
Saturday, January 2, 2021

My New Year's Resolutions for 2021


Last year I aimed to do the following:

1. Start a new series

2. Continue a series

3. End a series

4. And write a book under one of my other pseudonyms.

In spite of how lousy 2020 was, I was able to accomplish all four. In fact, I released 16 new books, 4 of which were collections of short stories, and 2 additional independent shorties.

To be more precise, I started the series Noir Fairy Tales, I continued my Battle Lord series with book 9, My Battle Lord's Passion, and finished my VEILS trilogy. And as for my pseudonym contribution, I created a new name, Lynn Gayle, for my sweet Christian romances, beginning with A Furever Home. 

This year, I hope and plan to do the same--start, continue, and end, plus 1 other. I don't know how successful I'll be, but I have some terrific covers that are begging for their stories to be told.

So, we'll see! 

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