Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Heroes Aren't Always Human

Welcome to A Hero's Blog Hop, which will run from July 27-31.
Please note that this post will remain "floating" at the top of this blog during that time, but readers can find my latest/current posts below.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted my presentation that I gave at Galaxy Fest, the International UFO Festival in Roswell, NM over the Fourth of July weekend (actually, the weekend before the fourth.) You can read those excerpts starting here.

In the presentation, I noted that, especially in sci-fi romances, one (or both) of the characters don't have to be human, human looking, or even humanoid. In the paranormal genres, you get mostly shapeshifters (wolves), vampires, ghosts, or witches. All of whom are human or human looking most of the time.

Ditto goes for the fantasy genre, which includes fairies, elves, and a whole realm of similar beings.

Yet, in sci-fi, there can anything from cyborgs, to superheroes from other worlds, to out-and-out aliens...and that's the species I like to explore.

If I give them super powers, my heroes also have to be flawed. They must be vulnerable both in body and in their hearts.
If I make them mechanical - either a cyborg or, in the case of Deep, the holographic image from a sentient spaceship - I want them capable of human emotion.
If they're from other worlds, I like them to have a different appearance. Let them have wings, or body armor, or horns!

Especially, give them a visage no ordinary woman would dare to look at, except for the heroine. Not only would she come to love him, but she would teach him how to love himself.
This is why I love writing in the sci-fi, fantasy, and paranormal genres. Because my heroes can be unique, raw, and powerful in ways ordinary human males cannot.

Oh, yes, I do write about "regular men". But, of course, when I do, I put them in super-human situations that only a true hero can overcome.

If you would like to learn about these books, and others I have written, go to my link here and visit my website. You'll find excerpts and buy links, and lots more!

How about a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet? A Barnes and Noble or Amazon gift card? Or lots of swag?

I'll also be giving away the following prizes EVERY DAY of the blog hop!
* a PDF of Any One of My Books, Winner's Choice
* a Starbucks Gift Card
* an Amazon Gift Card

Here's what you have to do.
1. Comment about this post, or anything about sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal romances in general.

That's it! Check back every day, as my winners will be announced daily.
Grand Prize Winners will be announced Aug. 1st.
Good luck!
After you comment, scroll to the list below and pick your next destination.
Thanks again for coming!


sienny said...


i like reading the 'not entirely human' books, they have a certain thrill that won't be found in a regular suspense/thriller book. and i also prefer them not be too perfect. a flawed hero is way better.

smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

Becky said...

What wonderful stuff to win! I love reading paranormal romances. I read some fantasy and sci-fi ones too, just not as often as the paranormal.


Anonymous said...

I adore supernatural heroes, especially paranormal ones. :)

Enjoy the hop.

laurie said...

i have never read any of your stuff but from reading your blog your books look really good to read


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I love reading "different" romances. Would love to have some extra abilities.

jlhmass at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm still wading into paranormal/sci-fi, but I've really been impressed by the world-building I've seen!


Katy Beth McKee said...

I haven't read a lot of sci-fi romance. Not sure why because I read a lot of regular sci-fi in high school. I'll have to give it a try. kbmckee at mail dot com

Tracy said...

Paranormal/sci-fi romances are definitely my favorite, as I love all the various "abilities" of characters. I think it'd be cool to be psychic or time travel, ect.

~Tracy L.

Bluebubbles24 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I'm really wanting to read FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS and Possession adding both to my wish list.


Natasha said...

I love paranormal books! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Fiza said...

I love reading about hunky heroes that aren't totally human, may they be shifters, aliens, demons or angels. But it did spoil me for the normal heroes....


Linda Mooney said...

Thank you all for coming by! All of you are now entered in my Friday drawing, and I'll be posting the winners soon!

All posts after this one will count toward my Saturday drawing.

Good luck! :D

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to define and incorporate the other worlds into a romance.
And yes - flawed is far better than perfect - perfect is boring.


Anonymous said...

I will read anything romance! Definitely going to give yours a try! Thanks for the blog hop!

BLHmistress said...

I love paranormal, I think alot has to do with the different worlds that are presented and different takes on vampires and all other paranormal beings. I haven't read much Sci Fi lately. I used to read them all the time.


M. S. Spencer said...

Hi Linda--love the site. I'd never read paranormal, vampire, or even science fiction until I went to graduate school in Anthropology--we liked finding whole cultures already constructed and rational (& if you've ever studied aboriginal kinship systems, you'll know why!). M. S. Spencer

Linda Mooney said...

Many thanks to those of you who came by Saturday to read and post a comment. A list of winners will be announced shortly.

Comments after this one will be entered in my Sunday drawing. And don't forget, ALL comments will be eligible for the Three Grand Prizes, which include a Kindle Fire or Nook!

Kaylyn D said...

Paranormal and sci-fi genres are somewhat new to me. I have only started reading them in the last few years. Now that I have I love them. I have read aliens to cyborgs to shapeshifters. They all have their qualities which I love but flawed characters make a story an even better read. Thank you for the giveaway.

