
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My New Year's Resolutions for 2018

Last year I wrote and published 13 books, mostly novellas and novels. Good Lord willing, I hope to get close to that during this new year.

I also followed one mostly unspoken 3-point goal, and that was to 1) start a new series, 2) continue a series, and 3) complete a series. As a result, I started the Deities series with Sky Titans. I continued a series with Subwoofers #4, Predator of the Pines. And I concluded the Neverwylde series with book #6.

Due to that success, I've decided to make that goal my resolution for this year. Which series will begin, continue, and end? Well, you'll just have to hang around to see.

In addition, my contract with Harlequin/Carina Press is up in 2018. I hope to receive my rights back to Captive Surrender. When I do, I will revert the book back to its full content state, including the 7K+ words that were omitted during editing, and give it back its original title, Beauty's Alien Beast. The cover will also reflect what the hero, Safan, was intended to look like. So be on the lookout for that to happen, hopefully around the last part of the year.

To all my readers and fans, I want to thank you all for continuing to follow me, and for reading my books. You are the reason I keep writing. God bless you all.

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