
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Please Welcome Deborah Bailey as She Tells Us About Her Romantic Fantasy Series, METAMORPHOSIS: Worlds of Fire, Book 2

Worlds of Fire Romantic Fantasy Series, Book 2
by Deborah A. Bailey
$3.99 e

Asira is a member of a high-ranking family of Alchemists who exert control over the libraries that store magical texts. She never believed her acceptance into the coveted position was in doubt. Yet, when she becomes the apprentice of a gargoyle shifter Alchemist who insists on keeping his pet bird with him, she has her doubts that he was the right choice for her final class.

Jaydon is from a shifter group known as the Gigun. As an unconventional but powerful teacher of transmutation at the university, he could have his pick of mentees. It isn't hard to tell that the last thing he wants to do is mentor a student from a powerful family.

Asira finds Jaydon frustrating but too fascinating for her own good. But she needs his knowledge and guidance when she becomes the target of a classmate’s deception. With Jaydon’s assistance, the two of them uncover a conspiracy that threatens the well-regulated order of the Floating World.

As their feelings for each other intensify, Jaydon must make a life-altering decision which will either bind them together… or permanently force them apart.

About the Author

Deborah A Bailey's Romantic Fantasy, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romance novels include suspense, a bit of mystery and a lot of romantic heat.

Her short stories have won awards from the Philadelphia Writers' Conference and have been published in US1 Magazine and the Sun and are included in, Electric Dreams: Seven Futuristic Tales. She's the author of non-fiction books, and articles for various online publications.

Visit her site for more information and subscribe to the newsletter so you'll be the first to find out about giveaways, book launches and sneak peeks.