
Thursday, December 14, 2017

On the 2nd Day of Christmas

What is the main course of your Christmas dinner? A ham? A turkey? Or something else?


  1. Thanksgiving is our traditional holiday, for Christmas we do a vote on what the family wants. This year we are having chile and fry bread, it a family meal called Navajo Tacos. Soooooo good.

  2. Something else! Vegan menu, with be plenty of space on the plate for gravy, yorkshire puddings, sprouts, peas etc. Though the kids will have their usual roast beef, can't forget them!

  3. It varies. Last year it was BBQ ribs, lol

  4. Actually it depends on what everyone is in the mood for, but always lots of sides,appetizers, snacks and DESSERTS!

  5. Lasagne if I don't work or whatever the hospital dishes out to the employees.

  6. Hello and Merry Christmas to all. We usually eat pork with potatoes in the oven YUM!

  7. This Christmas we will be having gumbo with some sides.

  8. In the past it's been Turkey but this year I'm alone so I'm going to have Zigeuner Schnitzels followed by a nice slice of Stollen.

  9. We have done both ham and turkey. This year I think Mom and I will have scalloped corn and baked potatoes. It's just the two of us so nothing too big.

  10. Depends on where we eat. My house it's ham, sister-in-laws is graze all day long. This year we're going the hostess specialty is lasagne and cheesecake. with a side of holiday roll.

  11. Wow, all of your dinners sound so good. You made me hungry!

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