't get on with another new publisher in 2011.  The results can only be a win-win. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Giveaway #12 - Your Choice of ANY BOOK!

For my 12th and final Giveaway, one lucky person will get to choose ANY ONE of my books.  To be eligible, all you have to do is post a comment on this blog.  Then check back tomorrow to see if your name was drawn from the hat.

Good luck!

Giveaway #11 - Your Choice of Any RUNNER'S MOON Book!

 The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #11

For my eleventh giveaway, you may have your choice of any of my "Runner's Moon" series books!  To be entered to win, all you have to do is post a comment to this blog!  Then check back tomorrow evening to see if you've won!

For more information about these books, including videos, reviews, and excerpts, go to this link on my website.

Good luck!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Giveaway #10 - SANDEFLAY

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #10

an erotic urban fantasy romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60313-285-5
(print) ISBN# 978-1-60313-284-8
Word Count: 121.3K

Miranda Sayers's best friend is her wheelchair. It has been her refuge for most of her twenty-six years. But the time has come when her grandmother can no longer help take care of her. Now Randi is faced with having to survive on her own, and unfortunately that future doesn't look promising.

Collin First's job on Earth is to find the Ducts between his world and this one. As an Extinguisher, he has to eliminate those passageways before any of the dangerous creatures from Sandeflay can pass through and harm any humans. The last thing he expected when he took the assignment was to find was the beautiful, crippled woman living one floor below his apartment.

Before either of them can contend with the impossibility of their relationship, Randi and Collin are thrown together, seeking each other's love and help. And when circumstances force Randi to follow Collin to Sandeflay, danger and the greatest miracle of all awaits them both.

Warning:  Contains nearly invisible predators, extreme poverty, generations of love and loss, bucking the system, hot flashes, and an ending you only thought you saw coming!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Giveaway #9, and Tonight on Blog Talk Radio - FIRELIGHT and SAND CASTLE

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #9

Today I am offering the choice of one of my two winter/Christmas stories, FIRELIGHT and SAND CASTLE.  AND tonight on Other Worlds of Romance on Blog Talk Radio, I will be reading from these short stories.
FIRELIGHT is a paranormal romance that takes place in the middle of winter, and is available at Amazon.

An old cottage. A cold winter's night.
And shadows on the wall reflecting
two bodies in the heat of passion...
except that one of them died over a century ago.

At first, Connie thought the disembodied voice in the room was due to her exhaustion. But when the apparition insisted she was the reincarnation of his lost love, she had no choice but to allow herself to become swept up in the moment, the memories, and the romance.

SAND CASTLE is a sweet contemporary romance that takes place at Christmas time on the Texas gulf coast, and is available at Red Rose Publishing.

Second chances, are they possible? Terrie Myers never believed life would give her a second chance at anything. Little did she understand the draw of a little girl with dreams of a knight in shining armor. Or the magic of hope that would turn those dreams into reality.

Can the magic of Christmas make dreams come true?

Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct.

Don't miss it!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Giveaway #8 - A Choice of Horror Books

 The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #8
Now for something a little bit different, I'm giving away one of my horror books.  Winner gets to pick which one they would like.  To win, all you have to do is post a comment, then check back tomorrow evening to see if your name was selected!

Good luck!

supernatural horror
from Red Rose Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60435-686-1
Word Count: 33.3K

Hi. My name is Alexis Hembree, and I’m a cop. My partner and I are good at our jobs, except we don’t tend to work what others would call a “normal” beat. For some reason we draw evil to us like flies to sugar.

Sometimes there are things in this world we can’t explain or anticipate. But when they cross that line between their existence and ours, when they show up, we have to deal with them as best we can.

Some cops fight criminals. We fight something that never should have existed.

303 Lexington St.
It was a crack house. Except, in this case, drug dealers went in but they didn’t come out. Not alive, anyway, but in body bags. What’s more, if everyone who went inside ended up being shredded to death, who was doing the killing?

