
Monday, October 31, 2016

Rayna Noire is My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

Love witches? Come listen to my guest, Rayna Noire, tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. We're celebrating Samhain with her book, Glimmer, Faerie Lights Book One.

* * *
For seventeen years, the convent walls kept Meara Cleary from the secret of her own parentage.The sisters regard her with a cross of disdain and fear. Only among the trees by the gurgling creek does she find acceptance. A bearded stranger claims she’s his niece and promises to take her home. Before he can, a cataclysmic event thrusts her into a war-torn world.
Meara vows to journey to Ireland to find her uncle, unaware of how perilous a journey it will be. Her Druidic father guides her through dreams, explaining her magical heritage. Her dead parent can’t help her with the intricacies of village life, especially when she catches the eye of the very engaged Braeden Douglas.
A whirlwind composed of equal parts menace, romance, and revelation sweep Meara across the continent while gathering allies and enemies with equal speed. Her intent to return to her family turns into a fight to survive her own destiny. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Join Me Today at NO TRICK BUT LOTS OF TREATS Facebook Event!

Please join us on Facebook for a day of Creepy Crawly fun as various authors takeover just in time for Halloween. I'll be there from 8-8:30 pm et! We have lots of surprises in store for you so make sure to stop by and allow us to fill up your loot bag! Hosted by! 

*** Edited to add: The Facebook NO TRICK BUT ALL TREATS event has been moved to Fri. 10/28. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend, but y'all go have fun!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Now Available in Print! MIRACLE Above All, a Paranormal Romance

Above All,
Book 1
Paranormal/Supernatural/Contemporary Fantasy Romance
Word Count:  41.3K

$2.99 e / $9.99 p

I died and was resurrected, and I don’t know why. 

My name is Casi Clarity. I was 26 years old when I died in 1969. Then I woke up in the 21st century—whole, sane, and unblemished. And at the same age I was when I died.

What's more, when I came back, I brought a friend with me. His name is Coheed. He's a corporeal spirit, and he is also my protector. Against what, you ask? Well, it seems that ever since my return, I've been chased by ghosts. Demons. Ancient evil. Monsters. You name it.

Why are they after me? Because they want to know my secret. They want to wreak havoc on mankind and bring about our ultimate destruction, and the only way they can accomplish that is by being fleshy beings again. To inhabit as many bodies as they can to cause untold horror. They are determined to discover how I returned from the dead, even if it means trapping me, torturing me, and ultimately killing me again to see if I'm resurrected a second time.

My name is Casi.

The undead call me Mouse.

Coheed calls me Miracle.

Warning! Contains a houseboat, explosions, a rain of ashes, invisibility, sanctuary, a forbidden testament, and a love that was prophesied thousands of years ago.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Marsha A. Moore Returns as My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

 It's a two-fer tonight when Marsha A. Moore returns as my guest author on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. Come listen as she reads from her Samhain story, Witch's Cursed Cabin, and her newest release, Blood Ice & Oak Moon, a Coon Hollow Coven Tale.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct

* * *
Blood Ice & Oak Moon

Esme Underhill is about to discover a darkness hidden inside her that could destroy her chance for independence and possibly kill her.
Esme’s mother took her young daughter away from Southern Indiana’s Coon Hollow Coven to prevent her from learning about the unusual witchcraft she had inherited. When Esme is twenty-seven, her beloved Grammy Flora passes away and leaves her property in the Hollow to her granddaughter. With this opportunity to remake her life and gain independence, Esme attempts to emulate Grammy Flora as a wildwood mystic who relies on the hedge world of faeries to locate healing herbs. But fae are shrewd traders. When they open their world to her, she must meet the unknown malevolence of her birthright.
Thayne, the handsome king of the fae Winter Court, faces his own struggle to establish autonomy as a new regent. He is swept into the tempest of Esme’s unfolding powers, a dangerous threat to his court. His sworn duty is to protect his people, despite Esme’s beauty and allure, which tear at his resolve.
Both Esme’s and Thayne’s dreams of personal freedom are lost…unless they can trust each other and overcome surmounting dangers. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Six paragraphs from Every Little Thing She Does is Magic.

1.  Resigned, Syan hurried back to the front door to find the client still waiting. Pasting a smile on her face, she unlocked and opened the screen to invite him in. Silently, she led him through the small waiting room and into the back room where her grandmother always did her readings. There, she pointed to one of the two chairs facing a small table. A swag lamp suspended directly overhead by a brass chain was the only illumination.

2.  Come Friday, Gus left his office at four-thirty. On his way out, he stopped in the men’s restroom and removed his briefs, slipping his pants back on over his bare tush. He’d planned on taking a clean pair of underwear that morning, but in his eagerness he’d forgotten to grab them off the bureau where he’d left them.

3.  “Oh, really?” Syan didn’t try to hide her cynicism. “Did you hear him tear out of here? You know where he’s heading. He’s going back to her. To that woman who left him. To that woman who never appreciated him for the kind of man he is inside. To that woman whom he tried to pleasure as best he could given the equipment he was born with, but she felt he still wasn’t good enough for her.” Her throat tightened up with unshed tears. Shrugging off the woman’s hold, she snatched up the plate and turned to leave. She only got as far at the door.

