
Thursday, January 3, 2019

My New Year's Resolution for 2019 - Hoping to Go 3 for 3

In 2017 and 2018, I made it a personal goal for me as an author. During those years I would A) begin a new series, B) continue a series, and C) end a series. I was able to accomplish it both years. In particular, last year, I began The D'Jacques Dynasty with Lucien, Book 1. I continued with Miracle Beyond Measure, Miracle Book 2. And I ended the Subwoofers series with Specter of the Marsh, Book 5.

This coming year, I hope to go 3 for 3, and do the same thing - begin, continue, and end. And also maybe add another Carolyn Gregg or Gail Smith book in there somewhere.

Hope your New Year's Resolution is just as productive!

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