
Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

 Hi. I really like your books but I noticed several of them missing on your site's book page. Could you maybe update it or tell me why? Thank you.

Those books used to be contracted with other publishers. Their contracts have expired, and I’ve gotten them back. I’m in the process of getting them re-edited, given new covers, and then they’ll be re-uploaded for sale. (And the website will reflect that when they’re done.)
Thank you for your query!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Re-release! SUCKERS by Carolyn Gregg

Erotic Contemporary Romance
Music And Press
ISBN 978-0-9914081-3-9
Word Count: 5,850

Felicia is a mouth model with the hots for her favorite photographer. He wants Felicia to pose with a new product. All she can think about is finding a way to get into Aaron’s heart...and his pants.

Now Available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, Barnes and Noble, and via PayPal.

Click here for excerpt and buy links.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Laurie Olerich is my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

 Do you believe in immortality? How about parallel lives? Then you're going to want to listen to my guest author, Laurie Olerich. Come to "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio where she'll be reading from two of her best-selling fantasy romance books, Call the Lightning and Stone Angels, both books from the Primani series.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
See you there!
* * *
Primani blurb:
Mica is a fighter. After she’s left for dead by a psychotic ex, she vows to never be a victim again. Focused only on living life to the fullest, she’s not interested in true love--until Sean comes along. Tall, dark, and mysterious, he’s the man in her dreams. Suddenly true love doesn’t look so bad after all.

Sean is one of the best there is. A ruthless, powerful Primani, he’s assigned to guard more than just her body. There are plans for her. Plans that’ll change everything she believes if she lives long enough to learn the truth. Guarding one human shouldn’t be this complicated, but Mica makes it anything but easy. 

As the clock ticks, Mica is drawn deeper into the dangerous Primani world until there’s no way out.

Call the Lightning blurb:
The sizzle continues in Call the Lightning (Primani Book Two).

Mica is not having a good year. First, her Primani Sean vanishes without a trace. Second, a sadistic demon wants to use her as leverage. Third, there’s a serial killer running around who’s got a serious crush on her. And then there’s Killian...his eyes hold secrets that confuse her and his touch sends her blood racing out of control. There’s something between them, but what?

Killian has secrets--a lot of them. With Sean nowhere to be found, it’s up to him to keep Mica safe while her powers evolve. His protection takes a dangerous turn when she becomes a pawn in the game. Desperate to keep her alive, Killian drags Mica into his shadowy world of ancient powers and bloody rituals.

Mica has to trust her Primani if she wants to survive. But as the clock ticks, it’s harder to tell the truth from the lies, the lies from the secrets.

Stone Angels blurb:
"The path to immortality is not a simple one. You will face both crossroads and dead ends. Each choice changes destiny. Choose well." Raphael, Archangel.

3,000 years is a long time to wait. Killian is a patient Primani. He knows the prize is worth it. He watches, he hopes, but he never interferes. The terms are clear on that--say anything at all, the promise is broken. Everything’s going according to plan until...

Sean loses his mind. Tortured by guilt, Sean walks a tightrope between two worlds. After a woman dies, he will pay the ultimate price unless someone can save him.

Mica is still Sean’s anchor. Their physical connection can’t be denied, but what of their love? 

Desperate to save him from falling, she risks everything she has, including Killian. How far will she go to pull him back? Every step she takes moves her farther away from Killian’s plan.

Two paths. Two destinies. One choice.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reaffirmation in Man's Humanity

Seeing this homeless man asleep on a park bench, two men sneaked in to make the man's Christmas a bit merrier. Once they set up a tree with ornaments, they left a few presents which included food, a blanket, and socks.

Faith in man's humanity reaffirmed.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dear Linda, Which Books Are Self-Pubbed?

Dear Linda,

You said recently that you self-pub some of your books. I looked on your website, but I can't tell which are the ones you self-pubbed. Is there a way to tell?

