
Monday, July 9, 2018

Please Welcome Clara Winter as She Tells Us About Her Paranormal Romance, DEEPEST MIDNIGHT, The Immortal Kindred Series Bk. 1

Deepest Midnight
The Immortal Kindred Series
Book One
by Clara Winter

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing
Date of Publication: June 25, 2018
ISBN: 978-1-945910-64-7
Number of pages: 162
Word Count: 48,903

Tagline: True love never dies

Book Description:

True love never dies. At least it doesn’t for Millicent, a once French noblewoman turned immortal vampire. Her big problem is that the love of her life was murdered before she was granted immortality. Forever is a long time to live in despair. 240 years later, she happens upon an English actor named Jack, who happens to look exactly like her dead lover.

Trying to figure out Jack’s true soul identity becomes complicated by her own uncertainty, Jack’s mortality, and the other man in Millicent’s life. Alexandre, her maker and companion, isn’t going to make it too easy for her. Millicent must decide if she’s going to continue to be led by others or take the reins and drive the outcome of her life.

Deepest Midnight is set in modern day Savannah, Ga with occasional glimpses back to 18th century France.

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Excerpt 2:

I reach into my clutch to take out my phone. Someone may as well get lucky tonight. Before I can begin my text, Alexandre is next to me. Being psychically linked to him stinks sometimes. Ok, all the time. If I wasn’t so lazy, I would learn how to shield my thoughts.
I put my phone away. He says, “You know I hate texting.”
“Why are you whispering? Who could possibly hear us?” I ask, in my sweetest southern belle accent. Irritating him is what I do best, although he doesn’t always take the bait.
“Do you see her?” He pauses, looking around. “There she is in the back, next to the man with the copper hair. Don’t you have a thing for gingers, Mills?” He tugs on my arm, pointing with his other hand, as I look up.
Alexandre starts explaining how he is going to approach her. I roll my eyes. He thinks he can just walk up to a world-famous movie star, throw up an eyebrow, and she’ll be stripping naked. The annoying thing is, she probably will. On the last half of my eye roll, I lock eyes with a man who was murdered over two hundred years ago. All the breath leaves my body.

What is it about this book that makes it special?

               Deepest Midnight is a paranormal romance with a combination of other elements that make it unique. This story is a second chance romance and an historical romance, as much as it is paranormal. The story also contains a strong female friendship and deals with reincarnation.
                Millicent meets the love of her life in 18th century France. This man, Julien, is murdered the same night she becomes a vampire. Millicent is now an immortal being who must live an eternity without her love. More than 200 years later she happens upon a man who looks exactly like Julien. Does this man share a soul with the love she lost long ago or is this all a coincidence?
               I was interested in the idea of reincarnation as it would relate to immortal beings. If you live long enough would you come around to people you had known before? It’s an interesting concept. Millicent learns about karmic groups; groups of souls who are attracted to each other, time and time again. This can mean that we will come back to those we love in this life, in the next life, and the life after that. What a beautiful and comforting idea. However, this can also mean we are likely to run into people we don’t like but are still somehow bound to in a cosmic way.
               The historical element is important to this story. Scenes from Millicent’s past illustrate her love for Julien and show the reader how it is that she became immortal. I had a blast researching 18th century France, as I have a penchant for historical gowns and jewels.
               The element of a strong female friendship was important to me. For me, friendships are just as important as romantic relationships. It’s so vital to nurture friendships with women who stand by each other, support each other, and build each other up.

               Deepest Midnight is the result of a lot of interesting research. If you came across someone who loved you in a past life, do you think they would love you all over again?

About the Author:

Clara Winter grew up reading Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, and Alice in Wonderland, while watching Buck Rogers, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. Writing her own stories naturally ensued. She is a wife, mother, and former school counselor, with a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Amy is from Colorado Springs, Co and currently resides in Mission Viejo, Ca. 

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