
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Six on Sunday - ANOTHER BATTLE LORD'S FURY, The Battle Lord Saga, Book 11

Six on Sunday - Six paragraphs from ANOTHER BATTLE LORD'S FURY, The Battle Lord Saga, Book 11 

1. Loseph Gaddy took the lead as they continued down the road. Atty rode a bit behind and to the side of him, with Paxton next to her. Although he and Atty assured the others that the Bloods had moved on—and they both were certain it was Bloods they’d sensed—everyone remained battle ready just in case. No one tried to convince themselves that it hadn’t been anything other than Bloods, least of all Yulen D’Jacques. He’d seen Atty’s survival instincts kick in when they’d encountered other creatures and when they’d been accosted by Bloods. With the creatures, she remained awake and focused as she inwardly tracked their movements. But with the Bloods, her focus turned away from the present. She became almost trance-like but was somehow still aware of her present surroundings.

2. “No, but the next wave of Bloods who come through here will investigate, and they’ll spread the word if they find things have been rearranged. That will give them reason to rejoice and celebrate.” She eyed everyone in the room. “Their whole purpose in life is to destroy Normals and Mutah, and that includes creating as much fear as possible.” She swept her arms outward. “All of this is more than overcoming this settlement. It’s meant to have us fear them, and loathe them, and make it fuel our anger toward them because they believe that if they can conquer us mentally…” She tapped her temple. “And emotionally…” She placed a fist over her heart. “Then they know they’ve won half the battle. And we all know fear is a greater enemy than a physical presence.”

3. “You’ve put the fear into them, that’s why,” Batuset announced. “You’ve survived being skinned alive by them, and Atty took out one of their major leaders when she was eight months pregnant. You two beat them to the point where they’re envious, and angry, and leery of you. Word’s gotten out about the battle lord and lady of Alta Novis who fly the half-blue and half-red standard. They’ve been warned not to cross you or else they’ll end up dead. They’ve been told to avoid any conflict wherever they see that flag.”

4. “In the past, whenever we made love, I was able to hope that that moment would create a new life within me.” She gave a weak chuckle. “Oh, I admit that before I had Mattox, I was terrified about getting pregnant. After believing for so long that losing my virginity would signal the end of my hunting abilities, I’d transferred that fear to when I had children. But after I had our son, I realized he’d made me stronger, especially when I discovered I had an innate connection with him, similar to the way I’m connected to you. Which was why I no longer had that fear. In fact, I was looking forward to becoming a mother again. I was thrilled when I got pregnant and had Mistelle. But then, after I got pregnant again, and the rats came…”

5. They could hear the shouting and fighting before they reached the section of wall where the Mutah had initially sensed the presence of Bloods. Already he could tell the guards along the parapet were having difficulty fighting off the creatures. Grabbing the first ladder he came to, the battle lord scurried up to the parapet in time to see a Blood hoisting itself over the top of the wall. Drawing his sword, he swung it with one hand. The blade bit into the thing’s neck, and the creature went flying backwards. Another Blood took its place and tried to climb over. By this time, Yulen had reached the catwalk and could wield his weapon with both hands, lunging and slashing at the invading horde. He was aware of Atty to his left firing her arrows in rapid succession, taking down one, sometimes two Bloods with each shaft.

6. Talco began pacing as he feverishly sought answers. “He also has to be the reason why all those battle lords suddenly packed up and left at first light the next morning, before the sale and auction were done. That man deliberately sabotaged my event out of sheer pettiness!” He snorted. “I should have known better than to try and trust a man who is thick with Mutah and Bloods. If he couldn’t have them conquer me from the outside, he decided to undermine me from the inside!” He slammed a fist into his palm. “D’Jacques can’t be allowed to get away with this. He will pay for his treachery, if he and his mongrel bitch haven’t already become victims of the Bloods by now. But if by chance he managed to make it back to his compound in one piece, perhaps it’s time I led a small battalion to his front gates and proved to him he crossed with the wrong man. And as for Cuttle… Newberry!” 

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