
Thursday, April 9, 2020

When Legislators Got Together in the Past

The following are some actual crazy laws that have been passed.
Makes you wonder what the story is behind these.

Thanks to Historical Oddities.

In Texas, it was against the law to own an Encyclopedia Britannica. It had a liquor recipe.
New Hampshire, you could go to jail for tapping your foot to keep time with music anywhere liquor was sold.
California, you weren't allowed to wiggle while dancing.
Kentucky, you could run a still, but only if you blew a whistle.
Cushing, Oklahoma, it was against the law to drink beer in your underwear. That would be hard to enforce nowadays.
Anywhere in
Oklahoma, you were not allowed to get a fish drunk. Nothing worse than a rowdy school of drunk fish.
Not all laws of the past dealt with dancing and drinking.
Muncie, Indiana, you couldn't carry fishing tackle into a cemetery. Sounds fishy to me.
Hawaii, the law forbade putting a penny in your ear.
In Cleveland, Ohio, you could only catch mice with a hunting license.
A very common sense law in
Atlanta, Georgia stated that you could not tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
And last, but not least, in
Michigan, it was against the law to put a skunk in your boss's desk.

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