Georgie Porgie
The killer targeted women. Young, old, prostitutes, business women, it didn’t matter. One moment they would be walking down the sidewalk in the middle of town, and the next what was left of their bodies would be found in a nearby alleyway. Devoured. That’s why I had to be the next one to walk the streets. To draw out whoever was doing this. To be his next victim.

The Goodbye
He murdered young girls by crucifying them with ice picks. He was slick, elusive, and heading for our city. My partner and I were damned and determined this murderer would get no further. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep my head on the job. Neither could I ignore the weird-ass dreams I was having about this deviate. This case was becoming more personal, more foreboding, and more dangerous with each passing day. And there was no damn way I could avoid what I dreamed would be the final outcome.

zombie horror and the apocalypse
from Amazon
Word Count: 25.5K

The handwritten account of one woman's struggle to survive in a world gone DEAD.

Something has happened to the world, and now the living are gradually becoming the living dead. This is the story of one young woman's struggle to live a life that has no future.

zombie horror
from Amazon
Word Count: 16K

Four years ago Byron Shales was a manager for a department store. Now he hunts down and captures the newly zombie-fied dead, and resells them at auction to the highest bidder. What his buyers do with them after the sale is finalized is none of his business, and frankly he couldn’t care less.

His beliefs and apathy come to a sickening halt when he elects to keep one young woman for himself, and discovers that all his pre-conceived notions about these non-living creatures have been a lie. In fact, the truth about Rothsburg’s Disease may be more horrifying than the flesh-eating creatures it infects.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Giveaway #7 - LORD OF THUNDER

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #7

Book 1 of the "Thunder" Series
an erotic fantasy romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60313-427-9 
(print) ISBN# 978-1-60313-428-6
Word Count: 71.5K

2011 EPIC Ebook Award Finalist

Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin. A stranger both mystical and fascinating. A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

Warning! Contains mutilation, abandonment, total isolation, harsh and unbearable weather, blood-letting, attempted homicide, attempted angelcide, snoopy but concerned neighbors, close confinement, promises kept, and unusual uses for a feather.

If you would like to win a copy of this book, just post a comment.  Then come back tomorrow evening and check the posts to see if your name was picked! 

Good luck!

It's a Book Signing! Come By and Say, "Hi!"

Saturday, Dec 18

12 - 4pm

Linda Mooney

Anna Kathryn Lanier

Skhye Moncrief

Anne Marie Novark

Elizabeth Pina
5 multiple genre romance authors at Boomerang Books

Come Join us for Snacks and Fun!

Boomerang Books
907 W Main St
League City, TX 77573

Friday, December 17, 2010

Giveaway #6 - CASTLE'S KEEP

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #6

an erotic fantasy romance
from Red Rose Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60435-293-1
Word Count: 23.4K

He was a man angry at an accident which left him forever incapacitated. She was a woman disfigured and empty.

Add one immense painting imbued with a magical ability, and the resulting enchantment changed more than just their lives.

It changed their world.

Warning: Contains major anger management issues, a snoopy reporter, fantastical artwork, dedication, persistence, and a warm summer rain of tears.


To win a PDF copy of this book, all you have to do is post a comment!  I will post the winner in the comments section of this book tomorrow, so check back to see if you've won!

Good luck!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Have You Checked?

Hey, everyone!  Each evening since the 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas began, I've been posting the winners on the blog. 

Have you checked to see if your name was picked?

If you posted to win a particular book, go look in the comments section of that book to see if I drew your name to win it.  


The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #5

an erotic sci-fi romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
(ebook) ISBN 978-1-59374-433-0
(print) ISBN# 978-1-60313-433-0
Word Count: 73.6K

Once in every one million births, a child is born on Bellac with the Synergistic gene. These children are taken from their parents and raised, trained, and prepared for the day when they will find their Synergistic other half. For when that happens, an entity is created from the combination of both male and female who holds unbelievable powers. An entity who is trained to protect and defend its home world.

Grey Dansis is a Synergian. She has reached the time when she must meet the others like herself and hopefully find the male who will become her life-long partner from a crowd of strong, prime adult males who are ready to join the war as soon as they are united with their female halves.

