
Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Year in Retrospect, and 3 Goals for 2011

2010 was a very good year for me, but looking back I can see where I spent way too much time in front of my computer trying to force ideas out of my head, and some of the results were less than stellar stories.

So this coming year I'm setting some new goals for myself.  These aren't quite resolutions, but more like recognizing problems I had in the past, and trying to avoid them in the future.

1.  Don't Push It.  I've had that 1000 words per day goal of writing for several years now, and reaching it hasn't been too much of a hassle, but there have been times I would get the 1 pg/500 words, then no further.  I will try to be satisfied with reaching what I can, and then giving it a rest.  Otherwise, there's a chance I could burn out.

2.  Read More.  I was tired of the same old same old coming out.  I'm going to see if I can't invest in some new authors and genres, just to give myself some new perspectives.

3.  Take a Few More Chances.  Getting out of my comfort zone landed me a contract at Carina Press, and I'm thrilled.  I'm going to see if I can't get on with another new publisher in 2011.  The results can only be a win-win. 

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