
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Giveaway #8 - A Choice of Horror Books

 The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #8
Now for something a little bit different, I'm giving away one of my horror books.  Winner gets to pick which one they would like.  To win, all you have to do is post a comment, then check back tomorrow evening to see if your name was selected!

Good luck!

supernatural horror
from Red Rose Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60435-686-1
Word Count: 33.3K

Hi. My name is Alexis Hembree, and I’m a cop. My partner and I are good at our jobs, except we don’t tend to work what others would call a “normal” beat. For some reason we draw evil to us like flies to sugar.

Sometimes there are things in this world we can’t explain or anticipate. But when they cross that line between their existence and ours, when they show up, we have to deal with them as best we can.

Some cops fight criminals. We fight something that never should have existed.

303 Lexington St.
It was a crack house. Except, in this case, drug dealers went in but they didn’t come out. Not alive, anyway, but in body bags. What’s more, if everyone who went inside ended up being shredded to death, who was doing the killing?

Georgie Porgie
The killer targeted women. Young, old, prostitutes, business women, it didn’t matter. One moment they would be walking down the sidewalk in the middle of town, and the next what was left of their bodies would be found in a nearby alleyway. Devoured. That’s why I had to be the next one to walk the streets. To draw out whoever was doing this. To be his next victim.

The Goodbye
He murdered young girls by crucifying them with ice picks. He was slick, elusive, and heading for our city. My partner and I were damned and determined this murderer would get no further. Unfortunately I couldn’t keep my head on the job. Neither could I ignore the weird-ass dreams I was having about this deviate. This case was becoming more personal, more foreboding, and more dangerous with each passing day. And there was no damn way I could avoid what I dreamed would be the final outcome.

zombie horror and the apocalypse
from Amazon
Word Count: 25.5K

The handwritten account of one woman's struggle to survive in a world gone DEAD.

Something has happened to the world, and now the living are gradually becoming the living dead. This is the story of one young woman's struggle to live a life that has no future.

zombie horror
from Amazon
Word Count: 16K

Four years ago Byron Shales was a manager for a department store. Now he hunts down and captures the newly zombie-fied dead, and resells them at auction to the highest bidder. What his buyers do with them after the sale is finalized is none of his business, and frankly he couldn’t care less.

His beliefs and apathy come to a sickening halt when he elects to keep one young woman for himself, and discovers that all his pre-conceived notions about these non-living creatures have been a lie. In fact, the truth about Rothsburg’s Disease may be more horrifying than the flesh-eating creatures it infects.


  1. Oh, I must say...I do enjoy a good horror story.

    I cut my teeth on Poe....hehe!!!

    in Germany

  2. All your books look very exciting. The blurbs are all great. I love to read horror stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, and these definitely look like they would.

  3. Nothing better than a good horror storya nd these look really good.
    debby236 at att dot net

  4. Interesting blurbs. I always like ones with cops trying to stop serial killers but I can't read them after dark. I'd leave the lights on all night.

  5. Congratulations, Debby! You have won a PDF of the horror book of your choice! Please email me at Linda(at)LindaMooney(dot)com and let me know which book you prefer, and I'll send it right out to you.

    Thanks to everyone who posted!