Unfortunately Grey has secretly harbored a longing for Rowe Maine. But the man is five years her senior and considered long past acceptance. He is an Unmatched Synergian who has lost his chance to become one of the rare new entities. By law he is no longer able to seek his mate. Now the man is a trainer and teacher at their special school.

It won’t be long, however, before their world is again attacked by marauders. The creatures bent on domination are a species the Synergians have never encountered before. And this time the creatures’ goal isn’t just to conquer Bellac, but to totally wipe the planet's population and its army of Synergians out of existence.

Grey has no idea that Rowe, the man she has long been in love with, is her fated other half. Or that the power coming from their union would be the only force strong enough to save Bellac from complete annihilation.

Because the law won't even let them touch.

Warning! Contains human weaponry, alien attacks, near gang rape, unapproved use of pudding, overly-aggressive males, excessive sex as a health benefit, badly fitting uniforms, trial by antagonistic rulers, and a love that defies the laws of man and nature.

If you would like to win a PDF copy of this book, just post a message!  The winner will be announced tomorrow on this blog, so check back to see if your name was selected!

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #4

an erotic paranormal romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60313-829-1
(print) ISBN# 978-1-60313-863-5
Word Count: 75.5K

Croat was a Lupan, one of the half-man, half-beast creatures long thought to be extinct or fabricated from fairy tales. Lupan were folklore, nothing more than a myth.

Tora was a Sensitive. Her kind really existed, and normal people feared Sensitives because it was common knowledge that all Sensitives were evil and practiced the dark magicks.

Captured and thrown together inside Baron Agrino’s dungeon, they discovered a connection between them that defied all reason, and a love that transcended all boundaries.

But is their love strong enough to stop the baron from what he’ll do with every Lupan he plans to capture? Or, worse, what he’ll do with Tora once he learns what she is?

Warning! Contains torture, imprisonment, severe beatings, nasty bad guys, public nudity, molten wax, old wives' tales, forest folk, bad horsemanship, and lots of pissed off townspeople.
If you would like to win a PDF copy of this book, all you have to do is post a comment to the blog!  The winner will be announced here tomorrow, so check back to see if your name was drawn!

Good luck!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giveaway #3 - THE GIFTED

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas #3

an erotic sci-fi romance novel
from New Concepts Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60394-104-4
Word Count: 116.0K

After being banished from her own world because her people deeply feared the scope of her powers, an anomaly shoots Sah'Reena toward Earth and the one man in the universe meant to be her mate.

No one, least of all Dr. Robin Dickenson, expected what they discovered when they opened the alien craft captured by the space shuttle Liberty while on a routine space mission. But from the moment he first sees the star girl, Sah'Reena, Robin is captivated.

Near death, and never expecting to see anything again beyond the endless void of space, Sah'Reena isn't certain, at first, that her mind isn't playing tricks on her. But the handsome face of the stranger she sees gives her hope for life when she'd thought all hope was gone.

Warning! Contains carbon dioxide poisoning, severe sleep depravation, challenging authority, kosher cooking, dissolving aircraft, and an ability that could wipe out an entire planet.

*Note!  This story takes place in Houston, TX, and the Johnson Space Center.
If you would like a chance to win a PDF e-copy of this book, just post to the blog! Winner will be announced tomorrow, as well as the next book I'll be giving away.

Good luck!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tonight on Blog Talk Radio, & Giveaway #2 - A DIFFERENT YESTERDAY

Tonight on Other Worlds of Romance on Blog Talk Radio, I will be reading from my newest release A DIFFERENT YESTERDAY, an erotic sci-fi romance novel from Whiskey Creek Press.  I will give away a copy of this book to one lucky listener, so don't miss it!  Showtime begins at 11 pm et/10 pm ct!


It's the 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas #2!

If you would like a chance to win a PDF e-copy of this book, just post to the blog! Winner will be announced tomorrow, as well as the next book I'll be giving away.

Good luck!
Erotic Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic/Futuristic Romance Novel
Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60313-841-3
(also available in print)
Word Count: 66.8K

The Apocalypse.

It didn't come because of man's inhumanity to man. It didn't come from bombs, or plague, or even from aliens descending from outer space. In fact, no one knows what triggered it. And even if they did, there was no way to turn back time.

