Monday, April 2, 2012


Up for grabs includes the following:

* a PDF of any one of my books

* a gift certificate to Starbucks

* a gift certificate to All Romance eBooks

* a gift certificate to Amazon

* a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble



pgeorgiap said...

Happy Birthday Linda!!! I wish you love and happiness!!! Thank you for your books, they make my heart warmer!!


Wanda said...

Happy Birthday Linda. Have an awesome celebration!


gerri said...

Happy Birthday!!!
your blog always has some neat pics and info on. The food art awesome, went there and spent 25 min looking at all other pictures.
thank you for writting such great books

Shadow said...

Happy Birthday! You have a wonderful day! Dont forget to make a wish! :) And enjoy those spankings. lol

Candy said...

Happy birthday Linda! Since it is my birthday too (65 years and still going) I would love to celebrate with you! One of your prizes would make my day.

lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Linda! Blow out your candles and unwrap your presents! Enjoy your special day!

bn100 said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful celebration!


Stormy said...

Happy Birthday, Linda! Hope you've had a wonderfully special day!

ljbinion said...

Happy birthday, Linda! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one!

Fedora said...

Just wanted to wish you a wonderful day celebrating YOU, Linda, and hope that the coming year is one full of sweet and joyful surprises!

datadiva/yahoo said...

Your birthday deserves a celebration. Maybe a trip to Sandeflay! My two favorites are that one and Rhea 41070. Your writing is so original so have a wonderful day and keep writing.

Julie S said...

Happy birthday!! :) I'm having a birthday in a couple of weeks too.

Linda Mooney said...

This blog post is now closed to further comments so I can announce my winners. Please check blog post of April 3rd. Thanks!