
Monday, January 6, 2014

P.J. Dean Returns as my Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

We have two post-apocalyptic romances tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio! P.J. Dean returns to read excerpts from both of books, Something Else Wicked and UNION.  If you love post-apoc, you won't want to miss this show!

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
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Time: post-apocalyptic America in the near future.
Tina Cain and Nate Lowe each have their own reasons for fighting against the life-force draining Felig, an alien race that has invaded Earth. They’ve joined together to rid their world of these parasites. For Tina, it's personal—they took her mom. Neither one of them are looking for love—just raw sex to take the edge off possibly vanishing at any moment. Joining forces makes them ponder why they are even alive. And possibly gives them a reason to live.

Blurb for Something Else Wicked. The Felig Chronicles Book 2
When last we left that unlikely pair of alien slayers, Nate Lowe and Tina Cain, in THE FELIG CHRONICLES, they’d finally declared their mutual love and lust in spite of the extraterrestrial Felig’s efforts to kill them and enslave Earth. In THE FELIG CHRONICLES 2: SOMETHING ELSE WICKED, in addition to the Felig, why does a human element want them dead, too?

Blurb for the third and current book in the series (UNION) The Felig Chronicles Book 3
 When not blasting alien Felig into small bits, Nate Lowe and Tina Cain are like any other co-habitating couple. In spite of some serious personal differences and a few assassination attempts on them, they’ve managed to find time to fall in love. Ready to take them to a new level in their relationship, Nate is pressing Tina for a more lasting union. Despite loving him, Tina is reticent. What’s the problem? On another front, the resilient Felig are giving the word union a whole new meaning.

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