
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Giveaway #1 - RHEA 41070

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #1

Rhea 41070

an erotic sci-fi romance novel
from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
Bock Gammon was a freedom runner. A man with a space ship for hire. He had heard of Replacements and knew they existed, but he had never personally come across one. In fact, he found the whole idea repugnant--growing a living being specifically for the purpose of harvesting his body parts. So did the governments in many of the galaxies who declared Replacements illegal.

Which was why he was stunned to discover his latest assignment was to bring a Replacement to one of the wealthiest men in the Chatta Dul system. If he hadn't so desperately needed the money, he wouldn't have accepted the job.

It didn't take long for Bock to realize that Rhea 41070 wasn't just one-of-a-kind, she was also unlike any woman he had ever met. And the closer they got to the point of delivery, the more he knew he couldn't just walk away and leave her behind to be dissected. He had to somehow find a way to save her, despite the odds and hundreds of well-armed men awaiting their return.

Warning! Contains mutilation, idol worship, twisted old men, blackmail, apathy for human life, black market medicine, a shootout, a taste of the good life, and more gold than you can shake a stick at.
If you would like a chance to win a PDF e-copy of this book, just post to the blog! Winner will be announced tomorrow, as well as the next book I'll be giving away.

Good luck!


  1. I cannot wait to see what you mean by 'Twistedold men'! Sounds like an unearthly concept. Good luck!

  2. Looks like an interesting concept...I'd love to read it.

    in Germany

  3. Sounds like an interesting story. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. This is intriguing sounding and I'd love to read it. I'm a big sci-fi fan and this story sounds like it will fulfill my fanaticism.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  5. I've had this ine on my wishlist since I found the first mention of it online :D

    Just wish I had money in my book fund to buy it :(

  6. Have not read this one. Looking forward to seeing which books you highlight with your contest.

  7. This looks really interesting. A new twist of a concept!!


  8. Nice start, I'm really curious to which books you will introduce us.

    I love SciFi books - and this one sounds real good.

  9. Look forward to another great Mooney book.

  10. Terrific Concept! Truly intriguing! thanks for the contest

  11. Funny but twisted old men caught my eye as well. Book looks great
    debby23 6 at att dot net

  12. Can't wait for Christmas vacation to spend some time with another great Linda Mooney book. Thanmks for the chance to win myself a Christmas present. SS

  13. CONGRATULATIONS to UteH! You're the winner of a copy of RHEA 41070! Email me Linda(at)LindaMooney(dot)com so I can send it to you.

    Thanks to everyone who entered. The contest has only just begun! :D