4. He made her wait until he took a sip of his iced tea, then bent over the table to answer. “I don’t understand exactly what they did, or how it worked. I’m not a doctor. Was it painful? No. Not really. And to answer your question about how long it is when it’s fully erect…” This time he graced her with a big smile. “You’ll have to find that out on your own.”

5.  Biting her lower lip, she padded barefoot into the kitchen on her way to the woman’s bedroom. Flipping on the overhead light, she caught sight of a sheet of lined notebook paper attached to the front of the old baby blue Frigidaire icebox. Seeing the piece of paper clipped there with a magnet only meant one thing. The fridge was where her abuela only put important messages, unlike the coupons and photos she attached to her own fridge at home. Something told her to go over to check it out. Obeying the inner voice, she went over and read the first line.

6.  Gus remained sitting in the exact same position where she’d left him. He eyed the bowl and paper but didn’t comment. Instead, he sat up a straighter and spread his legs. Syan sat on the floor in front of him, laying the objects next to her. “Okay. We’re going to give this a try, but I’m not promising anything.”

Buy links.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Come Join Us at All Aboard the Book Fest!

Come join me on Facebook today and tomorrow as I and several fantasy, paranormal, and sci-fi authors promote our books, have fun, play games, and give away some fabulous prizes!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016



Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
A Humorous Erotic Urban Fantasy Romance
by Linda Mooney writing as Carolyn Gregg
Word Count: 13K
$1.99 e

Gus Balfour has lived with his “shortcomings” all his life. He’s been picked on, made fun of, and obviously had problems in the bedroom. But through the years, he’s learned other ways to please the ladies. Or so he thought. When his girlfriend leaves because he simply doesn’t have enough to give, he decides it’s time to take matters into his own hands…or well, maybe a surgeon’s.

After learning about the complications and exorbitant costs that that go along with the surgical enhancement, he thinks all hope is lost. But a name and number left by his housekeeper could change his life.

Syan isn’t the old, wrinkly witch he was expecting, but she quickly proves there’s no job too big, or too small, when you’ve got the magic touch. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Helen Henderson Returns as My Guest Author Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio

There be dragons! Come join us tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio. Helen Henderson returns as my guest author to read from her latest release, Hatchling's Vengeance, Book 4 of The Dragshi Chronicles.

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct

 * * *
Glyn, former bodyguard and companion to a dragon lord, is now Lady Glynnes Janaleigh, a dragon lord in her own right. And she has found her intended mate. But, finding him is only half the battle. Keeping him alive is the other when duty has other demands and Fate holds all the cards. On one card is written -- A mating flight doesn’t always include the one you want.

The cult leader, the Parant, means to have revenge against those who can take on dragon form. No matter how long it takes or how many innocents die, he will kill all dragon shifters. Saving your kind—or yourself—requires more than the power of a dragon soul twin. Not even dragon fire and talons are enough to overcome the mind control wielded by the one called—the Parant. Your only hope lies in the fact that vengeance has two paths. One is death—the other is love.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Come Celebrate in BookRhythm's October Howl-o-ween Boooktacular!

There is going to be a great number of giveaways! You don't want to miss out!  Go here to join in the fun!

And don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter! (Link here.)

Monday, October 10, 2016

It's a New Release and Giveaway Tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio - MIRACLE Above All

Demons vs Angels!

It's a new release and giveaway tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio!

Come listen as I read an excerpt from my paranormal/supernatural romance, MIRACLE Above All, Book 1 of the Miracle Trilogy.

And one lucky listener will win a copy!
Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct

* * *

Above All,
Book 1
Paranormal/Supernatural/Contemporary Fantasy Romance
Word Count:  41.3K

$2.99 e / $9.99 p

I died and was resurrected, and I don’t know why. 

My name is Casi Clarity. I was 26 years old when I died in 1969. Then I woke up in the 21st century—whole, sane, and unblemished. And at the same age I was when I died.

What's more, when I came back, I brought a friend with me. His name is Coheed. He's a corporeal spirit, and he is also my protector. Against what, you ask? Well, it seems that ever since my return, I've been chased by ghosts. Demons. Ancient evil. Monsters. You name it.

Why are they after me? Because they want to know my secret. They want to wreak havoc on mankind and bring about our ultimate destruction, and the only way they can accomplish that is by being fleshy beings again. To inhabit as many bodies as they can to cause untold horror. They are determined to discover how I returned from the dead, even if it means trapping me, torturing me, and ultimately killing me again to see if I'm resurrected a second time.

My name is Casi.

The undead call me Mouse.

Coheed calls me Miracle.

Warning! Contains a houseboat, explosions, a rain of ashes, invisibility, sanctuary, a forbidden testament, and a love that was prophesied thousands of years ago.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Oh, To Be a Cat

Snap Chatting Your Cat


All together now!

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Power of Nature

Slope Point, the southernmost tip on New Zealand’s south island, is hit with such persistently violent southern antarctic winds that trees grow in the leeward direction.


Thursday, October 6, 2016