
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Please Welcome Sheri Queen as She Tells Us About Her Urban Fantasy Romance, Pirate Lover’s Curse, Sleepy Hollow Hunter, Book Three

Pirate Lover’s Curse
Sleepy Hollow Hunter 
Book Three
by Sheri Queen

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Publisher:Wilda Press
Date of Publication: December 22, 2022
Number of pages:274 print pages
Word Count: 76,321
Cover Artist: SQ Flemming

Tagline: Half wolf. Half were-cat. One-hundred-percent kick-ass Bounty Hunter.

Book Description: 

Lykoi shifter Janda Gray never expected to be cut off from her fated mate.

But when a centuries-old pirate curse stands in the way, Janda finds herself in a race to unearth a treasure that will break the curse and set Alex free.

As the past and present collide, she realizes the bounty hunter skills she's honed over the years aren't enough to defeat her nemesis—the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow.

Janda struggles with the burden of being the last descendent of the witch who cast the curse—and the only one capable of fixing past wrongs and saving those she loves.

Can she embrace her witch heritage and wield her power before it's too late?

Or, will she lose her mate to the Underworld forever and leave the supernatural community to the mercy of the Headless Horseman?

This is a fated-mate shifter story suitable for 18+. The Sleepy Hollow Hunter series is perfect for urban fantasy fans who enjoy immersive stories of adventure and slow-burn romance. It features witches, ghosts, vampires, demons, and several enticing shifters, and a love story that transcends time. A hybrid shifter discovers her found family and hidden magic.


“Why does anything pertaining to you have to come with extra baggage?” Uncle Damon said. His dominant pack power surged, affecting the others nearby and making them restless.

The air crackled with his energy. I held my ground. His words stung, but he’d never hear me say it. I’d had lots of practice over the years keeping my hurt from showing, but at this moment, I lashed out with a barb of my own.

“I’m just lucky that way. Kind of like you.” I tapped the desk with my fingertips, knowing he hated it and narrowed my eyes at him.

He sure as hell had his own baggage when it came to relationships and pack bonds, especially when it came to anything with my mother.

“If the two of you are done poking at one another, I’d like to move on to the pertinent issue of the cursed map,” Sebastian said. He stood a good foot away from his desk and peered down at the map as if it might explode.

Everyone had a hands-off approach to the map after I’d blurted out that it was cursed.

“It won’t curse you just by touching it,” I said. “At least, not from what Gwenn or I could tell. It has a hidden layer that will attack you if you try to force it out in the open.”

“That’s just great,” Mutther said. “I suppose you found out firsthand?”

“Not me. Gwenn did. I was the innocent bystander.”

“Right. How innocent?” Nick said. He moved to Mutther’s side and viewed the map from farther away. Neither of them was taking any chances.

Not that I blamed them. They had suffered from being too near me in the past. Mutther was still rebuilding his bar.

Topic: What is it about this book that makes it special?

Thanks for inviting me to your blog!

Pirate Lover’s Curse (Sleepy Hollow Hunter Book Three) is where all the questions about the characters in the first two books get answered. The series started with a hybrid shifter who wanted to get away from her everyday pack life and be alone.

What happens in her journey through the stories does just the opposite.

Pirate Lover’s Curse draws on real people who lived in Sleepy Hollow during the Civil War. I gathered those people together and gave them a new narrative.

For instance, what happened to the Headless Horseman featured in Washington Irving’s story? The horseman was a real-life Hessian soldier who had his head blown off by artillery fire at the Battle of White Plains. I brought him into our modern world and let him loose on my characters.

I also brought forth a woman wronged during her lifetime living as an outcast in Sleepy Hollow. I wanted to tell a side of her as I imagined she might have been when she was alive. Hulda was called a witch by the townsfolk of Sleepy Hollow because of her ability to work with medicinal herbs and because she was a foreigner. Hulda died during the Battle of White Plains fighting to defend her town. Her body is buried in an unmarked grave at the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow.

The past meets the present in Pirate Lover’s Curse when a centuries-old curse comes to call and a debt must be paid. Janda is the last living descendent of the witch who cast the curse and is the only one able to right past wrongs and save the people she loves. But what will it cost her?

About the Author:

Sheri Queen writes immersive stories of adventure and romance.

Her urban fantasy and paranormal women's fiction stories feature snarky bad-ass women, strong female friendships, found family, and sexy romance.

Sheri received her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She grew up in the Hudson Valley region of New York—an area she loves to depict in her stories. She enjoys traveling to new places where she is constantly discovering inspirations for her writing. She especially loves visiting old graveyards.

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