
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Six on Sunday - ROBBERY ON THE HIGH SEAS, Noir Fairy Tales, Book 4

Six on Sunday - Six paragraphs from ROBBERY ON THE HIGH SEAS, Noir Fairy Tales, Book 4

1. Rob stared at the swells. He could go after the boat himself, and make damn better time. Neither would they be able to get away from him. Not when he was in his other form. But doing so would create more problems, namely giving himself away. Non-statics were already aware that he was one of them. That wasn’t the difficulty. Grimm City was mostly populated with nons. It just wasn’t kosher to ask what they turned into. Not only was it bad manners, but in a lot of cases, against the law. In some instances, it would be the same as asking a human to strip to reveal their gender.

2. She wasn’t a beautiful woman. Not the kind that turned heads, or graced the covers of magazines. But when she smiled, it was as if she bloomed with an inner light. It was at that moment Rob realized she was a static. A changeling who didn’t change. Not quite human, but something very ethereal, heavy emphasis on the “real.” Inadvertently, his good eye went to her back. Did she have wings underneath that blue blouse? Or was she something a little more earthbound?

3. “Rob!” She shrieked again, and it seemed her cry gradually faded away. He had no idea what had happened to her until two pairs of hands latched onto his arms and jerked him to his feet. Something struck him at waist level, when he suddenly realized it was the railing. He knew what was about to happen seconds before he felt himself being lifted and heaved overboard.

4. Rob and Naia each took a seat in the two leather chairs to avoid getting sea water all over the man’s cabin. Even so, puddles began forming on the floor beneath their feet. Rob noticed how everyone’s gaze didn’t miss the obvious scaly legs and fins revealed below Naia’s gown. The crew members who’d escorted them here made it obvious they wanted nothing to do with her, and even refused to touch her once they’d realized what she was. Naia didn’t seem to find their behavior unusual, but it was hard to miss the flashes of sorrow that crossed her lovely face.

5. Reaching up, she placed a palm to his cheek. He met her halfway to take her lips with his in a kiss that melted her down to her fins. She was barely aware of him lifting her into his lap until she felt the hardness of his chest against hers. He held her tightly yet tenderly, careful not to crush her. Then, surprisingly, he broke the kiss and nuzzled her neck, placing light kisses on her shoulder.

6. Naia ignored the Mako’s scream of agony and launched herself in the direction of the departing ship. She had to get away from here and up where these creatures couldn’t reach her. She didn’t dare look behind her to see what was happening between the two sharks. She didn’t dare question why the third shark had gone around her to specifically target the Mako. All she could think of at the moment was reaching Rob and saving him from drowning…or worse.

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