
Monday, January 27, 2014

Laurie Olerich is my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

 Do you believe in immortality? How about parallel lives? Then you're going to want to listen to my guest author, Laurie Olerich. Come to "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio where she'll be reading from two of her best-selling fantasy romance books, Call the Lightning and Stone Angels, both books from the Primani series.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
See you there!
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Primani blurb:
Mica is a fighter. After she’s left for dead by a psychotic ex, she vows to never be a victim again. Focused only on living life to the fullest, she’s not interested in true love--until Sean comes along. Tall, dark, and mysterious, he’s the man in her dreams. Suddenly true love doesn’t look so bad after all.

Sean is one of the best there is. A ruthless, powerful Primani, he’s assigned to guard more than just her body. There are plans for her. Plans that’ll change everything she believes if she lives long enough to learn the truth. Guarding one human shouldn’t be this complicated, but Mica makes it anything but easy. 

As the clock ticks, Mica is drawn deeper into the dangerous Primani world until there’s no way out.

Call the Lightning blurb:
The sizzle continues in Call the Lightning (Primani Book Two).

Mica is not having a good year. First, her Primani Sean vanishes without a trace. Second, a sadistic demon wants to use her as leverage. Third, there’s a serial killer running around who’s got a serious crush on her. And then there’s Killian...his eyes hold secrets that confuse her and his touch sends her blood racing out of control. There’s something between them, but what?

Killian has secrets--a lot of them. With Sean nowhere to be found, it’s up to him to keep Mica safe while her powers evolve. His protection takes a dangerous turn when she becomes a pawn in the game. Desperate to keep her alive, Killian drags Mica into his shadowy world of ancient powers and bloody rituals.

Mica has to trust her Primani if she wants to survive. But as the clock ticks, it’s harder to tell the truth from the lies, the lies from the secrets.

Stone Angels blurb:
"The path to immortality is not a simple one. You will face both crossroads and dead ends. Each choice changes destiny. Choose well." Raphael, Archangel.

3,000 years is a long time to wait. Killian is a patient Primani. He knows the prize is worth it. He watches, he hopes, but he never interferes. The terms are clear on that--say anything at all, the promise is broken. Everything’s going according to plan until...

Sean loses his mind. Tortured by guilt, Sean walks a tightrope between two worlds. After a woman dies, he will pay the ultimate price unless someone can save him.

Mica is still Sean’s anchor. Their physical connection can’t be denied, but what of their love? 

Desperate to save him from falling, she risks everything she has, including Killian. How far will she go to pull him back? Every step she takes moves her farther away from Killian’s plan.

Two paths. Two destinies. One choice.

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