
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

New! THE 12 DAYS OF DEATHMAS, a Collection of Holiday Horror



A Collection of Holiday Horror
by Linda Mooney writing as Gail Smith
Word Count:  30.9K
$2.99 e / $10.99 p

Stories include:

1st Day, The Tree - Anders swore he'd cut down his own tree this year, even if it killed him.

2nd Day, The Doves - Kelly's abusive husband couldn't tolerate the birds crapping on his car.

3rd Day, The Hens - Eris's mother-in-law offers to make her and Jessup a Christmas Eve meal to remember.

4th Day, The Birds - Mackie assures Gennie that the dead birds the cat was bringing her were meant to be a present.

5th Day, The Rings - Ricky tells his parents a bad Santa came to visit him and demanded the boy give him five gold rings.

6th Day, The Geese - They say geese can be mean-spirited. Daisy discovers why.

7th Day, The Swans - Alice found an old Victrola in her grandparents' attic. It was the music it played that horrified her.

8th Day, The Milk - Dara and her sister wonder why everything has the same expiration date.

9th Day, The Ladies - Careen couldn't figure out why her daughter no longer wanted the "nine dancing ladies" dolls for Christmas.

10th Day, The Leapers - Vina's daughter asks for more salt to finish the ten circles she's pouring in her bedroom.

11th Day, The Pipers - Macy noticed that one of the pipers on display is missing...but not for long.

12th Day, The Drums - Jayne gets to the point where she can no longer stand the relentless pounding in her skull.

Excerpts and Buy Links

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