
Monday, July 18, 2016

It's a New Release and Giveaway! NEVERWYLDE, The Rim of the World, Book 4

It's a new release and giveaway tonight on "Other Worlds of Romance" on Blog Talk Radio!

Come listen as I read from Neverwylde, The Rim of the World, Book 4, a sensuous sci-fi romance.

One lucky listener will win a copy!

Show time is 11 pm et/ 10 pm ct
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On a half-world filled with danger and deception, the only thing keeping them sane and safe was their love.

They were no longer Terran and Seenecian. They were brothers-in-arms, fighting against a common foe.

With all new obstacles to face—a new climate, new enemies, and new personal issues for Kelen—the crew has their work cut out for them in this new territory. Already beaten down and broken, their food and water rations dwindling, and constant, non-stop attacks, it’s only a matter of time before they’re defeated.

On Neverwylde, you must learn to adapt. Protect those you love. But most importantly, be careful who, or what, you trust. 

Warning! Contains ice quakes, meat eaters, purple rooms, death, glowing stones, truth in advertising, dwindling supplies, and a catastrophe and separation that could end in disaster.

Excerpt and buy links.

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