
Monday, October 24, 2016

Marsha A. Moore Returns as My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

 It's a two-fer tonight when Marsha A. Moore returns as my guest author on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. Come listen as she reads from her Samhain story, Witch's Cursed Cabin, and her newest release, Blood Ice & Oak Moon, a Coon Hollow Coven Tale.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct

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Blood Ice & Oak Moon

Esme Underhill is about to discover a darkness hidden inside her that could destroy her chance for independence and possibly kill her.
Esme’s mother took her young daughter away from Southern Indiana’s Coon Hollow Coven to prevent her from learning about the unusual witchcraft she had inherited. When Esme is twenty-seven, her beloved Grammy Flora passes away and leaves her property in the Hollow to her granddaughter. With this opportunity to remake her life and gain independence, Esme attempts to emulate Grammy Flora as a wildwood mystic who relies on the hedge world of faeries to locate healing herbs. But fae are shrewd traders. When they open their world to her, she must meet the unknown malevolence of her birthright.
Thayne, the handsome king of the fae Winter Court, faces his own struggle to establish autonomy as a new regent. He is swept into the tempest of Esme’s unfolding powers, a dangerous threat to his court. His sworn duty is to protect his people, despite Esme’s beauty and allure, which tear at his resolve.
Both Esme’s and Thayne’s dreams of personal freedom are lost…unless they can trust each other and overcome surmounting dangers. 

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