
Thursday, April 4, 2019

It's Gumroad Day! And I'll Get 100% of the Profits!

You may notice, when you visit an author's website, that they may list their books for sale directly from that site. There is a major reason for that -- they get the majority of the book's list price from that sale.

When you buy an ebook from a retailer such as Amazon, B&N, Apple, or Google, the author receives anywhere from 35%, 60%, or 70% (depending on the price of the book). I personally use Gumroad to sell direct from my website, and I earn 91.5% of each sale.

Yes, you read that right. I get 91.5% of each sale.

Another reason why I urge my readers to use my website first is because my new releases always show up there before they do on the other platforms. Once I upload to my website, it's instantaneous. But it can take 24 hrs, and sometimes as long as 36 hrs. or more to appear on the other sites. Readers can get their hands on my new releases faster by going through my website!

Today, and today only, Gumroad will be giving 100% of every sale to the creators. Which means for every book you buy from me TODAY ONLY, I will get 100% of the profit.

So, please shop my website in support of my writing. (And because my birthday was April 2nd, it would make a really nice belated birthday present!)

Thank you!

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