
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Six on Sunday - G8, The 8th Species, Book 2, a Contemporary Sci-Fi/Paranormal Romance

Six paragraphs from G8, The 8th Species, Book 2, a Contemporary Sci-Fi/Paranormal Romance

1. Biggs waited for the woman to depart, shutting the door behind her, then addressed G8 directly. “We need to get to the point of you being here before some emergency calls me away. First off, there’s a little matter of your application.” He reached inside a desk drawer and pulled out a manila folder. Opening it, he extracted the single sheet of paper inside, tapping it with the tip of his finger. “Suffice it to say, there isn’t a whole lot on your resume.”

2. Ingrid didn’t flinch when she returned his gaze. “It was known that those children had special abilities. And before you ask, no. I don’t know what those abilities are. But the company was attempting to breed more children with those special genes.” She gestured behind her. “Those little boys I brought with me are the only two surviving babies…out of hundreds.”

3. Ricks hurried over, his face red and covered with perspiration. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! That guy…” He pointed to the man MacDavis had ushered into his vehicle. “His car was stopped on the side of the road, and he flagged me down. I pulled over to see if I could help, and that’s when the other guy stuck a gun in my back. Told me to come here or they’d blow my brains out. I told them I was headed here anyway.” He indicated his truck. “I really am from Tibbaly, and I really was coming to bring you some stuff. I just never thought…”

4. This time Ingrid shook her head. “No. You’re not getting it. Her’s is twenty slash five. Not twenty slash twenty. Her eyesight is equivalent to some of the best predatory birds in the world, like the eagle. That’s why she can see things the rest of us can’t. And her hearing is just as keen. Which is why you’d be perfect to send to alien worlds to make it habitable. You’d be better able to withstand extreme conditions, and to protect yourselves against whatever comes at you. Or happens to you.”

5. G8 stuck close to Ingrid in case. In case of what, he couldn’t be specific. But after what had happened, or almost happened back at that restaurant gas station, he wasn’t taking any chances. They were in what he thought of as enemy territory now, despite the fact that they may be the only living beings inside this giant monstrosity of a complex now.

6. She rushed out of the room as he grabbed everything he deemed necessary and valuable from the small chest of drawers and adjacent bathroom. When he determined he had all he wanted, he took one last look around. Other than his personal items, he’d take nothing that would remind him of this place and of his life here. Satisfied, he grabbed the pillowcase and left the bedroom he’d known all his life. Yes, there was a brief sense of regret, but it didn’t last long.

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