
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Six on Sunday - THE GOLDEN HEIST, Noir Fairy Tales, Book 3

Six Paragraphs from THE GOLDEN HEIST, Noir Fairy Tales, Book 3

1. “According to Officer Sawings, she confessed that she deliberately broke into your house to steal some expensive jewelry to pawn for a quick buck. Dr. Camptown confirmed she’s a pixie junkie. A dustie. That can only mean she needed the money to get her next fix. The longer she rides that horse, the more addicted she’s going to get, and you know that better than I do. She’ll need more and more money as her body craves more and more of that shit. Which means her crimes are going to ramp up to the point where she could be spending years behind bars, instead of months.”

2. It was after nine when he arrived at the house. Myles eyed the carafe of bourbon sitting on the butler next to the window in his study. He usually had a finger or two after a long day, but tonight he couldn’t afford being the slightest bit intoxicated in case he got a phone call from the hospital. If Cressa started going into paroxysms, he needed a clear head.

3.  She gave a single nod and turned her face to the side. He watched as her features inevitably relaxed, and noticed she didn’t revert to her human persona as she sank into unconsciousness. That told him she was comfortable in both skins, which was unusual for non-statics. Most were like him, preferring one countenance over the other. It wasn’t that he didn’t like being a man. He simply enjoyed being a big furry bear more.

4.  The two behind him took a single step in her direction, but she was faster. Shifting into her leopard self, she shook off her clothes and sprinted for the front door. Her action took the statics by surprise as she zipped between them, hitting the door with the back of her head and shoulders. Pain exploded between her eyes, but she kept running, narrowly avoiding being hit by a passing truck rumbling down the street.

5.  “You didn’t see it developing? You knew damn well Cressa had a target painted on her back, yet you sent her out there to gather information for you anyway! Where’s your men you promised me you’d have watching her? Where’s the backup you promised would show up when things went south?” Myles didn’t try to hide his fear and contempt. “I wouldn’t have agreed to stand on the sidelines if I’d known you’d ditch your responsibilities!”  

6.  One way or another, she was going to find out the truth. If the guy who’d helped her was Myles, she was going to demand he tell her why he’d deliberately put himself in danger for her sake. After which, she might just go ahead and kiss him to show him her thanks.

Excerpt and Buy Links

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