
Monday, November 21, 2016

It Is With Sad News That My Blog Talk Radio Program Is Being Suspended

It is with a saddened heart that I am having to discontinue my weekly Blog Talk Radio program, "Other Worlds of Romance".

For the past 7 years I had been hosting this 30-minute show for free. It cost me nothing more than my time and effort to help other authors promote their books. But today I was informed that Blog Talk Radio is now charging everyone for its use. For $39/mo I could still use the studio and upload my programs, but I honestly don't have the funds to support that extra expense. And I am not about to charge my guests.

As for past shows, at this point I don't know if they will remain available for listening. I haven't heard back from BTR. Time will tell.

To those of you who came on my show, I am very grateful for your support, and more for the friendships that developed in the process. 
Thank you for your support in the past, and I wish everyone well (and lots of sales) with future releases.  

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