
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Six on Sunday - NIGHTSWEPT, a Sensuous Fantasy/Paranormal/Time Travel Romance

Six paragraphs from NIGHTSWEPT, a sensuous fantasy, paranormal, time travel romance.

1. Slowly, he managed to get onto his side and lever himself up into a sitting position. His vision continued to fade in and out as the ground felt like it was rippling and swaying beneath him. A shudder racked his body, and he knew he needed to cover himself with hardier clothing. Shoving the timepiece in his pocket, he ran his hands down his arms. The linen sleeves thickened and lengthened as his shirt transformed into a full-length cloak. He could feel the difference as the heavier garment protected his bare skin, but he still needed to seek suitable shelter.

2. She almost fainted with relief when he eventually left the pub, but she knew he wouldn’t go far. Some of his henchmen must have seen her in here, or enter in here. They’d be watching for her to leave. She allowed herself to breathe. Let them watch. She could just as easily make herself invisible and walk out of this place. She could practically parade herself in front of their noses and they’d never be aware of it. But for now, she relished the warmth here inside the establishment, and the bit of heat she got with every swallow. She had nowhere else to go. Neither could she remain out of sight for long periods of time while she searched.

3. She crossed her legs in front of her and narrowed her eyes at him. “There hasn’t
been a war in this area for nearly a decade. And there hasn’t been any unrest in any of the neighboring countries that I am aware of. What insurrection, Yordan?” He started to respond, but she quickly shut him up with a wave of her hand. “I can sense you are telling me the truth, but I can also sense ‘tis not the whole truth. Be honest with me. What insurrection? What are you holding back?” Again, she pointed to his back. “That injury was still fresh when I uncovered it. With a wound like that, you wouldn’t have made it half a league without aid. Yet I know for a fact you are travelling alone.”

4. She threw her arms around his neck and hungrily kissed him back as he let himself drown in her nearness and her scent. She was still warm from her time inside the pub. Her lips weren’t cold, but wet and pliant against his mouth. She tasted of scone and raspberry jelly, which told him she’d probably absconded the treat when someone wasn’t looking. Laughter rumbled in his chest, and she paused, breaking away from his kiss to stare up at him.

5. She leaned forward for his kiss. Between the heat in the room coming from the candle, and the combined heat from their bodies, their skin glistened with perspiration. Although they hadn’t made love in the truest sense of the word, what Yordan had done to her had been incredible. There still remained the fear of actual penetration. It would take time before she felt comfortable enough to allow him to make love to her the way it was meant to be. But until that time, she felt sated, content…and in love.

6. They ate in silence for the next few minutes. Yordan closely observed the men and women entering and leaving the ale house, especially their style of clothing. Memorizing small details as much as possible. He would change their attire to match this time period’s style once they left and were safely out of sight. If he got anything wrong, it wouldn’t take but a second for him to adjust and correct the error. But he also knew he had to find some kind of gainful employment to support the two of them, and he had to find it soon. Ravenelle was correct. He couldn’t continue to create money in this town if they planned to live here. Nor was he keen on traveling from town to town. He wanted to set down roots. He wanted to settle into a comfortable and loving relationship with this woman who had become everything to him.

Excerpt and Buy Links 

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