
Friday, December 17, 2010

Giveaway #6 - CASTLE'S KEEP

The 12 Giveaway Days of Christmas - Giveaway #6

an erotic fantasy romance
from Red Rose Publishing
(ebook) ISBN# 978-1-60435-293-1
Word Count: 23.4K

He was a man angry at an accident which left him forever incapacitated. She was a woman disfigured and empty.

Add one immense painting imbued with a magical ability, and the resulting enchantment changed more than just their lives.

It changed their world.

Warning: Contains major anger management issues, a snoopy reporter, fantastical artwork, dedication, persistence, and a warm summer rain of tears.


To win a PDF copy of this book, all you have to do is post a comment!  I will post the winner in the comments section of this book tomorrow, so check back to see if you've won!

Good luck!


  1. This sounds wonderful, too, Linda! I love such the wide range of settings for your stories!

  2. This is a fascinating tale. I love the cover!! It looks like a fairy tale!!

  3. Hmm, sounds interesting!

  4. So many good books!!!!

    They are all on my wish list so far.

    in Germany

  5. Sounds like a real great book.

    Really curious about this anger management issues ;)

  6. Now I'm addicted to your blog and possibly winning another of your super novels. This one about anger management comes at a great time. The cover looks nice. leaves lots open to predict.

  7. another great books to add to our lists. sounds intriguing.
    debby236 at att dot net

  8. Sounds good. It reminds me of an old movie called The Enchanted Cottage. Both the hero and heroine are disfigured but through love don't see each other's disfigurement. A wonderful movie.

  9. Congratulations to Judy! You have won a copy of CASTLE'S KEEP! Just email me at Linda(at)LindaMooney(dot)com to claim your book!

    Thank you all for entering! There's still more to come!
