
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome to Day 3 of the SFR Brigade's 2nd Midsummer Blog Hop!

Welcome to Day 3 of the SFR Brigade's 2nd Midsummer Blog Hop! The theme is "Out of This World!", and I have another question for you. Would it bother you if the hero is an alien, and has an alien body not like a human male? In other words, would you have a problem with reading a love story where the alien doesn't look like one of us?

Comment below, and you could be a winner! It's that easy! I will be giving away TWO PRIZES DAILY! Prize one will be an ebook of any one of my available titles, and prize two will be an Amazon gift card.

In the meantime, I want to congratulate my winners from yesterday!
Linda wins an ebook
Tawania wins the Amazon GC
Winners, please get in touch with me (Linda @ LindaMooney .com) to claim your prize!

Tomorrow, I'll post the names of the winners from today, and ask another new question for you to comment on. NOTE: Winners will only be chosen who actually respond to the question. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No, I don't think I'd have a problem with a non-humanoid hero -- but that would really depend on how it's done...there would have to be something in the character (from a personality standpoint)that was human enough for me to relate to...

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  2. I would be OK with it to a certain extent. I don't think I'd like to read of a hero who looks like a slimy reptile but a different skin color, wings, a tail wouldn't bother me. I still like him to be vaguely humanoid.

  3. It wouldn't bother me, as long as the alien wasn't something slimy. Love come in all shapes and sizes.

  4. It really depends! I've no problem if a book character is an alien and looks like a human, but I think I would be creeped out if he had for instance tentacles, huge eyes or no ear etc. xD I have no problem with different skin color or glowing skin, though. :)

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. I do not mind the main character having an alien body so long as they are not.. um.. doing anything with a regular human. It just feels like bestiality to me. lol. But if they are aliens themselves and are not human- like. ? I have no idea. I mean I have not read a book before with the hero or heroine not being human- like. hmn. I would give it a try, though! (: Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. I'm totally cool with the MC being an alien if he looks human. Now if he looked like an alien that's a different story. I would try and give it a go though.

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  7. Hmm interesting question. I guess it would depend. I mean... think Galaxy Quest and Jane Doe and the octopus arms...

    Yeah, it would seriously depend :)

    imogene @