Good question! Yes, there is. I use the publishing title MUSIC AND PRESS. If you see a book with that listed as the publisher, it's a self-pubbed book. In addition, I list the ebook's cost in the description. That also goes for my horror books written under the name of Gail Smith, and my erotic books written as Carolyn Gregg.

Thanks for asking!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Chicken Fried Beefcake
Erotic Humorous Contemporary
Music And Press
ISBN 978-0-9914081-0-8
Word Count: 20.1K

Beth was wanting out of her engagement to Wyatt when she met his younger brother, Billy.  But where Wyatt was suave and worldly, Billy was a hick country boy who didn't mind getting his hands dirty.  Yet there was something about Billy's gentle ways that touched her heart.

Unfortunately, Beth was a born klutz.  Bad luck followed her wherever she went, and Beth was positive bad luck would continue to plague her if she allowed herself to fall in love with Billy.

That was before she fell into a stock tank, and right into Billy's arms!

* * *

Now Available at:

Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
And via PayPal

Monday, January 20, 2014

Juli Revezzo Returns as my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

Born of a love for fantasy, sci-fi, and the Arthurian legend, an excerpt from Passion's Sacred Dance will be read by author Juli Revezzo tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio.

Don't miss this wonderful fantasy romance!
Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
* * *

Battling mounting debt, Stacy Dufrane is determined to keep her historical gallery open. When Aaron Fielding appears and offers to help, she considers his offer while fighting the instant attraction sizzling between them. 
He sparks her lust and intrigues her with tales of the Tuatha de’ Danann’s sworn warriors that somehow ring true. If Aaron can prove what he claims, she would willingly give up anything—even the Sacred ground.
With her property set to stage the next epic battle, she will need answers before she decides who to trust. An old family diary will prove Aaron’s telling the truth if only they can find it in time.  If they can’t, the enemy will take control of Earth, and all hell will break loose.

Stacy and Aaron’s budding love might only complicate things.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Six on Sunday - BEAST OF THE BAYOU

Six paragraphs from BEAST OF THE BAYOU, Subwoofers Book 1, a sensuous paranormal romance.

1. A movement off to the side caught his attention, and he turned to give Thierry a smile. He was over his initial shock from when she'd arrived this morning. There he was, expecting to see a typical female's idea of going tracking and hunting by finding her wearing blue jeans and a lightweight short sleeve or sleeveless blouse. Instead, Thierry wore a long-sleeve denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a hunting vest, olive drab cargo pants, and a pair of scuffed snakeskin boots. A Houston Texans baseball cap sat on her head. And when she'd removed the cap and placed it on the dining table before eating, he noticed she'd put her hair up into a sensible ponytail. And no makeup. The woman was stunning without a speck of cosmetics.

2. She hefted her rifle, but kept the barrel pointed down. He expected her to say something about his decision, but instead she simply nodded. Pulling a key attached to a short keychain from one of her pants pockets, she tossed it to him. Yo caught the slight hesitation in her actions. It was almost as if she didn't want to handle the keychain at all. He paused to stare at the little enamel black bear dangling from the ring, then grinned at her. "Cute."

3. He sniffed, and instantly his skin constricted. His groin tightened in response, forcing him to turn his back to her. There it was again. Her perfume, or whatever it was that caused his head to swim. Shut inside the little cabin, and being in close proximity to her, was giving his olfactory senses the chance to fill his sinus cavities with that rich, almost mesmerizing scent. Trying to cover the obvious bulge in his pants, he stepped outside to breathe in the sweet air. Thierry followed.

4. Rearing up on his hind legs, Yo slowly turned 360 degrees, testing and tasting the air for any sign, any hint of another intruder. Satisfied there was no one else around, he dropped down onto all fours and concentrated on the leaves and bushes. It didn't take him long to find the faint trace of the sharpshooter, left there when the man pushed through the undergrowth as he made his way toward the cabin. The shooter may have used every stealth method he knew, but the one variant he never thought about was the one that would ultimately help Yo track him down. Huffing, Yo proceeded to follow the trail.