Yvette said...

I love reading paranormal books!

pgeorgiap said...

Your non quite human heroes is one of the reasons I really like your books!
It gives your stories an interesting twist and of course makes them uinque!


pgeorgiap said...

Your non quite human heroes is one of the reasons I really like your books!
It gives your stories an interesting twist and of course makes them uinque!


Unknown said...

I just bought FROM OUT OF THE SHADOWS and shared it on my Facebook...looking forward to reading it :)


The Brunette Librarian said...

I absolutely love a great paranormal romance...Anything can happen!

brunettelibrarian AT gmAil . c0m
The Brunette Librarian Blog

Fedora said...

I like the different kinds of heroes you write, Linda--the amazing thing is that no matter the hero, you create a way for us to connect and to enjoy them, whether or not they are "real" :)

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Carin said...

I love how in sci-fi romance the heroes are different, it allows for a whole new world of situations. Thanks, Carin

desitheblonde said...

i like the stuff you have on the site and the color of the book are great i wold love to read them all

Lona said...

I love paranormal romance, the men are yummy. I like when they are the tormented kind that still do the right thing. Thx for giveaway.


Lisa said...

I love paranormal romances. I have only read a few sci-fi, but I liked them too. The different abilities & looks make it fun to read.


JanD said...

I haven't read non-humanoid romantic heroes before.
bituin76 AT hotmail DOT com

Deb PelletierC said...

Paranormal romance ,very interesting.

Dani Harper, Author said...

Great post - you showed a lot of variety and really opened up our imaginations to some new kinds of heroes!

dani AT daniharper DOT com

Susan W. said...

I love blog hope where I find new to me authors! Most of the sci-fi romances I've read had humanoid characters but there were a couple that weren't entirely human looking and found them facinating! I'm going to be looking into your book list. Thanks for the giveaway!


Janhvi said...

I don't mind not entirely human heroes.Its the character of the person that matters not the species :)
Enjoy the blog hop!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Linda Mooney said...

Huge thanks to all who came by on Sunday to read and comment! My Sunday winners post is going up soon. All posts on Monday will be in the drawing for prizes for Monday's giveaway.

And EVERYONE WHO'S EVER POSTED HERE will be in the Grand Prize drawing, to be held Aug. 1st!

molly.frenzel said...

Your heroes sound very interesting. I'm gonna have to check a few of them out!

Liese2 said...

This sounds like a great paranormal romance!

jessiel said...

I will honestly say that I haven't read any sci-fi or paranormal romances. I usually read historical, contemporary romances. After checking out your blog site, there's quite a few to chose from. So it's time for me to step out of the box.Thanks or participating in this blog hop!

Cathy M said...

A flawed hero is just so much more interesting. And when redeemed by love, so so satisfying.

cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I occasionaly like to read paranormal romances like vampires, or wolves. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Rissa said...

I love PNR but I've never read sci-fi. Thanks for the chance to win :) raynman1979 at yahoo dot com

June M. said...

I love the heroes who are not always human. Although there is nothing wrong with human heroes, I do love paranormal and Sci-Fi stories too.
Thanks so much for the giveaways.
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

latishajean said...

Thank you so much for the great giveaway! I love to read paranormal romance fun blog hop alot of great Heroes!
Latisha D
tishajean@ charter.net

Christine said...

I love paranormal and sci-fi romances. The heroes and heroines can have totally bizarre abilities and characteristics that make them just as sexy or even more sexy than in other genres. Like to mix them all up and keep everything fresh.

Thanks for being part of the blog hop and for the great giveaway


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Love all kinds of hero, human or not so human :) They're all so unique and entertaining!



Linda Mooney said...

A hug and a thank you to everyone who posted a comment on Monday. I'm announcing that day's winners soon.

Tuesday is the last day of the Hero's blog hop. The grand prize winner will be announced tomorrow, the 1st.

Good luck to all!

nina said...

great contest love your books

nina said...

great contest love your books

Lena Grey said...

a hero is a hero, human or not


Lena Grey said...

heroes don't have to be human to be heroes


Unknown said...

I have been obsessed with paranormal romances as of late. Thanks for the chance! angelacisco79(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I love the sound of Captive Surrender. I've added that to my wishlist/TBR list.

Thank you for participating in the blog hop and for the giveaway!


Jessica said...

Thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

thanks for the chance!!


Nay Nay said...

Woohoo! Loving this hop!

Love your Sci Fi Books. they are always entertaining.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

Debra A. Soles said...

I love the not so human hero. Aliens leave the door wide open for all sorts of interesting characteristics. Your book covers are gorgeous. Fantastic post.

Shadow said...

I love paranormal books! My favorite are shifters. I cant get enough of them! :) Thanks for the fun hop and the awesome giveaway! Ya all rock!! :)

bn100 said...

I like paranormals.


j.lennidorner@facebook.com said...

Great blog! I love that it's so unique. There isn't enough paranormal romance out there, at least not in my opinion!