
Sunday, April 3, 2022

Six on Sunday - WAR OF HEARTS, a Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance

 Six paragraphs from WAR OF HEARTS, a Sensuous Sci-Fi Romance

1. Jeks didn’t own combs, and neither did she. But between her and Sed, they managed to remove most of the tangles with their fingers before Zori wove the clean strands into two long braids which she wore over her shoulders. Before they left the apartment, the Jek made her stand on a small square she’d removed from the glassine box. When Zori stepped off the square, she discovered the soles of her feet bore thick, protective pads. “It’s flip-flops without the toe thing,” Zori remarked.

2. Another thing that surprised him was that he’d seriously underestimated his emotional and physical attachment to her. When Arns had told him he had to bind with her, he’d accepted it without a second thought because it made perfect sense. With her binded to him, she wouldn’t become fair prey to any other Jekmeeran. She’d be his and his alone to do with as he pleased, when he pleased.

3. “What kind of cruel and heartless species are you? First you abduct me from my home world, away from my family and friends, and people I can relate to. And now that I’ve managed to make a few friends again, and bring some sort of normalcy back into my life, you’re taking me away again? But this time alone? With no one of my own kind to talk to?”

4. “The device Zori was holding at the time…” Ond made the shape with his hands. “The duuya was recording when you and she were accosted in the storage room. Unfortunately, the video portion was mostly covered by her arms, but I managed to hear the confrontation. I also made out two figures. You and you.” He pointed to each of them again. “That is why I am addressing you. I believe the man who lectured her so rudely is the same man who led her into a trap and beat her senseless.”

5. “From the same sources where we get all our other information. The same overly talkative Jeks who think we’re either not listening to them, or we’re too stupid to understand, or they believe we can’t do anything about it anyway. Your Ond is one of the very small percentage of Jek males who cannot reproduce. Apparently it happens because of the mix of alien DNA through all those generations of Jeks mating with other species. But apparently you being given to him as a bind mate was an enticement…call it a bonus or reward for taking on this mission.” Dollan narrowed his eyes. “You’re a trophy wife in every sense of the word.”

6. It was Dollan who countered the woman who’d yelled. “You’re right! He’s not human, but he’s learning to think like a human. To care like a human.” He pointed at Zori. “If it weren’t for Zori, you know where we’d be? Dead! Or still on that planet with the K’Hish, working our asses off, only to be slaughtered when the Jeks felt we were no longer relevant. So I say we give the guy a little credit! He’s risking everything to help us, and do you know why?” He jabbed a finger in Zori’s direction again. “Because of her! So I’d be thanking the guy instead of trying to verbally castrate him!”

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