
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Please Welcome Susanna Strom as She Tells Us About Her Paranormal Romance, Marked Under the Midnight Sun, Black Rock Guardians, Book Three

Marked Under the Midnight Sun
Black Rock Guardians 
Book Three
by Susanna Strom

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Cougar Creek Publishing, LLC
Date of Publication: May 21, 2024
ISBN: 9781960382092
Cover Artist: Lori Jackson 

Tagline: He was loaded for bear. And he still wasn’t ready for her… 

Book Description:


I do jobs no one else in my pack can do. Dirty jobs.

Like kidnapping Liv Hagen.

I didn’t want to do it. I was just following my alpha’s orders.

I never thought my bear would think she’s ours.

But there’s no way I can keep her. The consequences are too dire.

So, when the time comes, I’ll have no choice but to surrender her to fate.

Even if it kills me…


Kidnapped, held captive, and used as a bargaining chip against the Black Rock Guardians.

Yeah. Seems about right for my luck.

But if the big, bad bear shifter thinks I’m going to submit to his—or anyone’s—will, he’s got another thing coming.

Which is why I’ll just have to ignore my attraction to the sexy jerk. It’s probably Stockholm syndrome, anyway.

I mean, it’s not like he’s my fated mate or anything… right?

Marked Under the Midnight Sun, Book 3 in the Black Rock Guardians Series, is a lightly angsty, enemies to lovers paranormal romance with plenty of spice and tense moments, and just the right amount of suspense, action, and adventure. Download today and get ready for the supernatural romance you didn’t know you needed.

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Liv huddled next to the campfire, a flimsy Mylar sleeping bag wrapped around her shoulders. Soaking wet, her cheeks flushed scarlet from the frigid air, the human was in trouble. The sun had dipped below the horizon and the temperature was plummeting.

I glanced at my shivering captive. “Gimme your coat, dress, and boots.”

“What?” she sputtered. “Dude, I’m not stripping in front of you.”

My lip quirked. Nobody but this feisty, gotta-be-freezing-her-ass-off woman would dare call me dude. Most pack mates cringed in my presence, and referred to me as Mr. Creed, or sir.
Not Liv.

“You’ll never warm up if you spend the night in wet clothes.” I pointed at the sticks wedged into the ground next to the campfire. “I’ll put your things close to the flames to dry out.”

“Forget it.” She yanked the emergency sleeping bag up to her ears.

I bit the inside of my cheek. I never got a good look at her body underneath the sodden down parka, but her legs were shapely and I bet her figure matched.

What the hell am I doing?

Was there any thing more pointless, more self-destructive than being attracted to the woman I’m turning over to my heartless alpha?

Time to shut this shit down.

I stepped toward her and deliberately shaped my features into an intimidating scowl.

“You telling me you’d rather freeze to death than take off your wet clothes?”

She didn’t answer, probably realizing how foolish she’d sound if she said yes.

“My orders are to bring you safe and sound to Medved. I can’t let you get hypothermia.”

“And a flunky like you doesn’t dare disappoint his alpha, right?” Scorn dripped from her voice.

“That’s right.” No point in taking offense when she spoke the truth. I lowered my chin and put command into my voice. “So either you strip or I’ll do it for you.”

Color returned to her cheeks in an angry flush. “Try it, buddy, and you’ll lose a hand.”
I could easily overpower the mouthy woman and peel her clothes off. Grizzly shifter versus human? Hell, no contest. Liv wasn’t stupid. She had to realize how powerless and vulnerable she was. Still, she jutted out her chin, and her pretty brown eyes shot sparks.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I debated how to handle the insolent human. I’d ripped her away from everybody and everything she knew. Her next few days were bound to be rough, especially if she shot off her mouth in front of Medved. Why not cut her some slack? If she saw me as a reasonable man, she might be more willing to listen when I warned her to mind her manners in front of my alpha.

“How about I turn around and look the other way while you undress?” I proposed.

The fingers clutching the top of the sleeping bag had turned bone white, and she trembled from the cold. “Fine,” she said reluctantly. “Do it.”

I put my back to her. “Just don’t get any crazy ideas about picking up a branch and clobbering me.”

She snorted. “We’re in the middle of godforsaken nowhere.” I heard rustling as she dropped the sleeping bag and shed her wet clothes. My imagination filled in the details as I imagined her naked behind me. “Even if I managed to knock you out, where would I go?”

 What Is It About Your Book That Makes It Special?

 I’m Susanna Strom and I write paranormal and post-apocalyptic romance. A big thank you to Other Worlds of Romance for inviting me to write a guest blog

 So… what makes my latest book, Marked Under the Midnight Sun, special?

 Paranormal romance is my happy place. The Black Rock Guardians shifter series has lived in my imagination for a long time. It truly is the series of my heart, the one I was meant to write. I started work on the first book in the series several years ago. It was my first attempt at writing a novel, and I quickly realized that I didn’t possess the writing chops to do the story justice. I set it aside and honed my skills. Five books later—confident that I’d learned enough to do right by the story and characters—I returned to the Black Guardians.

 Before starting work on Marked Under the Midnight Sun, I made a list of things that stimulate the pleasure centers in my brain when I read a book. Which tropes, character types, and situations push my happy buttons?

 I love shifters and I’m fascinated by the dynamics of pack life. I love reading about oblivious humans who are introduced to a hidden supernatural world. I like stories with siblings, cousins, and badass elders.

 What else?

è Found family.

è Life and death situations.

è Chase scenes.

è Underdogs fighting a corrupt and powerful bad guy.

è A smart heroine in danger who uses her head and doesn’t make stupid decisions.

è A hero who would do anything to protect the people he loves.

è A hardass exterior that conceals a noble heart.

è Forced proximity.

è One bed.

è Characters who fight their attraction to the “wrong” person, who turns out to be exactly the right person.

è Touch her and die vibes.

è Where does your loyalty lie?

è An adorable dog.

è Baking.

è Unexpected moments of humor.

è Banter.

è Cuddling.

è Enthusiastic consent.

è And—of course—steamy sex.

 Marked Under the Midnight Sun was crafted to be a story that stimulates all my brain’s pleasure centers. It’s my first enemies-to-lovers book. I had a blast watching my two strong-willed, hard-headed characters butt heads and fall in love.

 Which tropes, situations, and types of characters push your happy buttons? 

About the Author:

Susanna loves to read―and write―stories full of complex characters who find love, hope, and connection while navigating through an exciting and dangerous world. Susanna lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and two very spoiled cats.

Susanna’s Stormers, Facebook Readers Group: 

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