5. Total disbelief swept through her, and she lifted her face to stare at the enormous black bear as it launched itself at the man, attacking the shooter from the rear while the guy was concentrated on the cabin. The animal knocked the man face-first into the ground, then took out the guy's gun, along with the hand and part of the arm, with one heavy swipe of its huge claws. The bear roared again, showing her its wide mouth filled with wicked teeth, and Thierry recognized the sound as the one she'd heard earlier.

6. Crouching, Yo prepared to leap from the dock onto the trail, when he heard a familiar whistling sound. His blood froze. Without a second thought, he threw himself into the water as the shell hit the broadside of the boat, and the craft exploded, taking out most of the dock with it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

An Urn That Will Turn You Into a Tree After You Die

These BIOS urns are biodegradable. Once your ashes are inserted, the whole thing can be buried in the ground. 

You can even choose what kind of tree you'd like to become.

Imagine cemeteries looking like this. This is true life after death.

Friday, January 17, 2014

It's Actually Signing

It gets better—the guy is deaf, and he taught his cat the sign for “food.” So the cat’s not just saying “put that in my mouth.” It’s actually signing.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Re-Release! SAND CASTLE, a Sweet Contemporary for the Christmas Holidays


A sweet contemporary romance for the Christmas holidays
Word Count:  10.4K

Terrie Myers didn't believe life would give her a second chance at love. She had managed to survive cancer, but she had lost the man she thought she loved.

Returning to her parents' vacation house on the Texas gulf coast, she never expected to fall for the man living in the bungalow next door. Sadly, he was already married. Still, she couldn't help the way she felt, or deny the joy of living he gave her.

With Christmas hours away, can the magic of the season make dreams come true?

Now Available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and Barnes & Noble.               
Click here for excerpt and buy links.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Don't Know What's Scarier...

 ... watching this, or wondering what it would be like to jump without a cord.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gretchen S.B. is my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

We have ghosts tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio when Gretchen S.B. visits. She'll be reading an excerpt from her supernatural romance novel, Lady of the Dead, Book 1 of the Night World series.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
Don't miss it!
* * *
A Lady of the Dead only comes along once in a century. Gwen knows this makes her valuable but she hates the constant supervision of her Warrior guards. Her increasing power has gifted her some independence until rumors of war spook her guards enough to report to the King.

Cesar has been King of North America through several wars and rebellions. When one of his generals informs him these new rumors involve the Lady of the Dead he flies to Seattle himself it investigate, posing as his second-in-command. The instant attraction he feels to Gwen becomes increasingly hard to ignore.

Will Cesar be able to protect Gwen while battling his lust? Will Gwen stay with her warrior guards or will Cesar’s dominating nature push her to switch sides? Hidden alliances begin to surface in Lady of the Dead.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New! BEAST OF THE BAYOU, Book 1 of the Subwoofers Series, a Sensuous Paranormal Romance

Subwoofers, Book 1
Sensuous Paranormal Romance Novel
Music And Press
ISBN: 978-09859300-8-0
Word Count: 39.1K

Alligator, Bear, Cougar, Deer, Eagle
They found each other by accident. They became a team for life.

Thierry McNulty's brother, Senator Frank McNulty, is missing. She believes he went to their old family campsite on Caddo Lake for a brief vacation, but after days of not hearing from him, she fears the worst.

Antonio "Yo" Bleeker is one of the owners of Bag It and Tag It Excursions. When Thierry hires the company to track down her brother, he has no idea what he's getting himself into - especially when he experiences an extreme physical reaction to the beautiful woman.

He know he can't have her, much less let her discover what he really is. But before he can back away, Yo finds himself in a life-or-death battle to save the woman he's realized he can't live without.

Warning! Contains campfire cooking, a gold earring, lovemaking under the stars, rental cars, and a phobia that reaches all the way back to childhood.

Click here for excerpt.