Only one thing was certain. One evening the sun had grown unexpectedly bigger and hotter, and heat and radiation unlike anything ever experienced washed over the Earth, bathing it in searing rays that devoured over three-quarters of the world's population.

Now the sun is smaller, and it doesn't radiate as much heat as it used to. The world is colder. Food is scarce, and people are fighting to stay alive.

Andrew Michael Tollson, aka "The Silent Wraith", was a man who roamed from settlement to outpost to city, offering his protection from scavengers and renegades. Years ago, right before the sun had exploded, when he had been a boy growing up in a small Texas town, he had felt his first crush for the little tomboy he knew as Jo. Now, as a grown man, he has finally made his way back to his boyhood home to see if Jo is still alive, or if she has been a victim of the Apocalypse. He has to know if the dreams and memories he has harbored were mere fantasies, or if the infatuation he'd felt then has grown into something else, something stronger and more tangible.

JoBeth Wythe was a member of The Triad, three leaders who protected their little settlement, and tried to recall the carefree days before the Apocalypse. All they wanted was the chance at a decent life, with enough food, some shared warmth, and a little hope for the future. She had never forgotten the pudgy little kid who had followed her around when she was growing up, the little boy she called Mikey. Every time she thought of him, it only brought back pain and a wistfulness for a past that no longer existed.

For Drew and Jo, it was only a matter of time before they would be reunited to fight together. To survive together. And to discover that the innocent kisses they had shared as children had grown into a love that would overwhelm them with desire.

Warning! Contains permanent extreme cold, love everlasting, survivalists, separation, a legend in the making, a brutal mass murder, childhood friends to lovers, and the end of the world as we know it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Giveaway #1 - RHEA 41070

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #1

Rhea 41070

an erotic sci-fi romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
Bock Gammon was a freedom runner. A man with a space ship for hire. He had heard of Replacements and knew they existed, but he had never personally come across one. In fact, he found the whole idea repugnant--growing a living being specifically for the purpose of harvesting his body parts. So did the governments in many of the galaxies who declared Replacements illegal.

Which was why he was stunned to discover his latest assignment was to bring a Replacement to one of the wealthiest men in the Chatta Dul system. If he hadn't so desperately needed the money, he wouldn't have accepted the job.

It didn't take long for Bock to realize that Rhea 41070 wasn't just one-of-a-kind, she was also unlike any woman he had ever met. And the closer they got to the point of delivery, the more he knew he couldn't just walk away and leave her behind to be dissected. He had to somehow find a way to save her, despite the odds and hundreds of well-armed men awaiting their return.

Warning! Contains mutilation, idol worship, twisted old men, blackmail, apathy for human life, black market medicine, a shootout, a taste of the good life, and more gold than you can shake a stick at.
If you would like a chance to win a PDF e-copy of this book, just post to the blog! Winner will be announced tomorrow, as well as the next book I'll be giving away.

Good luck!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tomorrow Begins the 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas!

Tomorrow I will post the first book of my 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas.  If you would like a chance at winning that book (PDF ebook), all you have to do is post on my blog.  The winner will be announced the following day, as well as the next book I'll be giving away. 

You are welcome to enter as often as you wish.

Good luck, and Happy Holidays!

It's a Book Signing! Come By and Say, "Hi!"

Come by and say, "Hi!"  Diana Castilleja/DeRicci and I will be at The Book Basket in Bastrop, TX from 11-4.  Need an idea for a great Christmas gift?  How about a personally autographed romance novel?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Come to the TRS December Release Party!

IN ADDITION, come join us TONIGHT for the December Release Party from noon est to 8 pm est.  Not only will authors (including moi) be discussing their December releases, but there will be book giveaways!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Questionable Christmas Gift - For Him

 Over at, you can buy your man an Underwear Repair Kit for $12.00.

Or, you can get six brand new (and clean) briefs for less at WalMart.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cool Picture!

I found this photo here. It's such a great shot, I had to share.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jane Beckenham is My Guest Author on Blog Talk Radio!

