
Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Entire Series is Now Available as Audiobooks!

Alligator, Bear, Cougar, Deer, Eagle
They found each other by accident. They became a team for life.

Subwoofers, Book 4
Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Word Count:
$2.99 e / $9.99 p / $14.95 a

Narrated byMike Reaves
Length: 3 hrs, 35 min

Hear a Sample

While preparing for a hurricane that’s heading straight for the Bag It and Tag It lodge, William “Brew” Estes makes a last-minute run to the market to grab supplies. While there, he heads off a robbery and saves the day…all in a day’s work for the former Marine.

Celeste Hart is exactly where she never wanted to be. When the robbery goes wrong, she knows this could be her only chance to get away. She runs, despite the storm that’s on the way, knowing that if they catch her again, they could break her this time.

The moment Brew laid eyes on the blonde, he knew something was up. Later, when he sees her walking down the road, he can’t leave her without cover, so he offers her a place to stay, if only through the storm. But neither can deny the connection they feel for one another.

When the truth comes out, will Brew and his partners turn her in to the police for her part in the robbery? Or will they help her escape the grasps of her stepbrother and his cronies?

Warning! Contains culinary skills, knowledge of firearms, driving wind and rain, a $5 bet, unbelievably tender kisses, a color brochure, love by candlelight, and a struggle to protect the woman who was becoming more precious to him than his own life.  

Subwoofers, Book 5
Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Word Count: 37.2K
$2.99 e / $9.99 p / $14.95 a

Narrated byRhett Samuel Price
Length: 3 hrs, 55 min
Hear a Sample

When a string of small campsite robberies hits close to home, Ray Thomas "Art" Crawford, of Bag It and Tag It Excursions, is asked to help FBI Agent and friend, Billie Crowne, investigate the possibility of drug runners. At the most recent site, it doesn't take Art long to spot something suspicious--paw prints. Big ones.

Soon, reports of a black leopard on the loose reaches the group. Could the prints Art saw belong to the big cat? The guys take it upon themselves to find the animal before it gets hurt, or hurts someone.

Being on the run most of her life, Rikki Leonard isn't quick to trust anyone. Growing up cursed as she was, she'd quickly learned to keep her secrets to herself, or risk pain, torture, and ridicule. Cornered in the swamp, can she trust the guys surrounding her?

She soon realizes she's not alone in the world, and for the first time in her life, Rikki begins to feel safe. Cared for. But when her past tracks her down, she can't risk bringing danger to the lodge, so she does what she knows how to do best--run.

Warning! Contains a makeshift lean-to, the smell of warmth, possible hemlock poisoning, shifty governmental goings-on, Elvis, and a terrified woman who wants to love, and a man struggling to convince her he'll always be there for her.

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