
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Deer Puns That Make the Heart Grow Fawn’der


What do you call an eyeless deer?


What game do fawns like playing at sleepovers?


What’s a buck’s least favorite sandwich bread?

Sour doe.

How do you let a deer know you like her?

You fawn over her.

Where do deer get all of their coffee?


What should you give a deer when it gets stomachache?


How does a deer know what day of the week it is?

It looks at its calen-deer.

Who did the deer invite to her birthday party?

Her deerest friends.

Did Rudolph go to school?

No, he was elf taught!

How much does it cost to fly Santa’s sleigh?

About 9 bucks.

Who puts money under a deer’s pillow when they lose a tooth?

The hoof fairy.

What is a deer’s favorite place to get breakfast?

Dunkin’ Doe-nuts!

(HUGE thanks to Jo for sharing!)

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