Now Available at
All Romance eBooks 


Barnes and Noble 

And via PayPal 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Re-Release! CASTLE'S KEEP, a Sensuous Urban Fantasy Romance


A sensuous urban fantasy romance
Word Count:  23.4K

He was a man angry at an accident which left him forever incapacitated. She was a woman disfigured and empty.

Add one immense painting imbued with a magical ability, and the resulting enchantment changed more than just their lives.

It changed their world.

Warning:  Contains major anger management issues, a snoopy reporter, fantastical artwork, dedication, persistence, and a warm summer rain of tears.

Available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and Barnes & Noble.

Friday, January 10, 2014

In Case You Were Wondering...

Yes. Apparently owls can swim. Looks like they can do a mean breaststroke, too.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Somewhere There's a Paranormal Romance in This!

Somewhere in the wilderness of Northern Finland a male bear and female wolf strikes up an unlikely friendship, each evening after a hard-day’s hunting this pair could be seen sharing dinner together while enjoying the sunset. Between the hours of  8pm and 4am they would stay in each other’s company.
(photo: Lassi Rautiainen)

Monday, January 6, 2014

P.J. Dean Returns as my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

We have two post-apocalyptic romances tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio! P.J. Dean returns to read excerpts from both of books, Something Else Wicked and UNION.  If you love post-apoc, you won't want to miss this show!

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
* * *
Time: post-apocalyptic America in the near future.
Tina Cain and Nate Lowe each have their own reasons for fighting against the life-force draining Felig, an alien race that has invaded Earth. They’ve joined together to rid their world of these parasites. For Tina, it's personal—they took her mom. Neither one of them are looking for love—just raw sex to take the edge off possibly vanishing at any moment. Joining forces makes them ponder why they are even alive. And possibly gives them a reason to live.

Blurb for Something Else Wicked. The Felig Chronicles Book 2
When last we left that unlikely pair of alien slayers, Nate Lowe and Tina Cain, in THE FELIG CHRONICLES, they’d finally declared their mutual love and lust in spite of the extraterrestrial Felig’s efforts to kill them and enslave Earth. In THE FELIG CHRONICLES 2: SOMETHING ELSE WICKED, in addition to the Felig, why does a human element want them dead, too?

Blurb for the third and current book in the series (UNION) The Felig Chronicles Book 3
 When not blasting alien Felig into small bits, Nate Lowe and Tina Cain are like any other co-habitating couple. In spite of some serious personal differences and a few assassination attempts on them, they’ve managed to find time to fall in love. Ready to take them to a new level in their relationship, Nate is pressing Tina for a more lasting union. Despite loving him, Tina is reticent. What’s the problem? On another front, the resilient Felig are giving the word union a whole new meaning.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

VALL'S WILL is Going to be an Audiobook!

I am delighted and honored to announce that Audrey Lusk will be producing my best selling sci-fi romance novel, VALL'S WILL, into an audiobook through ACX and Audible .com.

Completion will be around the first of June, with a public release around June 15th.

Stay tuned for details!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

I Have a Confession To Make! I Have Another Pseudonym!

Announcing my third alter ego, and one I've kept undercover for many years.

I am also Carolyn Gregg. She who writes sweet, silly, sexy, sinful, sharp, sultry, smart, sassy, and seductive romance stories. Many are harder and edgier than my Linda Mooney books, hence the other nom de plume. Also, because I am a soon-to-be-retired Kindergarten teacher, I feel it is finally safe to "come out of hiding".

If you go to my alter ego's website, you'll see I write for Purple Sword Publications, and I used to write for Red Rose Publishing. At the moment I'm in the processing of getting my books back from Red Rose, but that may take some time as the publisher is not cooperating, despite having a lawyer serve her (which she has ignored). So I ask that you DO NOT BUY any of my books from Red Rose Publishing. As Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and Barnes and Noble are in the process of removing those books no longer contracted with RRP, I will be putting them back up for sale.

On the other hand, Purple Sword, and its founder Traci, have been wonderful to work with, and I wholeheartedly endorse you get my books from them!