
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Now Available as an Audio Book! EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES IS MAGIC, a Humorous Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney Writing as Carolyn Gregg

Now Available as an Audio Book!

Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Humorous Contemporary Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

by Linda Mooney writing as Carolyn Gregg
Word Count: 13K
$1.99 e / $6.99 p / $6.95 a

Narrated by Guy Veryzer

Length: 1 hr, 33 min.
Hear a Sample

Gus Balfour has lived with his “shortcomings” all his life. He’s been picked on, made fun of, and obviously had problems in the bedroom. But through the years, he’s learned other ways to please the ladies. Or so he thought. When his girlfriend leaves because he simply doesn’t have enough to give, he decides it’s time to take matters into his own hands…or well, maybe a surgeon’s.

After learning about the complications and exorbitant costs that go along with the surgical enhancement, he thinks all hope is lost. But a name and number left by his housekeeper could change his life.

Syan isn’t the old, wrinkly witch he was expecting, but she quickly proves there’s no job too big, or too small, when you’ve got the magic touch. 

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