
Monday, September 8, 2008

It's a Three-Way! (Contest, That Is!)

To celebrate the release of my newest book HEARTFAST, I'm having a contest, and there will be THREE winners!

Grand Prize: An e-copy of HEARTFAST, plus another ebook of mine of the winner's choice.
2nd Prize: An e-copy of HEARTFAST.
3rd Prize: Any ebook of mine, winner's choice.

How can you win? Simple! Post a comment on my blog. Pick your topic and make a comment.

All comments will go in the hat, and the winners will be announced on September 15th, Release Day!

Good luck! :D


  1. I loved 36 exposures and Jeberal's story. :) Congrats on another book being published. You look very busy and that is never a bad thing, right?

  2. Just read the excerpt and watched the video for Heartfast. Looks like a great Sci-fi romance story that I would enjoy reading.

  3. I just read the blurbs for your books and I am definitely going to add them to by to be read pile.

  4. ooooh, another contest. I've been slacking off on entering contest because of working odd hours and spending my free time reading, that contest have just gone by the wayside. I need to buckle down so I can feed my reading addiction with freebies. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your great book.

  5. You're welcome! As I'm also a working mother by day, I have a special affinity for those people who work full time. So I try to arrange my contests where there's plenty of time to enter, where it's easy to enter, and where people from all places/nations/time zones can enter.

    Good luck, everyone! :D

  6. Hey Linda,

    Congrats on the new release! I'm sure it will be as great as the others. The 1st book that got me hooked to be one of your fan is Jebaral. Love that book and the series.. Though your 2nd book is not as I expected, not that it isn't great, but it's way off my taste.. but still, you make up for it in the Simolif book.. :)


  7. Congratulations on Heartfast, Linda! And kudos to you for so successfully juggling writing with working and mothering! Take care of yourself, too!

  8. TIRON was meant to be grittier because of her circumstances, and I knew it might be a challenge to readers. But halfway through JEBARAL I realized I had to give her an HEA. Thank you for trying her, Amy. :) Believe it or not, there's a 4th RM book in the works!

  9. This is a great contest! Thanks for having it. I love to enter contests and it's even better when I win! LOL

  10. This is going to be so good!! Congrats on the new release Linda!