Join us tonight as New Zealand author Jane Beckenham reads an excerpt from her Christmas fantasy romance, TO KISS AN ANGEL, on Other Worlds of Romance on Blog Talk Radio!

Show time is 11 pm et/10 pm ct

Don’t miss it!
Angel has a job to do—leave heaven and fix Clark Lannigan's life, teaching him to live again, and to love. But how can she succeed when Clark is living in the past, a life surrounded by so much guilt that he's too afraid to let go.

Besides, she's already broken Angel rule 750.2, paragraph A, no canoodling with the client. Plus she's fallen in love with him. So what does an angel do?

She sets him ten tasks, but neither of them want to obey number ten...NO KISSING

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December Only! LORD OF THUNDER is $1.99!

Yes, you heard me right!  You can get the first book of my "Thunder" trilogy for just $1.99!

Whiskey Creek Press Torrid is offering this sale with no strings attached!  You don't have to buy anything else to get LORD OF THUNDER, an erotic fantasy romance novel and Eppie Award Finalist, at this great price!

Check it out!

Annie Mayall was a young bride, brought to Montana in 1940 by her new husband to start their new life soon as he struck it rich in the promised silver mines. Abandoned for three long, desperate and lonely years, Annie was forced to survive by herself in the wilds of the mountains. Until one stormy night brought a severely wounded stranger to her tiny one-room cabin. A stranger both mystical and fascinating. A stranger who not only brought her happiness, but a kind of love she never knew existed.

A stranger who was not of this earth.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Soundtracks to Write By - Howard Shore

Howard Shore came to my attention because of the wonderful music he wrote for the entire LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy.  A lot of his stuff is moody and dynamic, with plenty of heavy percussion.  But he also has lots of dramatic moments.

Check out this excerpt!

Howard Shore MP3

Go have a listen over on Amazon for more samples!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Video - Dancing Hands

Tell me if this just doesn't blow your mind!

(Thanks, Jo!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


An erotic sci-fi/apocalyptic/futuristic romance novel
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60313-841-3

The Apocalypse.
It didn't come because of man's inhumanity to man. It didn't come from bombs, or plague, or even from aliens descending from outer space. In fact, no one knows what triggered it. And even if they did, there was no way to turn back time.

Only one thing was certain. One evening the sun had grown unexpectedly bigger and hotter, and heat and radiation unlike anything ever experienced washed over the Earth, bathing it in searing rays that devoured over three-quarters of the world's population.

Now the sun is smaller, and it doesn't radiate as much heat as it used to. The world is colder. Food is scarce, and people are fighting to stay alive.

Andrew Michael Tollson, aka "The Silent Wraith", was a man who roamed from settlement to outpost to city, offering his protection from scavengers and renegades. Years ago, right before the sun had exploded, when he had been a boy growing up in a small Texas town, he had felt his first crush for the little tomboy he knew as Jo. Now, as a grown man, he has finally made his way back to his boyhood home to see if Jo is still alive, or if she has been a victim of the Apocalypse. He has to know if the dreams and memories he has harbored were mere fantasies, or if the infatuation he'd felt then has grown into something else, something stronger and more tangible.

JoBeth Wythe was a member of The Triad, three leaders who protected their little settlement, and tried to recall the carefree days before the Apocalypse. All they wanted was the chance at a decent life, with enough food, some shared warmth, and a little hope for the future. She had never forgotten the pudgy little kid who had followed her around when she was growing up, the little boy she called Mikey. Every time she thought of him, it only brought back pain and a wistfulness for a past that no longer existed.

For Drew and Jo, it was only a matter of time before they would be reunited to fight together. To survive together. And to discover that the innocent kisses they had shared as children had grown into a love that would overwhelm them with desire.

Warning! Contains permanent extreme cold, love everlasting, survivalists, separation, a legend in the making, a brutal mass murder, forever friends, loss of virginity, and the end of the world as we know it.

Free Shipping!

Beginning today through Dec. 20th, buy any one of my print books, and I'll autograph and ship it wherever you want for FREE!  (Note:  I take VISA and MasterCard, and the order site is secured.)