
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Welcome to Day 2 of the SFR Brigade's 2nd Midsummer Blog Hop!

Welcome to Day 2 of the SFR Brigade's 2nd Midsummer Blog Hop! The theme is "Out of This World!", and I have another question for you. What does a heroine (and in most cases, it occurs to the heroine and not the hero) have to do in order for you to label her TSTL - to stupid to live?

Comment below, and you could be a winner! It's that easy! I will be giving away TWO PRIZES DAILY! Prize one will be an ebook of any one of my available titles, and prize two will be an Amazon gift card.

In the meantime, I want to congratulate my winners from yesterday!
MistyRios wins an ebook
Veronika wins the Amazon GC
Winners, please get in touch with me (Linda @ LindaMooney .com) to claim your prize!

Tomorrow, I'll post the names of the winners from today, and ask another new question for you to comment on. NOTE: Winners will only be chosen who actually respond to the question. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. In my opinion it's when the heroine rushes into a situation she knows she can't win. Example: in a book I just finished the heroine knew she was too important to let herself get caught, whole worlds were depending on her, and she let her anger get the best of her. And she rushed in to face the villain alone, and knew she couldn't win. Back up was a few minutes away, all she had to do was wait.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. It's a great question! I often read novels, where the heroin has a strong personality (which I LOVE reading about!), but sometimes she is recless to the point when she is all secretive and instead of asking for help she wants to fight alone. It usually does not ends well. Definitely a TSTL moment for me! :)

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. So many possibilities! Taunting the superstrong villain, getting too caught up in something to notice danger, forgetting something crucial. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Lisacordes (at) yah00 d0t c0m

  4. I get irritated when I read a story with the heroine continuously pushing the hero for some small inconsequential reason when it's obvious they make a wonderful couple & the barriers are all in her head.

  5. I get irritated when I read a story with the heroine continuously pushing the hero for some small inconsequential reason when it's obvious they make a wonderful couple & the barriers are all in her head.

  6. I can't stand the "I'm mad at you on a personal level, so I refuse to listen to your lifesaving crucial information" moments. Please. Ripley would never have done that.

    Beautiful website, Linda! :D
