
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giveaway #3 - THE GIFTED

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas #3

an erotic sci-fi romance novel
from New Concepts Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60394-104-4
Word Count: 116.0K

After being banished from her own world because her people deeply feared the scope of her powers, an anomaly shoots Sah'Reena toward Earth and the one man in the universe meant to be her mate.

No one, least of all Dr. Robin Dickenson, expected what they discovered when they opened the alien craft captured by the space shuttle Liberty while on a routine space mission. But from the moment he first sees the star girl, Sah'Reena, Robin is captivated.

Near death, and never expecting to see anything again beyond the endless void of space, Sah'Reena isn't certain, at first, that her mind isn't playing tricks on her. But the handsome face of the stranger she sees gives her hope for life when she'd thought all hope was gone.

Warning! Contains carbon dioxide poisoning, severe sleep depravation, challenging authority, kosher cooking, dissolving aircraft, and an ability that could wipe out an entire planet.

*Note!  This story takes place in Houston, TX, and the Johnson Space Center.
If you would like a chance to win a PDF e-copy of this book, just post to the blog! Winner will be announced tomorrow, as well as the next book I'll be giving away.

Good luck!


  1. Not trying for this book because I already have it but just commenting to say this was a wonderful story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I love your "space" stories - the ones that take place on other worlds or have characters from other worlds.

  2. DO not have this story but love the blurb.

  3. Ooh, thanks for the blurb and excerpt, Linda!! This sounds terrific, too!

  4. Sounds like a great story! I like romance mixed with some sci-fi!

  5. I do enjoy sci-fi. And with romance? Ooooh, cherry on the cake!!!!

    in Germany

  6. Two of my favourite genres in one book - how can I resist :D Especially with that blurb!

  7. Sounds fantastic! I love romantic sci-fi stories.

  8. I always wanted to have special powers. Your book looks great!!
    debby236 at att dot net

  9. Sounds good. Why can't people just accept that not everyone has to be the same? It's the differences that make life fun.

  10. I enjoyed the excerpt. This really sounds good!!

  11. I so enjoy your books. Maybe this will be my first pdf. Thanks for your give away.

  12. Congratulations, Melinda! Your name was chosen as the winner of a PDF of THE GIFTED! Please email me at Linda(at)LindaMooney(dot)com so I can send you your book.

    Thank you for posting!
